2006-03-16 amwaterhouseTooltip for hidden columns
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseHidden column adjustments
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseScrolls when editing
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseGethidden sequences
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseHiddenSequence methods
2006-03-16 amwaterhousegetHiddenSequences
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseKeeps a record of hidden sequences
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseAllow loading from Zip files
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseLoad tree
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseCandP takes AlignFrame, not applet
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseFastpaint updates
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseCheck endres when drawing graphs
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseCut and paste may be inserted into Dialog frame
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseFastest implementation so far
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseExtra argument false
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseScroll implemented for applet editing
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseSelection Group rendering updated
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseReduced arguments for speed
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseCan be used for user features
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseAdd new feature from seqrch results
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseFeature rendering in groups
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseOut of bounds check
2006-03-16 jprocteradded description of alignment quality scores and separated
2006-03-14 jproctermethods for searching DBRef lists
2006-03-13 jprocterfixes bug 0013013 but reveals lack of a 'features retri...
2006-03-13 jprocterbug fix for 0013013
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseSequences can have a description
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseFeatures may belong to a feature group
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseIdentifyFile should not be static
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseCan read from zip file
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseBlank space is white
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseReveal All added
2006-03-08 amwaterhouse<= fastPaints hidden columns
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseCheck for visibleGroup==null
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseIdentfyFile should not be static
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseRevealAllHiddenColumns
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseAllow for hidden columns
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseAble to read resources from Zip file
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseBlank space is white
2006-03-08 amwaterhousePASTE is constant in AppletFormatAdapter
2006-03-08 amwaterhousePack resources in Zip file
2006-03-01 jprocterfixed after refactoring of SequenceFeature[] seq.getSeq...
2006-03-01 jprocterpropagate SearchResult object use to MCView's highlight...
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseP1 changed to N1
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseAdd Annotation to specific sequence
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseCannot delete residues
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures now array
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseKeeps original threshold value
2006-02-24 amwaterhousesetShowSequenceFeatures
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFirst attempt at hidden regions
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseLess args, faster rendering
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures now an array
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFirst attempt to install hidden regions
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseUse add seq feature instead of replacing existing features
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures added
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures now array for speed of rendering
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseUse add feature instead of replacing existing values
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures now array
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseUse annotation colour for graph
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseMake variable public for speed of rendering
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures are now an array, not vector
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseTypo
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseRecord of featuresDisplayed
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseInform user of groups error parsing
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseDrawpanel needs fewer args
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeature text mouse over modified
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseIf overview, residues are gray
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseFeatures are an array, rendering is faster
2006-02-16 amwaterhousetranslate cDNA adjusted
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseDont colour gaps
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseRead startgroup and endgroup in features file
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseIncorporated threshold slider
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseSliderPanel removed
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseFeatureGroups added
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseShowSeqFeatures selected
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseSave featureGroup
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseUse featureGroups from featureRenderer
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseNo longer used for annotation gradient
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseFetch Sequence Features menu added
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseUse original colour scheme as base for annotation colouring
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseAllows saving of sequence description
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseTypo
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseDont use FeatureFetcher if nucleotide
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseThreshold single element
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseAdd new Feature
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseSet as feature, not new group
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseSaves and loads sequence description
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseKeeps up to date with featureRenderer
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseThreshold is single element
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseif shift down bug fixed
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseNo more supergroup, set Sequence name / Description
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseNew FEature replaces new group
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseThreshold is a single element
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseSetThreshold replaces addGraphLine
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseFeatureGroups added
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseRemoved SuperGroup
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseSave sequence description in VAMSAS sequence
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseCheck description and status are not null in mouse...
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseKeeps up to date with features
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseFeature replaces new superGroup