2006-08-11 amwaterhousepopup must be added to panel before showing
2006-08-11 amwaterhouseparam tree replaces treeFile
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhouse2.1 updates
2006-08-11 amwaterhousenew files
2006-08-11 amwaterhousedud file
2006-08-11 amwaterhouseDesktop is null if -noDisplay is set
2006-08-11 amwaterhouseMake a new FeatureRenderer
2006-08-11 amwaterhouseAlignPanel.repaint
2006-08-11 amwaterhousePrintstacktrace
2006-08-11 amwaterhouseinFile might be null if PDB was pasted
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseSmoother drawing
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseCheck selection size before making tree
2006-08-10 amwaterhousegroup.getSize should be ab.alignment.getGroups
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseCheck alAndColSel are not null
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseControl and shift for col selection
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseReset button added
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseRight mouse works with cursor mode
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseOnly add 1 feature settings table
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseComment out start and end refs
2006-08-10 amwaterhouse1.1 compatible
2006-08-10 amwaterhousefile: is a URL
2006-08-10 amwaterhouseInvert column selection
2006-08-09 jprocternew SequenceI method for making a sub sequence from...
2006-08-09 jprocteralignment from seqCigars will correctly mark deleted...
2006-08-09 jprocterrefactored hidden regions methods and made an Alignment...
2006-08-09 jprocterfixed multiple shifts bug.
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseMust save all the feature settings
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseCheck if groups have already been added or not
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseFix for local sources with no capabilities
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseIcon drawing updated
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseNull hidden cols check
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseNo need to re repaint
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseHeight and info message
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseTransparency
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseEndres check for wrap alignment
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseSet the start res and start seq
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseCopy hidden cols to new alignment
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseMake sure link menu is displayed
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseSave links and scores and keyValues for features
2006-08-09 amwaterhouseKeyValue pairs for features
2006-08-08 amwaterhouseInput Data...
2006-08-08 amwaterhouseCapitals
2006-08-08 amwaterhouseOut by 1 error on show columns
2006-08-08 amwaterhouseApplet has hidden regions
2006-08-08 jprocterremoved extraneous classes.
2006-08-08 jprocterlocally modified biojava-dasobert package is now org...
2006-08-07 amwaterhouseUse idCanvas highlight system
2006-08-07 amwaterhouse1.1 compatible
2006-08-07 amwaterhouseUse idCanvas highlight system
2006-08-07 amwaterhouse1.1 compatible
2006-08-07 amwaterhouseSet wrapped mode even if false
2006-08-07 amwaterhousecatch out of memory error for consensus when loading...
2006-08-07 jprocteradded commented out seqStrings comment.
2006-08-04 jprocterrecover original data for tree and pca as alignment...
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseShow reveal all menu
2006-07-28 amwaterhousefindSeq in SeqPanel is used
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseResize image if id width changes
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseNo need for count
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseResize inactive when mouse exited and no dragEvent
2006-07-28 amwaterhousegetIndex replaced with findSeq in seqPanel
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseScrolling fixed and selection in wrapped mode updated
2006-07-28 amwaterhousegetIndex replaced by findSeq in Seqpanel
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseOut by one error on reveal columns
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseCheck height of featurePanel, not this for mousepresses
2006-07-28 amwaterhouse1.1 compatible
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseApplet doesnt have hidden columns
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseDont set all feature descriptions on status bar
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseDont draw all the panel if just a mouse movement
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseIf colour hasnt been created, make a new one
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseAdd transparency
2006-07-28 amwaterhouseoutput source in gff file
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseSend gapChar to print original Data
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseRemove immediate call to repaint when deleting
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseseq size cant be less than 2 for tree
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseSends gapChar to seqData
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseremove unnecessary constructor
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary imports
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseReset das_registry_url if null or empty
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseDont set pdb file if it doenst exist
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseNOR the <pre> tabs
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseUse DBRefSource.PDB
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseSave PDB file to disk
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseReadline instead of bit by bit
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseCant have col less than 0
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseSave ref to pdb file
2006-07-27 amwaterhouseReadded
2006-07-26 jprocteraccidental commit of a build
2006-07-26 amwaterhousePDB file MUST have an id
2006-07-26 amwaterhousenot used
2006-07-26 amwaterhouseLoad and save PDB files