Jalview-JS/JAL-3253-applet adds shell JalviewJSApi methods to Jalview
A starting point for introducing a JavaScript API for Jalview.
JalviewApplet.js now automatically creates a "LiveConnect-like" set
of unqualified methods when the main class has a getInstance()
method, using reflection to get that instance's method list and
then using that list to create an interface that allows
overloading of methods (as long as they have a different arity.
So, for example, if Jalview is started as the "jalview1" applet
(using the <applet> or <jvapplet> tag), then we have:
Jalview1.setSelectionListener(alignFrame, listener)
and about 50 other methods.
To keep this simple, all methods that are not private, not
static, and that do not start with $ are included in the interface.