2024-11-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3907 Remove no longer used SecurityManager. Will...
2024-11-27 Ben SoaresJAL-3907 increased max version of 11 and 17 to cover...
2024-11-27 Ben SoaresJAL-4492 JAL-3907 Added applet exclusions to gradle...
2024-11-27 Ben SoaresJAL-4500 Updated flatlaf jars
2024-11-27 Ben SoaresJAL-3135 Fixed remaining 'new *Type*()' -> '*Type*...
2024-11-22 Ben SoaresJAL-4492 Exclude applet classes for desktop build....
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-2275 JAL-3921 JAL-4077 release notes JAL-4090
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4077_jmolsaveloadwindows' into...
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 JAL-1551 formatting patch/JAL-4077_jmolsaveloadwindows
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 JAL-3921 TRACE level reporting of Jmol modelfi...
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-3921 escape and transform file paths for Jmol scrip...
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 JAL-3921 match up transformed windows filepath...
2024-11-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 translate between Java/windows and Jmol 14...
2024-11-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 additional trace output to help track down...
2024-11-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 JAL-3921 even more generous incremental backof...
2024-11-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4077 patched sessionSave(File ) command and test...
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4482 JAL-4490 release notes
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4482_gradle_task_linkCheck_fails...
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4490 JAL-4474 release notes (preemptive but hopeful...
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'JAL-4474_jalview.ps1_not_working' into...
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4490 release notes for JAL-4485 et al.
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'improvement/JAL-4485_not_finding_chimerax...
2024-11-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4490 bump version and release notes
2024-11-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4482 make the dummy whatsNew.html file HTML with... bug/JAL-4482_gradle_task_linkCheck_fails
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Tests for FileUtils.getMatchingVersionedFilesT... improvement/JAL-4485_not_finding_chimerax_on_managed_desktop
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Not using whitelist, just file glob and blacklist
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Better var name and using FileUtils method...
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Extracted the whitelist/blacklist fileglob...
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Fix the template path for Windows Chimera...
2024-11-06 Ben SoaresJAL-4487 Escape backslash file separators when looking...
2024-11-05 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Path fix for macOS Application*s*
2024-11-05 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Initially look for all installations of Chimer...
2024-11-01 Ben SoaresJAL-4485 Extra debugging for Chimera/X and PyMol launches
2024-11-01 Ben SoaresJAL-4474 Added -Force option to all Get-Item calls...
2024-10-29 James ProcterJAL-4473 JAL-4467 release notes
2024-10-29 James ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4467_getdownArchive_task_fails...
2024-10-28 James ProcterJAL-4473 release date 29th Oct 2024
2024-10-28 James ProcterJAL-4473 release notes for JAL-4380
2024-10-28 Ben SoaresJAL-4380 Improved annotation tooltips especially second...
2024-10-28 Ben SoaresJAL-4380 Added information to annotation tooltips when...
2024-10-25 James ProcterMerge branch 'patch/fix_JAL-4470_JAL-4471_for_2_11_4_1...
2024-10-04 Jim ProcterJAL-4473 whatsNew
2024-10-04 Jim ProcterJAL-4473 new jalview patch release
2024-10-04 Jim Procterfix for JAL-4471 - secondary structure similarity tree...
2024-10-04 Jim ProcterJAL-4470 fix: check for workers!=null before checking...
2024-09-20 Ben SoaresJAL-4467 Take account of presource and xresource in...
2024-09-18 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release notes typos
2024-09-18 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 bump release date to 18th September 2024
2024-09-18 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 fix up help TOC copypaste error
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 more documentation tweaks - getting Jen Flemin...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4428 CHANNEL=RELEASE has a different path...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 fix link case for linkcheck and window menu...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4159 pasimap viewer image for docs
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4090 known defect report for JAL-4349
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4414 JAL-1054 fix irrelevant failing network test...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-1054_broken_test' into develop
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 documentation for 4461
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 documentation for ss annotation row preference...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4442 quit racecondition patch
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'JAL-4442_cant_quit_jalview_on_windows_11...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release today!
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4392 show/hide group associated secondary...
2024-09-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'improvement/JAL-4461_select_format_from_e...
2024-09-16 Jim ProcterJAL-4392 JAL-4425 commented out code to allow consensus...
2024-09-16 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4392_hide_ssconsensus_if_no_dat...
2024-09-16 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4427_HTML_code_in_sequence_ID_tex...
2024-09-16 Jim ProcterJAL-4392 autohide the secondary structure consensus...
2024-09-16 Renia CorreyaJAL-4427 Added test cases and a minor correction
2024-09-16 Jim ProcterJAL-4392 don't show SS consensus for DNA alignments
2024-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Move SwingUtils to darrylbu.util.SwingUtils...
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release notes for JAL-4461 - nb need to docume...
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'improvement/JAL-4461_select_format_from_e...
2024-09-13 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Tests for JalviewFileChooser.defaultSaveFileFo...
2024-09-13 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Adding in a number of properties that control...
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 sign off JAL-4454 and convert markdown header...
2024-09-13 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Change JalviewFileFilter to use LinkedHashSet...
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4427_HTML_code_in_sequence_ID_tex...
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 sign off JAL-4427 JAL-4451 fix
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4427_HTML_code_in_sequence_ID_tex...
2024-09-12 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Added a dynamic tooltip to give more informati...
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4461 fix up formatting and remove old comment
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4461 after autodetection, update the filechooser...
2024-09-12 Ben SoaresJAL-4461 Change labelling of All-known-alignment-files...
2024-09-12 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 Don't display the All-known-alignment-files...
2024-09-12 Jim Procter JAL-4454 make sure is stripped - *for...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release notes for JAL-4460
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4460_alignment_save_as_format_not...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4454 make sure is stripped
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 In save as, set format from file extension...
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 Don't add .aln for an 'All known formats....
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 Update currentFileFormat /after/ new format...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4428,JAL-4421,JAL-3393 release notes
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4428_osx_codesigning_scripts...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 codesign jnilibs
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 informational output (possibly needs verbosity...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 giving another XXX
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 add some XXXX for mktemp -t
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 Fixes to -z's and mktemp
2024-09-10 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4428_osx_codesigning_scripts...
2024-09-10 Jim ProcterJAL-4454 allow channels to pick up most recent 'whatsNe...