2006-07-21 amwaterhouseShow hide cols and rows
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseHide Selected Cols
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseDBRefs now array
2006-07-21 amwaterhousegetFullAlignment
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseRemove note
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseDBRef is an array, not vector
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseDBRefs and HiddenRegions saved
2006-07-21 jprocterIgnore list created
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseLoad tree from file constructor fixed
2006-07-20 jprocterannotation label font size change in applet.
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseMake new seq[] when modifying hidden bits
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseRemove b keystroke
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseshowTranslation is not a checkbox
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseMerge new frame buttons added
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseOutput to text window added
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCorrect highlighted res height
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseSave output use whole alignment
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseOriginal tree data output in PFAM format
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCount uniprot refs
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseHighlight hidden columns after revealing
2006-07-19 amwaterhousedatasetSeq bug
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCheck for all gapped seqs
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseUse Selection group to define sequence range to fetch...
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCopy works with selection area
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseModified for hidden region/group calculation
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseUse selection area with hidden columns in calculations
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseomitHiddenColumns
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseButton to view original data
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseTakes strings, not seqs
2006-07-18 amwaterhousegetSelectionAsNewSequence added
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseTakes a string, not sequence
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseWorks on strings, not seqs
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseTakes string[] instead of seq[]
2006-07-18 jprocteruse of GapChars
2006-07-17 amwaterhouseTowards an auto dbref fetcher
2006-07-17 amwaterhouseDasobert updates, labels and prefix changes
2006-07-14 amwaterhouseJust fetch features for selected seqs
2006-07-13 amwaterhouseDAS feature retrieval updated
2006-07-13 amwaterhouseSelected DAS sources may differ from default
2006-07-13 amwaterhouseSequence is private
2006-07-12 amwaterhouseLaunch full app parameter takes servlet URL
2006-07-12 amwaterhouseDas source browser
2006-07-12 amwaterhouseAuthority, type and labels
2006-07-12 amwaterhousesequences are private in SequenceGroup
2006-07-12 amwaterhouseAppend start and end
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseDont discard label if different to H or E
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseRedundant Remove Redundancy Removed
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseSequence numbering maintained
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseChangeable background colour
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseMake sure bond has a colour
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseMake sure atom has a colour
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseHighlight sequences before seleting
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseCorrected for hidden rows
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseRow might have height of zero
2006-07-07 amwaterhousecheck control down if c pressed in cursor mode
2006-07-07 amwaterhousechangeColour is public
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseComs might be null
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseNew panel layouts
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseOffsets
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseOptimised PID method
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseMake 1.1 compatible
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseMove position of stopLoading for 1.5 people
2006-07-07 amwaterhousemake 1.1 compatible
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseDont write graph type twice
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseChecks on drawing characters and if sequence ref has...
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseColour argument added, to mirror applet view
2006-07-07 amwaterhousePrepare for launchFullApplication
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseHighlight sequences to be deleted before deleting,...
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseCheck row.annotations is not null
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseSelectionGroup is initially null
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseReplaced by AnnotationFile
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseUniprot may have several accession ids
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseParse HTML links from jalview features file
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseDBRefFetcher replaces SequenceFeatureFetcher
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseCheck if featuresDisplayed is null
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseCase wrapped jar file, wrapped preference true dealt...
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseNo need for repaint
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseUses FeaturesFile parser, GFF and Jalview
2006-06-23 amwaterhouse++ --
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseCheck featureLinks is not null
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseParseFeaturesFile takes protocol as arg
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseTakes AlignFrame as arg, to update progressbar
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseAlignFrame is now the FeatureListener
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseFetch DBRefs
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseYe olde SequenceFeatureFetcher
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseRenamed to DBRefFetcher
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseNot used in Jalview
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseUse spice-3d das1 source list for nowjalview/gui/DasSou...
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseFixed to trial registry at the moment
2006-06-15 amwaterhousenew files
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseNot using AxisDasRegistry
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseNot needed
2006-06-15 amwaterhousecheck helperUrl is not null
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseDas client files
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseCorrection - use start and end
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseDont add start and end for the moment
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseWrap alignment moved to alignFrame
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseNon positional features shown as mouse over
2006-06-15 amwaterhousefr.findAllFeatures on init
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseCorrect citation