2006-06-15 amwaterhouseCorrect citation
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseUnnecessary import
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseFeatureRenderer synchronized featuresAdded method
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseMaintain status and position only for uniprot parsing
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseFileloading progressbar
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseStatus is now in otherData of feature
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseSequence checks for duplicate features
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseparseAppletParam
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseparseAppletParameter
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRetrieve multiple EMBL ids
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseSize adjustments for MacOSX
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary lines
2006-06-09 amwaterhousecreateColourFromName if not specified
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseExport annotations as Jalview format
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseFeature and annotation parsing moved to io
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseotherDetails
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRemove getsfarray
2006-06-09 amwaterhousegetSequencesArray
2006-06-09 amwaterhousesetAcceptAllFileFilter fixes bug on MacOSX
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseExport features / annotations
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseSave text to file
2006-06-09 amwaterhousecreateColourFromName
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseFunction not used
2006-06-09 amwaterhousereadAnnotationFile
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseparseFeaturesFile
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseAnnotation/feature exporter
2006-06-08 jprocterIntroduced DbRefEntry to DasSourceCoordinateSystem...
2006-06-08 jprocterDBRefEntry.source enum type
2006-06-08 jprocterbugfixed and podded.
2006-06-08 jproctersimplest conversion of gff to jalview annotation format...
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseNew link image
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseWrap alignment added to preferences
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseChecks in case DasSource is null
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseSmaller file size
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseNew link image
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseDAS client libraries
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary ints
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseDAS sources added
2006-06-07 amwaterhousePopupMenu displays URL links
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseignore begin==0 and end==0 for the moment
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseCreate random colour only if Colour is not specified
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseImplements FeatureListener
2006-06-07 amwaterhousenew DasSequenceFetcher
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseDAS Settings tab added
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseUse a label with html instead of textarea
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseRemove position, add score and links
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseParameter to show feature settings
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseTooltips for features, links for features added
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseNEW FILES
2006-06-07 jprocterbroken link typo. (SEVENtwentyfour alert)
2006-05-18 jprocteradded future method comment
2006-05-17 jprocteradded the jnetfile parameter to specify a JNet concise...
2006-05-17 jprocteradded unofficial support for concise output parsing...
2006-05-17 jprocterrefactored code for creating JNet annotations
2006-05-17 jprocterRefactored code for creating annotation objects from...
2006-05-17 amwaterhouseRestrict annotation panel to 50% window on load
2006-05-16 amwaterhousegraphColour, graphGroup, more relaxed annotation requir...
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseSave annotation colours, hideConsevation etc, graphGroups
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseSwitch off dashedline after drawing groups
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRemove unwanted line
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseAllow for scroller position
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRearrange annotations
2006-05-16 jprocteradded popup warning when proxy settings must be configured.
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseMonospaced font not allowed if charWidth stretched
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseBrackets around orgin calculation
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseAll or nothing drawing display char
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseEPS font width is a double, check this for monospacedFont
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseIf headless, get the width of Jalview wrapped window...
2006-05-12 jprocterrearranged discoverer to dynamically update on demand
2006-05-12 amwaterhousereturns to zero degrees when stopped
2006-05-12 amwaterhousepass viewport to fileloader, as we need to fireproperty...
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseSlight mod url chooser for Mac users
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseRemove commented line
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseSlightly smaller recent panel
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseMaintain numbering if remove left is undone
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseTypo
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseInvert selection
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseRecently loaded files, urls, append sequences to Alignment
2006-05-10 amwaterhousesequenceRef added to annotation
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseCorrection for sequences with start not equal to 1
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseCopy and paste of annotations with seqrefs
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseimplements ClipboardOwner
2006-05-10 amwaterhousesaves and loads annotations with seqrefs
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseDraw an offscreen Image
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseAnnotations must createSequenceMapping if seqRef not...
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseCreate sequence mapping for annotations
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseaddAnnotation with seqRef
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseChanges case to end of alignment
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseremove import
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseSave seqref with annotations
2006-05-02 amwaterhousespelling err
2006-05-02 amwaterhouse2.08.1
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseMake nullFrame only once
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary panel, also nullFrame created only...
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseMiddle mouse to compress alignment
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseCheck that fontsize > 0
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseToggle Case added
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseToggle case added to popup menu
2006-05-01 amwaterhouseRemove edit menu if no group defined