2011-04-25 jprocterJAL-824 - ensure Jmol colouring is a radio button
2011-04-25 jprocterdocumentation for JAL-824 and JAL-621
2011-04-25 jprocterdocumentation for JAL-732
2011-04-25 jprocterhtmlfix
2011-04-22 jprocterformatting
2011-04-22 jprocterremoved useless flag (was always null for button press...
2011-04-22 jprocterJAL-823 and JAL-824 - seqColour no longer the default...
2011-04-22 jproctercomments re JAL-823 legacy issue
2011-04-22 jprocterclarify tooltip
2011-04-22 jproctermoved loadingFromArchive flag modification to after...
2011-04-22 jprocteroption for enabling Jmol colouring mode JAL-824
2011-04-21 jprocterJAL-641 patch
2011-04-21 jprocterpatch for JAL-733
2011-04-21 jprocterpatch for JAL-820 and JAL-821
2011-04-21 jprocterseparated alignment annotation height calculation from...
2011-04-21 jproctermoved to same place as in jalview.gui
2011-04-21 jproctersave and recover graph height, visibility and row posit...
2011-04-21 jprocterallow an alignment annotation row to be removed and...
2011-04-21 jprocterallow an existing alignment annotation row to be bound...
2011-04-21 jprocteradded graphHeight attribute to schema (JAL-784)
2011-04-19 jprocteravoid race condition when featureRenderer for structure...
2011-04-19 jprocterpatched XML parser to ensure it properly escapes non...
2011-04-08 jproctertodo
2011-04-08 jprocterimported properties via -props should never be overwritten
2011-04-08 jprocterallow groovy scripts to be run when in headless mode...
2011-04-07 jprocterallow groovy scripts to be run when in headless mode...
2011-04-07 jprocterallow groovy scripts to be run when in headless mode...
2011-04-07 jprocterresolves JAL-805
2011-04-07 jprocterresolves JAL-804
2011-02-28 jprocterexcess imports
2011-02-27 jprocterpatch for JAL-780
2011-02-27 jprocterpatch for occasional ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
2011-02-27 jprocterpatch for JAL-792
2011-02-27 jprocterfirst patch for JAL-774 - ensure end is a valid bound...
2011-02-25 jprocterfirst approximation for JAL-782 - hint that opaque...
2011-02-18 jprocterJAL-777/JAL-641 debugging
2011-02-18 jprocternew alignmentPanel api + JAL-777/JAL-641 debugging
2011-02-18 jprocterfix scrolltoposition behaviour and new alignmentPanel api
2011-02-18 jprocterfix scrolltoposition behaviour
2011-02-18 jprocterJAL-574
2011-02-18 jprocterconvenience method to discover all Jmols
2011-02-18 jprocterJAL-779 and some redraw refinements
2011-02-18 jprocterJAl-574
2011-02-18 jprocteravoid exceptions for orphaned windows
2011-02-18 jprocterbugfixing for JAL-778
2011-02-18 jprocternew multiple multiple view associations JAL-777
2011-02-18 jproctercall to release any explicit event handler references...
2011-02-18 jprocterdynamic alignmentPanel menu class
2011-02-18 jproctercall to release any explicit event handler references
2011-02-18 jprocterremoved explicit 'linkedAlignmentPanel' flag
2011-02-18 jprocterfix for occasional race conditions
2011-02-17 jprocterfixes JAL-778 - flag to indicate binding between an...
2011-02-17 jprocterprotype api
2011-02-17 jprocterclassCast exception - attempting to update registry...
2011-02-15 jprocterfix for JAL-776
2011-02-15 jprocterfixes JAL-775
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-769
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-564 (annotation panel height adjustment) and alignm...
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-621 (mouseover debugging) and JAL-564 (annotation...
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-621 and JAL-564
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-621 - also renamed list of javascript handlers
2011-02-14 jprocterrefactored annotation panel height calculation
2011-02-14 jprocterJAL-621 - also renamed list of javascript handlers
2011-02-14 jprocterjavadoc
2011-02-04 jprocterBalascz reported problems - jalview tries to write...
2011-02-04 jprocterJAL-761
2011-02-04 jprocter1.2ish awt methods
2011-02-04 jprocterjava 1.4.2 applet build
2011-02-04 jprocter1.2ish awt methods and excluding unused code
2011-02-04 jprocterdon't need to retrieve idwidthadjuster
2011-02-04 jprocterjavadoc
2011-02-04 jprocterpatch for JAL-760
2011-02-04 jproctergroup associated annotation and logos JAL-516 JAL-759
2011-02-04 jprocteradjustable annotation panel height and vertical scrollb...
2011-02-01 jprocterfixes JAL-757
2011-01-21 jprocterextended mouseover message with absolute sequence posit...
2011-01-21 jproctersearch result highlighting and scrolling and some patch...
2011-01-21 jproctermore efficient highlighting and selection display JAL-469
2011-01-21 jproctermore efficient highlighting and selection display
2011-01-21 jprocterlogic bug for auto scrolling
2011-01-21 jprocterrelaxed ID matching parameter JAL-753 and sortBy JAL-754
2011-01-21 jprocterrelaxed ID matching parameter JAL-753
2011-01-21 jprocterensure source is rarely null
2011-01-21 jprocterextended mouseover message with absolute sequence posit...
2011-01-18 jprocterpatch for JAL-695 - need to test if this is observed...
2011-01-18 jprocterpatch for JAL-695
2011-01-18 jprocterjavadoc
2011-01-18 jprocterjavadoc
2011-01-18 jprocteravoid creating lots of identical search results. patch...
2011-01-18 jprocterremoved securityException caused by accessing class...
2011-01-18 jprocterrefactored VamsasListener to allow the source of the...
2011-01-17 jprocteradditional test - koders.com/java/fid4C9593FE80CE8AA811...
2011-01-17 jprocterwarn user that no JS callbacks will work by default...
2011-01-17 jprocterneed to own lock to notify
2011-01-17 jprocterneed to own lock to notify
2011-01-17 jprocteravoid 1.5 specific methods
2011-01-17 jprocterrevised default separator string expression to avoid...
2011-01-17 jprocterallow debug messages to be output before jscallback...
2011-01-17 jprocterrefactored javascript callback to parent class.
2011-01-17 jproctereliminate utf8 compilation errors