2005-01-21 amwaterhouseNucleotide colours added
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseNew colourScheme
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseCreate group from search added
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseDelete groups added, nucleotide color added
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseForegroundColor is darker.darker.darker
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseif stretchGroup is null, set avRubberbandGroup new...
2005-01-21 amwaterhouse<= y2 is now < y2
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseCommented out code removed
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseFill rect white
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseCheck if graphics is null in labelSize
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseFalse changed to true
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseSuperGroup added
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseSystem.out removed
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseSuperGroups added
2005-01-17 amwaterhousenew images
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseClustal align DNA spinner added
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseFix overviewPanel bugs
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseRefreshPanels after a colour change
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseDont use addToDesktop for splashscreen
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseClustalX added to ColourProperties
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseSetSecondaryPanel
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseSetSecondaryPanel visible
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseWorks out exisiting colur of a group
2005-01-17 amwaterhouseNew class
2005-01-15 jprocterJBuilder Project file update
2005-01-15 jprocterJemboss(emboss 2.9.0) classes to provide client functio...
2005-01-15 jprocterfirst jemboss clustalw client for jalview.
2005-01-15 jproctersupport for jemboss server interaction.
2005-01-15 jprocterbugfix for writing fasta file without gap characters.
2005-01-15 jprocterImplemented clustal alignment via jemboss.
2005-01-14 amwaterhouseSpaces
2005-01-14 amwaterhouseVarious color bugs sorted out
2005-01-14 amwaterhouseDispalys rule along top of output
2005-01-14 amwaterhouseHscrollbar is shortened
2005-01-14 amwaterhouseReturn color.white if a gap char is detected
2005-01-13 amwaterhousegetValue method added
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseMaintain PID or conservation status when changing colour
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseSequenceGroup is now an array
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseSend array of groups to renderer
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseInitial selection bug fixed
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseFindAllGroups added
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseScrollbar at bottom of screen
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseGetResidueBoxColour altered for faster rendering
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseRenderer already has graphics context
2005-01-13 amwaterhousegetResidueBoxColour has been removed for faster rendering
2005-01-13 amwaterhouseIgnores gaps when searching
2005-01-12 jprocterrandom change 3
2005-01-12 jprocteranother dummy.
2005-01-12 amwaterhouseGroup editing is done by control and alt key down
2005-01-12 amwaterhouseregular expression added
2005-01-12 amwaterhousedelete gaps bug fixed
2005-01-12 amwaterhousemust append file:/// at beginning of file launch
2005-01-12 jprocterirrelevant comment.
2005-01-10 amwaterhouseDisplays number of matches found in search
2004-12-17 amwaterhousejalview URL updated and authors in about file
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseMac osX doesnt like isControlDown, use alt instead
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseAll optionpane messages must be added to Desktop.desktop
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseIf screensize is small, setSize to be the screenSize
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseDoesn't draw the white box at the end of a line
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseFixed bug in editing by group
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseHide apply and undo buttons
2004-12-17 amwaterhouseUse the isGap method in utils
2004-12-16 amwaterhouseOutput new alignment bug fixed
2004-12-16 amwaterhouseilen and jlen no longer +1
2004-12-16 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy implemented
2004-12-15 amwaterhousecolours are right, but not the conservation bit!!
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseno need to send sequence to determine residue colour
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseAdded for the moment, only used by ClustalxColourScheme
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseNo need to sened sequence to determine residue colour
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseisGap method implemented in utils, and optimized
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseisGap method implemented in utils
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseGSlider replaces GConservationIncrementPanel
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseno more group editing mode. clustal implemented
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseDisplays full id with the help of nowrap
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseNew class
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseColourScheme no longer requires sequence
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseEnd of GroupEditing, GroupDefiningMode!!!!!
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseRegister with paintrefresher
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseIf selection altered, update RubberbandGroup
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseAll colours added, also sequence menu added
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseRight mouse brings up Popupmenu
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseColourScheme findColour no longer needs sequence
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseIf selection altered, update Rubberband group also
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseREpainting after graph panel setVisible fixed
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseSliderPanel added, edit is by mouse click
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseRemoved, SliderPanel replaces this class
2004-12-15 amwaterhouseisGap method added to utils
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseDont try{}catch the findColour method, lets fix this now
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseHTML ouput is now identical to onscreen view
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseEnable PID menuitem
2004-12-14 amwaterhousePID Colour scheme now operational!
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseAdd Jims name!
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseGetcolours is not needed ????
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseScalepanel has new constructor
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseIncrement panel must call globalcolour or seqeuncegroup...
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseAllow userdefined colours for groups
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseCan now select groups using column selection
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseUserdefinedcolours works for groups as well
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseHastable is not used anywhere
2004-12-14 amwaterhouseNew class for defining groups and selections