2024-11-07 Ben SoaresJAL-4386 Some methods to create consistent colours...
2024-11-07 Renia CorreyaJAL-4435 Menu option and colouring for sec struct providers
2024-10-18 Renia CorreyaMerge branch 'feature/JAL-4476_reformat_ss_consensus_an...
2024-10-18 Renia CorreyaMerge branch 'feature/JAL-4386_JAL-4435_coloured_lines_...
2024-10-16 Renia CorreyaJAL-4435 Append numbers to group names if there is...
2024-10-16 Renia CorreyaJAL-4435 Added Show Secondary Structure Providers menu...
2024-10-11 Renia CorreyaJAL-4435 Added coloured dashed lines for secondary... feature/JAL-4386_JAL-4435_coloured_lines_for_providers
2024-10-08 Renia CorreyaJAL-4476 Reformat secondary structure consensus annotat... feature/JAL-4476_reformat_ss_consensus_annotation_labels
2024-10-08 Renia CorreyaJAL-4435 Reformatting tree node labels and tree sub...
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-4386_JAL-4435_trees_from_anno... feature/JAL-4386_JAL-4435_trees_from_annotations_on_alignment_2114_update
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-4386_calculate_...
2024-09-13 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 sign off JAL-4454 and convert markdown header...
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4427_HTML_code_in_sequence_ID_tex...
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 sign off JAL-4427 JAL-4451 fix
2024-09-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4427_HTML_code_in_sequence_ID_tex...
2024-09-12 Jim Procter JAL-4454 make sure is stripped - *for...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release notes for JAL-4460
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4460_alignment_save_as_format_not...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4454 make sure is stripped
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 In save as, set format from file extension...
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 Don't add .aln for an 'All known formats....
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4460 Update currentFileFormat /after/ new format...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4428,JAL-4421,JAL-3393 release notes
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4428_osx_codesigning_scripts...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 codesign jnilibs
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 informational output (possibly needs verbosity...
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 giving another XXX
2024-09-11 Jim ProcterJAL-4428 add some XXXX for mktemp -t
2024-09-11 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 Fixes to -z's and mktemp
2024-09-10 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4428_osx_codesigning_scripts...
2024-09-10 Jim ProcterJAL-4454 allow channels to pick up most recent 'whatsNe...
2024-09-09 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 initial pasimap documentation and updated...
2024-09-09 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 postpone release to Thursday 12th Sept 2024
2024-09-03 Renia CorreyaMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-4386_calculate_...
2024-09-03 Jim ProcterJAL-4386 remove magic string in registerScoreModel...
2024-09-02 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 fix linkCheck
2024-09-02 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release 10th September
2024-09-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-4418_2_11_4_0_docs...
2024-09-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-4446_cancellable_pasimap_etal...
2024-09-02 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 first pass at updating docs with pasimap,...
2024-08-30 Renia CorreyaFix for JAL-4427
2024-08-30 Renia CorreyaJAL-4436 Colour by secondary structure conservation
2024-08-29 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 improved reporting of progress, and transition...
2024-08-29 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 refactor progress listener handler code for...
2024-08-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-4446_cancellabl...
2024-08-28 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 tweak release notes for JAL-4328
2024-08-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3631_allow_jalview_to_work_fr...
2024-08-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Allow use of ~/ for unixBinDir specified in...
2024-08-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Allow unixBinDir (where a symbolic link gets...
2024-08-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Configuration tweaks if using the response...
2024-08-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Adjustments to allow setting the Advanced...
2024-08-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Fix interpolatove quotation marks in grep...
2024-08-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Fix interpolative quotation marks in new grep
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'jims/JAL-4420_review_redo' into develop
2024-08-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 When appdir/jre can't be found, look for the...
2024-08-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Create an installer.properties file in the...
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4420 is experimental feature
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterJAL-4420 new drag'n'drop behaviour is now an 'Experimen...
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterJAL-4420 report exceptions raised during a drop rather...
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 release notes for JAL-4398 and rejigged order...
2024-08-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4398_Window_menu_font_rendering...
2024-08-23 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into bug/JAL-4449_ensembl_sequen...
2024-08-23 Jim ProcterJAL-4449 signed off and also updated Ensembl REST API...
2024-08-23 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-3064 JAL-4111 release notes
2024-08-22 Ben SoaresJAL-4449 Changed HttpUtils.followConnection(conn0)...
2024-08-22 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4450 known issue for 2.11.4 and
2024-08-22 Jim ProcterJAL-4418 JAL-4100 ncrna genbank as known issue
2024-08-19 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 README.md file for sign_and_stapled_dmg.sh
2024-08-19 Jim ProcterJAL-789 limit applicable score models to substitution...
2024-08-19 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Change macos-install-jalview.sh to use ditto...
2024-08-19 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 allow progress bar to become indeterminate...
2024-08-19 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-4446_cancellabl...
2024-08-19 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 localise function vars. Add -q -q option....
2024-08-18 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 More coherent command line options and better...
2024-08-17 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 Added in stapling into (now) sign_and_staple_d...
2024-08-16 Ben SoaresJAL-4428 sign_dmg.sh with bells on
2024-08-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Fix EnvConfig.getUserAppdir() in getdown when...
2024-08-15 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Create a jalview_x_update link in appdir/bin...
2024-08-15 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-3631_allow_jalv...
2024-08-15 Jim ProcterJAL-4386 JAL-4435 TODO and refactored TreeViewer constr...
2024-08-15 Jim ProcterJAL-1551 spotless
2024-08-13 Ben SoaresJAL-4111 Remove unnecessary dependency on gradle-imagem...
2024-08-12 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into feature/JAL-3631_allow_jalv...
2024-08-08 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Better messaging and a root check on updating...
2024-08-08 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Change name of update link in DMGs. Correct...
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3631_allow_jalview_to_work_fr...
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterJAL-4447 standardised title formula for reporting score...
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 reuse lasteta value
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterJAL-4159 JAL-789 report pasimap and pairwise alignment...
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterJAL-4159 suppress pairwise alignment display options...
2024-08-07 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 better reporting of ETA estimation - particula...
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Made bespoke command line arguments for consol...
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Added install4j installer command line options...
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Important change to Execution Level in Windows...
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Short sleep added to 100% progress on installe...
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 An attempt to add a Reset to defaults button...
2024-08-06 Jim ProcterJAL-4446 avoid NPE when progress bar message is null
2024-08-06 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Some small but important changes to run_other_...
2024-08-05 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 JAL-4444 Change way we add the jalview_x and...
2024-08-05 Ben SoaresJAL-3631 Icons for installer wizard title bar