2010-08-18 jprocterrefactor to abstract jmol/jalview binding and applet...
2010-08-18 jproctercode design comment
2010-08-18 jprocter1.5 annotation fix and thread safe menu update
2010-08-18 jprocterrefactor to jalview.api methods
2010-08-18 jprocter1.5 annotation fix
2010-08-18 jproctercolour menu items are in same radiobutton group
2010-08-18 jproctercutn'paste fix so rna residue chains are assembled...
2010-08-13 jprocterimproved parameter set store/save/rename logic and...
2010-08-11 jprocterjaba ws client revision 2680
2010-08-11 jprocterreverted dodgy test code
2010-08-11 jprocterimproved dialog layout and flow and fixed switching...
2010-08-11 jprocterask user if they want to run the JabaWS tester on new...
2010-08-06 jprocterrender jnlp artefacts for 1G and 2G machines (jalview_1...
2010-08-06 jprocterinteractive/batch mode test for groovy scripting (See...
2010-08-04 jprocterensure that both null and undefined colourscheme names...
2010-08-04 jprocterreorganised colourscheme enumeration to make it easier...
2010-08-02 jprocterjabaws is the new jaba!
2010-07-21 jprocterjaba!=jws2
2010-07-21 jprocterURLs that begin with javascript: are opened in the...
2010-07-20 jprocterless ambiguous feature style description
2010-07-20 jprocterremoved 'method notes' comment in job output.
2010-07-20 jprocterupdate to Jaba_r1 minimal client distribution, and...
2010-07-11 jprocterwrong config string
2010-07-11 jprocterjaba on classpath
2010-07-11 jprocterno tooltip and cleaner parameter layout
2010-07-11 jprocterdivide services by host within the menu
2010-07-11 jprocterjaba is the new name.
2010-07-01 jprocterdefault public service URL
2010-06-29 jprocterjmol 12 patch - ensure we replace the correct filename...
2010-06-29 jprocterupgrading structure/sequence binding so that a structur...
2010-06-29 jprocternew ajax api methods for linking existing jmol viewers...
2010-06-29 jprocterinterfaces implemented by jalview renderers
2010-06-29 jprocterproxy interface for structure viewers that jalview...
2010-06-29 jprocternew abstract proxy for use by applet and application
2010-06-29 jprocterupgrade to InstallAnywhere 2010 and ensure minimum...
2010-06-29 jprocterpatch for npe that occurs for importing Jalview project...
2010-06-29 jproctertypo bugfix
2010-06-29 jproctercatch OOM earlier * JAL-595
2010-06-28 jprocterdrop down selection of different parameter sets
2010-06-27 jprocteredit jws2 job parameters before running job
2010-06-22 jprocterprototype - implementation in progress JAL-591
2010-06-21 jprocterset program name to service type (see related issues...
2010-06-21 jprocterorganisation by host and service type
2010-06-21 jproctergeneric action text method
2010-06-21 jprocterensure service menu is rebuilt after update listeners...
2010-06-19 jprocter2.6 docs
2010-06-19 jprocternew web services preference tab (JAL-589)
2010-06-19 jprocterrejigged change support to make it (more) reliable
2010-06-18 jprocternew jmol/pdb relates api calls
2010-06-17 jprocteradded new jmol to install manifest
2010-06-17 jprocterupdate jmol jar version for applet
2010-06-17 jprocterremove source annotations
2010-06-17 jprocterupdate to Jmol series 12 (JAL-582)
2010-06-15 jprocterNPE in hashtable constructor
2010-06-15 jprocterupdate latest version
2010-06-14 jprocterstop multiple dialogs appearing one after another ...
2010-06-14 jprocteradd patch for JAL-572 to release history
2010-06-14 jprocterpatch for JAL-572
2010-06-14 jprocteradded min-jws2 jar to classpath
2010-06-14 jprocterJGoogleAnalytics on classpath.
2010-06-12 jprocterdocumented the -colour command line argument.
2010-06-11 jprocterstockholm added as readable format (Lauren Lui commit)
2010-06-11 jprocterensure enfin service is started in background when...
2010-06-11 jprocterjalview 2.5.1 release notes
2010-06-11 jprocterpatch for JAL-556 - more robust mapping of sequence...
2010-06-11 jprocterpatch for JAL-556
2010-06-11 jprocterpatched for JAL-531 - only display full symbol distribu...
2010-06-09 jprocterpatch for JAL-545 - make deep copy of feature settings
2010-06-09 jprocterpatch for JAL-555
2010-06-09 jprocterpaste menu display on OSX Leopard * JAL-557
2010-06-09 jprocterOSX look and feel JAL-577
2010-06-08 jprocterfollowSelections flag now set via user preferences...
2010-06-08 jprocterbetter test for when to update column selection when...
2010-06-08 jproctertrim hidden regions outside selection when copying...
2010-06-08 jprocterPatch for incorrect column selection when hidden region...
2010-06-06 jprocterpatch for JAL-542
2010-06-06 jprocterFix for * JAL-541
2010-06-04 jprocterresolution for * JAL-553
2010-06-04 jprocterupdate group annotation for new treegroups (JAL-552)
2010-06-04 jproctercorrect popup menu, ensure panel doesn't disappear...
2010-06-04 jprocterfirst patch for JAL-563 - attempt to relayout annotatio...
2010-06-04 jprocterensure panel doesn't disappear when empty (patches...
2010-06-04 jprocterpatches for JAL-554 and JAL-570
2010-06-04 jprocterfocus is explicitly handed back to caller (JAL-566)
2010-06-04 jprocterfocus is explicitly handed back to caller (JAL-566)
2010-06-03 jproctertypo (ahem)
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch ensuring annotation is output correctly re *...
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch and error reports re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterjavadoc re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterfix and warning message in case the JWS2 jar is not...
2010-06-01 jprocterpatches for # JAL-254 and JAL-548
2010-05-21 jproctermore robust discovery and preset support
2010-05-21 jprocterpreset and argument support
2010-05-21 jproctercomment about trapping OOMs
2010-05-21 jproctercommented out debug code
2010-05-21 jprocterquick workaround for JAL-537.
2010-05-17 jprocterstatus can be null to begin with
2010-05-17 jprocterpullJobExecutionStats for JAL-493
2010-05-17 jprocterminor fix for * JAL-537