2009-06-04 jprocterscript goes at beginning of body to allow linkthrus...
2009-06-02 jprocterupdate minor version of release branch
2009-06-01 jproctergraduated feature colour documentation
2009-06-01 jprocterGA appender script
2009-06-01 jproctergoogle tracking for index document
2009-06-01 jproctermore graduated feature support
2009-06-01 jprocterproperly export graduated colour features
2009-06-01 jprocterprototype function for relabelling treenodes with diffe...
2009-06-01 jprocterbetter tooltip placement in alignment window
2009-06-01 jprocteradded graduated colourscheme support for feature file
2009-06-01 jprocterbetter decoupling of data loading routines for AJAX
2009-06-01 jprocterfirst experiment with GA application use tracking
2009-06-01 jprocterlook in database references for more ID strings to...
2009-06-01 jprocterapply method for a NodeTransform to nodes in a tree
2009-06-01 jprocterjavadoc
2009-06-01 jprocteronly make a link menu when there are links
2009-06-01 jproctermaxcolour is default colour for no-score features
2009-04-14 jprocterbugfix autobuild of release branch
2009-04-14 jprocterbugfix autobuild of release branch
2009-04-14 jprocterpatch to fix occasional arrayoutofbounds exception...
2009-04-07 jprocterdocumented fix to sequencefetcher for multiple ID retrieval
2009-04-04 jprocterrejigged jmol check thread to run prior to data loading...
2009-04-04 jprocterrejigged jmol check thread to run prior to data loading...
2009-03-31 jprocternote on new popup menu in feature settings dialog
2009-03-31 jprocteradded feature gradient colours and sortby feature score...
2009-03-31 jprocterprototype for store/restore of feature colour gradient...
2009-03-31 jproctertodo
2009-03-17 jprocterallow configuration of graduated colour
2009-03-17 jprocterquantitative shading of features by GraduatedColor
2009-03-17 jprocterprototype dialog for setting feature display shading...
2009-03-17 jprocterholds shading and range parameters rendering a feature...
2009-03-17 jproctersortbytree view setting and action added - setting...
2009-03-17 jproctersortbytree/nosortbytree and defprop arguments. (defprop...
2009-03-17 jprocternew sortbytree default config property
2009-03-17 jproctersortbytree parameter added and undo re-instated for...
2009-03-17 jprocterfixes launchApp bug where user defined colourscheme...
2009-02-24 jprocterbetter tooltip display and placement, cope with linkOnl...
2009-02-24 jprocterdebugging selection message send/receive
2009-02-24 jprocteronly display unique url links (both in label and in...
2009-02-24 jprocterbugfix for occasional nullpointer exceptions when selec...
2009-02-24 jprocterchange method signature to allow caller to test if...
2009-02-24 jprocterbugfix the bugfix
2009-02-24 jprocterallow label to be set independently of parsed input...
2009-02-24 jprocterbug fixes (infinite loop when fetcher given same sequen...
2009-02-06 jprocterupdated jalview reference
2009-02-06 jprocterupdated binding
2009-02-06 jprocterfix occasional nullpointer ref when seq ID retrieval...
2009-02-06 jproctershowUnconserved and updated reference
2009-02-06 jproctershowunconserved preference
2009-02-06 jproctershowUnconserved group attribute
2009-02-06 jproctershowUnconserved IO
2009-02-06 jproctershowUnconserved view and group setting
2009-02-06 jproctershow unconserved gui and annotation file attribute
2009-02-06 jprocteradded showUnconserved property to group and view attributes
2009-01-09 jprocterhack to completely disable calculation of consensus...
2009-01-09 jprocterbugfix
2009-01-08 jprocterfix broken parsing of non-positional features in GFF...
2009-01-08 jprocterstructure ids are not IDs, but simply references
2009-01-08 jprocterrefactor
2009-01-07 jprocteradded links to the das settings help, and explanation...
2009-01-07 jprocterensure that the DAS sequence source checkbox is checked...
2009-01-07 jproctercheck for features on the retrieved sequences
2009-01-07 jprocterrefactor
2009-01-07 jprocteradded higher level method to enable the display of...
2008-12-19 jprocterjustify cannot be undone - commented out menu items...
2008-12-19 jprocterexperimental: sort by feature UI in feature settings...
2008-12-19 jprocternew sort by length method, justify edit menu entries...
2008-12-19 jproctercatch null pointer exception when no colourscheme is...
2008-12-19 jproctersimple transformation of feature types like dbref and...
2008-12-19 jproctertodo
2008-12-19 jprocterwsdbfetch parameter change again (uniprotkb is dbname...
2008-12-19 jprocteravoid null pointer exception when no features visible
2008-12-19 jprocteravoid null pointer exception when groupName is not set
2008-12-19 jprocterleft and right justify method
2008-12-19 jproctersort by length
2008-12-15 jprocteradded (and enabled) switch to store gff source string...
2008-12-15 jproctertemporary fix and note about null feature group mucking...
2008-12-15 jprocterwarning for failed parsing of newick strings
2008-12-15 jprocternew callback handler allowing threads that request...
2008-12-15 jprocterstructureState element to structure view Id is a many...
2008-12-08 jprocterDAS feature scores are parsed into floats on sequence...
2008-12-08 jprocteroutput average score to stdout
2008-12-08 jprocterdisplay feature score in tooltip
2008-12-08 jprocterorder by feature documentation
2008-12-08 jprocterexperimental buttons for sort on score/density and...
2008-12-08 jprocternew sort functions for ordering sequence by annotated...
2008-12-05 jprocteradded location of menu option and keystroke
2008-12-05 jproctersupport for multiple accession retrieval from a databas...
2008-12-04 jprocteradded local das sequence source CLI and documentation
2008-12-04 jprocterfetch database references for all EBI db + selected...
2008-12-04 jproctersequence fetchers generated for local das sequence...
2008-12-04 jprocterdas source browser uses local source method from jalvie...
2008-12-04 jprocterallow sequence source to be specified as sequence:mydas...
2008-12-04 jprocterlocal das source properties string constants and routin...
2008-12-04 jprocterproperly catch exceptions from querying server with...
2008-12-04 jprocterminimise exceptions for bad uniprot ids
2008-12-04 jprocterselect source by implementation class
2008-12-04 jprocterfix null pointer exception for sources which don't...
2008-12-04 jprocterclarity of tree menu calculation widget name
2008-12-01 jproctermatch case switch should work for both sequence ID...