action.create = Create
action.update = Update
action.delete = Delete
-action.snapshot = Snapshot
action.clear = Clear
action.accept = Accept
action.select_ddbb = --- Select Database ---
action.save_as = Save as... = Save
action.cancel_fetch = Cancel Fetch
-action.save_omit_hidden_columns = Save / Omit Hidden Regions
action.change_font = Change Font
action.change_font_tree_panel = Change Font (Tree Panel)
action.colour = Colour
action.fetch_db_references = Fetch DB References
action.view_flanking_regions = Show flanking regions
label.view_flanking_regions = Show sequence data either side of the subsequences involved in this alignment
-label.str = Str:
-label.seq = Seq:
label.structures_manager = Structures Manager
label.nickname = Nickname:
label.url = URL:
label.input_file_url = Enter URL or Input File
-label.select_feature = Select feature:
+label.select_feature = Select feature = Name\: = Name:
label.name_param = Name: {0} = Group\: = Group:
label.group_name = Group Name
label.group_description = Group Description
label.edit_group_name_description = Edit Group Name/Description
label.colour = Colour:
-label.description = Description:
+label.description = Description
+label.description\: = Description:
label.start = Start:
label.end = End:
label.current_parameter_set_name = Current parameter set name:
label.all_but_selected_region = All but Selected Region (Shift+Ctrl+H)
label.selected_region = Selected Region
label.all_sequences_columns = All Sequences and Columns
-label.hide_insertions = Hide columns gapped for selection
label.hide_selected_annotations = Hide selected annotations
label.show_selected_annotations = Show selected annotations
label.group_consensus = Group Consensus
label.example_param = Example: {0}
label.select_file_format_before_saving = You must select a file format before saving!
label.file_format_not_specified = File format not specified
-label.alignment_contains_hidden_columns = The Alignment contains hidden regions (hidden sequences/columns).\nDo you want to save only the visible alignment?
label.couldnt_save_file = Couldn't save file: {0}
label.error_saving_file = Error Saving File
label.remove_from_default_list = Remove from default list?
label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_1 = (Features can be added from searches or
label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_2 = from Jalview / GFF features files)
label.calculating_pca= Calculating PCA
-label.reveal_columns = Reveal Columns
label.jalview_cannot_open_file = Jalview can't open file
label.jalview_applet = Jalview applet
label.loading_data = Loading data
label.calculating_tree = Calculating tree
label.state_queueing = queuing
label.state_running = running
-label.state_complete = complete
label.state_completed = finished
label.state_job_cancelled = job cancelled!!
label.state_job_error = job error!
label.chimera_help = Chimera Help
label.close_viewer = Close Viewer
label.confirm_close_chimera = This will close Jalview''s connection to {0}.<br>Do you want to close the Chimera window as well?
-label.chimera_help = Chimera Help
label.all = All
label.sort_by = Sort alignment by
label.sort_by_score = Sort by Score
label.display_features_same_type_different_label_using_different_colour = Display features of the same type with a different label using a different colour. (e.g. domain features)
label.select_colour_minimum_value = Select Colour for Minimum Value
label.select_colour_maximum_value = Select Colour for Maximum Value
-label.open_new_jmol_view_with_all_structures_associated_current_selection_superimpose_using_alignment = Open a new structure viewer with all structures associated with the current selection and superimpose them using the alignment.
label.open_url_param = Open URL {0}
label.open_url_seqs_param = Open URL ({0}..) ({1} seqs)
label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence = Load a PDB file and associate it with sequence {0}
label.logo = Logo
label.non_positional_features = List Non-positional Features
label.database_references = List Database References
-label.share_selection_across_views = Share selection across views
-label.scroll_highlighted_regions = Scroll to highlighted regions
+#label.share_selection_across_views = Share selection across views
+#label.scroll_highlighted_regions = Scroll to highlighted regions
label.gap_symbol = Gap Symbol
label.prot_alignment_colour = Protein Alignment Colour
label.nuc_alignment_colour = Nucleotide Alignment Colour
label.adjusting_parameters_for_calculation = Adjusting parameters for existing Calculation
label.2d_rna_structure_line = 2D RNA {0} (alignment)
label.2d_rna_sequence_name = 2D RNA - {0}
-label.edit_name_and_description_current_group = Edit name and description of current group.
-label.view_structure_for = View structure for {0}
-label.view_all_structures = View all {0} structures.
-label.view_all_representative_structures = View all {0} representative structures.
-label.open_new_jmol_view_with_all_representative_structures_associated_current_selection_superimpose_using_alignment = Opens a new structure viewer with all representative structures\nassociated with the current selection\nsuperimposed with the current alignment.
-label.associate_structure_with_sequence = Associate Structure with Sequence
+label.edit_name_and_description_current_group = Edit name and description of current group
label.from_file = From File
label.enter_pdb_id = Enter PDB Id (or pdbid:chaincode)
-label.discover_pdb_ids = Discover PDB IDs
label.text_colour = Text Colour
action.set_text_colour = Text Colour...
label.structure = Structure
-label.view_structure = View Structure
-label.view_protein_structure = View Protein Structure
label.show_pdbstruct_dialog = 3D Structure Data...
label.view_rna_structure = VARNA 2D Structure
label.clustalx_colours = Clustalx colours
label.reverse = Reverse
label.reverse_complement = Reverse Complement
label.linked_view_title = Linked CDS and protein view
-label.align = Align
label.extract_scores = Extract Scores
label.get_cross_refs = Get Cross-References
label.sort_alignment_new_tree = Sort Alignment With New Tree
label.add_local_source = Add Local Source
label.set_as_default = Set as Default
label.show_labels = Show labels
-label.background_colour = Background Colour
action.background_colour = Background Colour...
label.associate_nodes_with = Associate Nodes With
label.jalview_pca_calculation = Jalview PCA Calculation
label.rest_client_submit = {0} using {1}
label.fetch_retrieve_from =Retrieve from {0}</html>
label.fetch_retrieve_from_all_sources = Retrieve from all {0} sources in {1}<br>First is :{2}<html>
-#label.feature_settings_click_drag = <html>Click/drag feature types up or down to change render order.<br/>Double click to select columns containing feature in alignment/current selection<br/>Pressing Alt will select columns outside features rather than inside<br/>Pressing Shift to modify current selection (rather than clear current selection)<br/>Press CTRL or Command/Meta to toggle columns in/outside features<br/></html>
label.feature_settings_click_drag = Drag up or down to change render order.<br/>Double click to select columns containing feature.
label.transparency_tip = Adjust transparency to 'see through' feature colours.
label.opt_and_params_further_details = see further details by right-clicking
label.service_preset = Service Preset
label.run_with_preset = Run {0} with preset
label.view_service_doc_url = <html>View <a href="{0}">{1}</a></html>
-label.submit_sequence = <html>Submit {0} {1} {2} {3} to<br/>{4}</html>
action.by_title_param = By {0}
-label.alignment = Alignment
-label.secondary_structure_prediction = Secondary Structure Prediction
-label.sequence_database_search = Sequence Database Search
-label.analysis = Analysis
-label.protein_disorder = Protein Disorder
label.source_from_db_source = Sources from {0}
label.from_msname = from {0}
label.superpose_with = Superpose with = Do
label.scale_label_to_column = Scale Label to Column
label.add_new_row = Add New Row
label.edit_label_description = Edit Label/Description
label.saving_vamsas_doc = Saving VAMSAS Document to {0}
label.load_feature_colours = Load Feature Colours
label.save_feature_colours = Save Feature Colour Scheme
-label.dataset_for = {0} Dataset for {1}
label.select_startup_file = Select startup file
label.select_default_browser = Select default web browser
label.save_tree_as_newick = Save tree as newick file
error.not_yet_implemented = Not yet implemented
error.unknown_type_dna_or_pep = Unknown Type {0} - dna or pep are the only allowed values.
error.implementation_error_dont_know_thereshold_annotationcolourgradient = Implementation error: don't know about threshold setting for current AnnotationColourGradient.
-error.implementation_error_embeddedpopup_not_null = Implementation error - embeddedPopup must be non-null
-error.invalid_colour_for_mycheckbox = Invalid color for MyCheckBox
-error.implementation_error_unrecognised_render_object_for_features_type = Implementation Error: Unrecognised render object {0} for features of type {1}
-error.implementation_error_unsupported_feature_colour_object = Implementation error: Unsupported feature colour object.
error.invalid_separator_parameter = Invalid separator parameter - must be non-zero length
error.alignment_cigararray_not_implemented = Alignment(CigarArray) not yet implemented
-error.weak_sequencei_equivalence_not_yet_implemented = Weak sequenceI equivalence not yet implemented.
-error.implementation_error_can_only_make_alignmnet_from_cigararray = Implementation Error - can only make an alignment view from a CigarArray of sequences.
error.empty_view_cannot_be_updated = empty view cannot be updated.
error.mismatch_between_number_of_sequences_in_block = Mismatch between number of sequences in block {0} ({1}) and the original view ({2})
error.padding_not_yet_implemented = Padding not yet implemented
error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation {0} {1} not one of {2}, {3}, or {4}.
error.implementation_error_for_new_cigar = Implementation error for new Cigar(SequenceI)
error.implementation_error_cigar_seq_no_operations = Implementation error: {0}th sequence Cigar has no operations.
-error.implementation_error_jmol_getting_data = Implementation error - Jmol seems to be still working on getting its data - report at
error.implementation_error_no_pdbentry_from_index = Implementation error - no corresponding pdbentry (for index {0}) to add sequences mappings to
error.jmol_version_not_compatible_with_jalview_version = Jmol version {0} is not compatible with this version of Jalview. Report this problem at
error.not_implemented_remove = Remove: Not implemented
error.not_implemented_clone = Clone: Not implemented
-error.implementation_error_chimera_getting_data = Implementation error - Chimera seems to be still working on getting its data - report at
error.call_setprogressbar_before_registering_handler = call setProgressBar before registering the progress bar's handler.
label.cancelled_params = Cancelled {0}
error.implementation_error_cannot_show_view_alignment_frame = Implementation error: cannot show a view from another alignment in an AlignFrame.
error.implementation_error_cannot_find_marshaller_for_param_set =Implementation error: Can't find a marshaller for the parameter set
error.implementation_error_old_jalview_object_not_bound =IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: old jalview object is not bound ! ({0})
error.implementation_error_vamsas_doc_class_should_bind_to_type = Implementation Error: Vamsas Document Class {0} should bind to a {1} (found a {2})
-error.implementation_error_jalview_class_should_bind_to_type = Implementation Error: Jalview Class {0} should bind to a {1} (found a {2})
error.invalid_vamsas_rangetype_cannot_resolve_lists = Invalid vamsas RangeType - cannot resolve both lists of Pos and Seg from choice!
error.implementation_error_maplist_is_null = Implementation error. MapList is null for initMapType.
error.implementation_error_cannot_have_null_alignment = Implementation error: Cannot have null alignment property key
label.marked = Marked
label.containing = containing
label.not_containing = not containing
-label.not = not
label.no_feature_of_type_found = No features of type {0} found.
label.submission_params = Submission {0}
label.empty_alignment_job = Empty Alignment Job
exception.mismatched_closing_char = Mismatched closing character {0}
exception.mismatched_opening_char = Mismatched opening character {0} at {1}
exception.invalid_datasource_couldnt_obtain_reader = Invalid datasource. Could not obtain Reader
-exception.index_value_not_in_range = {0}: Index value {1} not in range [0..{2}]
exception.unterminated_cigar_string = Unterminated cigar string
exception.unexpected_operation_cigar_string_pos = Unexpected operation {0} in cigar string (position {1} in {2}
exception.couldnt_parse_responde_from_annotated3d_server = Couldn't parse response from Annotate3d server
exception.pfam_no_sequences_found = No sequences found (PFAM input)
exception.stockholm_invalid_format = This file is not in valid STOCKHOLM format: First line does not contain '# STOCKHOLM'
exception.couldnt_parse_sequence_line = Could not parse sequence line: {0}
-exception.error_parsing_line = Error parsing {0}
exception.unknown_annotation_detected = Unknown annotation detected: {0} {1}
exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn't store sequence mappings for {0}
exception.matrix_too_many_iteration = Too many iterations in {0} (max is {1})
exception.browser_unable_to_locate = Unable to locate browser: {0}
exception.invocation_target_exception_creating_aedesc = InvocationTargetException while creating AEDesc: {0}
exception.illegal_access_building_apple_evt= IllegalAccessException while building AppleEvent: {0}
-exception.instantiation_creating_aedesc = InstantiationException while creating AEDesc: {0}
exception.unable_to_launch_url = Unable to launch URL: {0}
exception.unable_to_create_internet_config = Unable to create an Internet Config instance: {0}
exception.invocation_target_calling_url = InvocationTargetException while calling openURL: {0}
exception.das_source_doesnt_support_sequence_command = Source {0} does not support the sequence command.
exception.invalid_das_source = Invalid das source: {0}
exception.ebiembl_retrieval_failed_on = EBI EMBL XML retrieval failed on {0}:{1}
-label.no_embl_record_found = # No EMBL record retrieved for {0}:{1}
-label.embl_successfully_parsed = # Successfully parsed the {0} queries into an Alignment
exception.no_pdb_records_for_chain = No PDB Records for {0} chain {1}
exception.unexpected_handling_rnaml_translation_for_pdb = Unexpected exception when handling RNAML translation of PDB data
exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_properties_for_alignment = Couldn't recover sequence properties for alignment
label.no_colour_selection_warn = Error saving colour scheme
label.open_split_window? = Would you like to open as a split window, with cDNA and protein linked?
label.open_split_window = Open split window
-label.no_mappings = No mappings found = No
action.yes = Yes
label.for = for
label.select_by_annotation = Select/Hide Columns by Annotation
action.select_by_annotation = Select/Hide Columns by Annotation...
label.threshold_filter = Threshold Filter
-action.hide = Hide = Select
label.alpha_helix = Alpha Helix
label.beta_strand = Beta Strand
label.turn = Turn
label.select_all = Select All
label.structures_filter = Structures Filter
label.search_filter = Search Filter
-label.description = Description
label.include_description= Include Description
action.back = Back
label.hide_insertions = Hide Insertions
label.mark_as_representative = Mark as representative
label.open_jabaws_web_page = Open JABAWS web page
-label.opens_the_jabaws_server_homepage = Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser
label.pdb_sequence_fetcher = PDB Sequence Fetcher
label.result = result
label.results = results
status.obtaining_mapping_with_nw_alignment = Obtaining mapping with NW alignment
status.exporting_alignment_as_x_file = Exporting alignment as {0} file
label.column = Column
-label.sequence = Sequence
label.cant_map_cds = Unable to map CDS to protein\nCDS missing or incomplete
label.operation_failed = Operation failed
action.create = Crear
action.update = Actualizar
action.delete = Borrar
-action.snapshot = Imagen
action.clear = Limpiar
action.accept = Aceptar
action.select_ddbb = --- Seleccionar base de datos ---
action.save_as = Guardar como = Guardar
action.cancel_fetch = Cancelar búsqueda
-action.save_omit_hidden_columns = Guardar / Omitir las columnas ocultas
action.change_font = Cambiar Fuente
action.change_font_tree_panel = Cambiar fuente (panel del árbol)
action.colour = Color
action.fetch_db_references = Recuperar referencias a base de datos
action.view_flanking_regions = Mostrar flancos
label.view_flanking_regions = Mostrar los datos de la secuencia a ambos lados de las subsecuencias implicadas en este alineamiento
-label.str = Str:
-label.seq = Seq:
label.structures_manager = Administrar estructuras
label.nickname = Sobrenombre:
label.url = URL:
label.input_file_url = Introducir URL en el fichero de entrada
-label.select_feature = Seleccionar función: = Nombre:
+label.select_feature = Seleccionar característica = Nombre\: = Nombre:
label.name_param = Nombre: {0} = Grupo: = Grupo\: = Grupo:
label.group_name = Nombre del grupo
label.group_description = Descripción del grupo
label.edit_group_name_description = Editar nombre/descripción del grupo
label.colour = Color:
-label.description = Descripción:
+label.description = Descripción
+label.description\: = Descripción:
label.start = Comenzar:
label.end = Terminar:
label.current_parameter_set_name = Nombre actual del conjunto de parámetros:
label.about = Acerca de...
label.show_sequence_limits = Mostrar los límites de la secuencia
label.feature_settings = Ajustar funciones...
-label.sequence_features = Funciones de la secuencia
label.all_columns = Todas las columnas
label.all_sequences = Todas las secuencias
label.selected_columns = Columnas seleccionadas
label.select_das_service_from_table = Seleccionar servicio DAS de la tabla para leer una descripción completa aquí.
label.session_update = Actualizar sesión
label.new_vamsas_session = Nueva sesión Vamsas
-label.load_vamsas_session = Cargar sesión Vamsas
-label.save_vamsas_session = Guardar sesión Vamsas
action.save_vamsas_session = Guardar Sesión Vamsas
label.select_vamsas_session_opened_as_new_vamsas_session= Selecciones una sesión vamsas para abrirla como una nueva sesión.
label.open_saved_vamsas_session = Abrir una sesión VAMSAS guardada
label.example_param = Ejemplo: {0}
label.select_file_format_before_saving = Debe seleccionar un formato de fichero antes de guardar!
label.file_format_not_specified = Formato de fichero no especificado
-label.alignment_contains_hidden_columns = El alineamiento contiene columnas ocultas.\nQuieres guardar s\u00F3lo el alineamiento visible?
label.couldnt_save_file = No se pudo guardar el fichero: {0}
label.error_saving_file = Error guardando el fichero
label.remove_from_default_list = eliminar de la lista de defectuosos?
label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_1 = (Las funciones pueden ser añadidas de búsquedas o
label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_2 = de ficheros de funciones Jalview / GFF)
label.calculating_pca= Calculando PCA
-label.reveal_columns = Mostrar Columnas
label.jalview_cannot_open_file = Jalview no puede abrir el fichero
label.jalview_applet = Aplicación Jalview
label.loading_data = Cargando datos
label.calculating_tree = Calculando árbol
label.state_queueing = En cola
label.state_running = Procesando
-label.state_complete = Completar
label.state_completed = Finalizado
label.state_job_cancelled = ¡Trabajo cancelado!
label.state_job_error = Error del trabajo!
label.load_features_annotations = Cargar características/anotaciones ...
label.export_features = Exportar características...
label.export_annotations = Exportar anotaciones ...
-label.jalview_copy = Copiar (sólo Jalview)
-label.jalview_cut = Cortar (sólo Jalview)
label.to_upper_case = Pasar a mayúsculas
label.to_lower_case = Pasar a minúsculas
label.toggle_case = Alternar mayúsculas y minúsculas
label.display_features_same_type_different_label_using_different_colour = Mostrar las características del mismo tipo con una etiqueta diferente y empleando un color distinto (p.e. características del dominio)
label.select_colour_minimum_value = Seleccionar el color para el valor mínimo
label.select_colour_maximum_value = Seleccionar el color para el valor máximo
-label.open_new_jmol_view_with_all_structures_associated_current_selection_superimpose_using_alignment = Abrir una nueva vista Jmol con todas las estructuras asociadas con la selección acxtual y superponer las utilizando el alineamiento.
label.open_url_param = Abrir URL {0}
label.open_url_seqs_param = Abrir URL ({0}..) ({1} secuencias)
label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence = Cargar un fichero PDB y asociarlo con la secuencia {0}
label.logo = Logo
label.non_positional_features = Características no posicionales
label.database_references = Referencias a base de datos
-label.share_selection_across_views = Compartir la selección en todas las vistas
-label.scroll_highlighted_regions = Desplazarse hasta las regiones resaltadas
+#label.share_selection_across_views = Compartir la selección en todas las vistas
+#label.scroll_highlighted_regions = Desplazarse hasta las regiones resaltadas
label.gap_symbol = Símbolo del hueco
-label.alignment_colour = Color del alineamiento
label.address = Dirección
label.port = Puerto
label.default_browser_unix = Navegador por defecto (Unix)
label.adjusting_parameters_for_calculation = Ajustar los parámetros para el cálculo existente
label.2d_rna_structure_line = 2D RNA {0}
label.2d_rna_sequence_name = 2D RNA - {0}
-label.edit_name_and_description_current_group = Editar el nombre y la descripción del grupo actual.
-label.view_structure_for = Visualizar la estructura para {0}
-label.view_all_structures = Visualizar todas las {0} estructuras.
-label.view_all_representative_structures = Visualizar todas las {0} estructuras representativas.
-label.open_new_jmol_view_with_all_representative_structures_associated_current_selection_superimpose_using_alignment = Abrir una nueva vista de Jmol con todas las estructuras representativas\nasociadas con la selecci\u00F3n actual\nsuperpuesta con el alineamiento actual.
-label.associate_structure_with_sequence = Asociar estructura con la secuencia
+label.edit_name_and_description_current_group = Editar el nombre y la descripción del grupo actual
label.from_file = desde fichero
label.enter_pdb_id = Introducir PDB Id
-label.discover_pdb_ids = Buscar PDB ids
label.text_colour = Color del texto
label.structure = Estructura
-label.view_structure = Visualizar estructura
label.clustalx_colours = Colores de Clustalx
label.above_identity_percentage = Sobre % identidad
label.create_sequence_details_report_annotation_for = Anotación para {0}
label.add_local_source = Añadir fuente local
label.set_as_default = Establecer por defecto
label.show_labels = Mostrar etiquetas
-label.background_colour = Color de fondo
label.associate_nodes_with = Asociar nodos con
label.jalview_pca_calculation = Cálculo del PCA por Jalview
label.link_name = Nombre del enalce
label.service_preset = Preselección del servicio
label.run_with_preset = Ejecutar {0} con preselección
label.view_service_doc_url = Visualizar <a href="{0}">{1}</a></html>
-label.submit_sequence = Enviar {0} {1} {2} {3} a<br/>{4}</html>
action.by_title_param = por {0}
-label.alignment = Alineamiento
-label.secondary_structure_prediction = Predicción de la estructura secundaria
-label.sequence_database_search = Búsqueda en base de datos de secuencias
-label.analysis = Análisis
-label.protein_disorder = Desorden en la proteína
label.source_from_db_source = Fuentes de {0}
label.from_msname = de {0}
label.superpose_with = Superponer con... = Hacer
label.scale_label_to_column = Ajustar la etiqueta a la columna
label.add_new_row = Añadir nuevo fila
label.edit_label_description = Editar etiqueta/descripción
label.saving_vamsas_doc = Guardando el documento VAMSAS en {0}
label.load_feature_colours = Cargar colores de características
label.save_feature_colours = Guardar esquema cromático de características
-label.dataset_for = {0} conjunto de datos para {1}
label.select_startup_file = Seleccionar fichero de arranque
label.select_default_browser = Seleccionar navegador web por defecto
label.save_tree_as_newick = Guardar árbol como fichero newick
error.not_yet_implemented = No se ha implementado todavía
error.unknown_type_dna_or_pep = Tipo desconocido {0} - dna o pep son los únicos valores permitidos
error.implementation_error_dont_know_thereshold_annotationcolourgradient = Error de implementación: no se conoce el valor umbral para el AnnotationColourGradient actual.
-error.implementation_error_embeddedpopup_not_null = Error de implementación - embeddedPopup debe ser no nulo.
-error.invalid_colour_for_mycheckbox = Color no válido para MyCheckBox
-error.implementation_error_unrecognised_render_object_for_features_type = Error de implementación: no se reconoce el objeto de representación {0} para las características de tipo {1}
-error.implementation_error_unsupported_feature_colour_object = Error de implementación: objeto de color de características no soportado.
error.invalid_separator_parameter = Separador de parámetros no válido - debe tener longitud mayor que cero
error.alignment_cigararray_not_implemented = Alignment(CigarArray) no se ha implementado todavía
-error.weak_sequencei_equivalence_not_yet_implemented = Equivalencia débil sequenceI no se ha implementado todavía.
-error.implementation_error_can_only_make_alignmnet_from_cigararray = Error de implementación - sólo se puede construir un vista de alineamiento a partir de una CigarArray de secuencias.
error.empty_view_cannot_be_updated = una vista vacía no se puede actualizar.
error.mismatch_between_number_of_sequences_in_block = No hay coincidencia entre el número de secuencias en el bloque {0} ({1}) y la vista original ({2})
error.padding_not_yet_implemented = El relleno no se ha implementado todavía
error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation = Bug de implementación. La operación Cigar {0} {1} no es ni {2}, ni {3} ni {4}.
error.implementation_error_for_new_cigar = Error de implementación en new Cigar(SequenceI)
error.implementation_error_cigar_seq_no_operations = Error de implementación: la {0}a secuencia Cigar no tiene operaciones.
-error.implementation_error_jmol_getting_data = Error de implementación - Jmol parece estar todavía intentando recuperar sus datos - informe de ello en
error.implementation_error_no_pdbentry_from_index = Error de implementación - no existe la correspondiente entrada pdb (para el índice {0}) para añadir el mapeo de secuencias a
error.jmol_version_not_compatible_with_jalview_version = La versión {0} de Jmol no es compatible con esta versión de Jalview. Informe de este problema en
error.not_implemented_remove = Borrar: no implementado
error.not_implemented_clone = Clonar: no implementado
-error.implementation_error_chimera_getting_data = Error de implementación - Chimera parece estar todavía intentando recuperar sus datos - informe de ello en
error.call_setprogressbar_before_registering_handler = llamada a setProgressBar antes de registrar el manejador de la barra de estado
label.cancelled_params = {0} cancelado
error.implementation_error_cannot_show_view_alignment_frame = Error de implementación: no es posible mostrar una vista de otro alineamiento en un AlignFrame.
error.implementation_error_cannot_find_marshaller_for_param_set =Error de implementación: no puede encontrar un marshaller para el conjunto de parámetros
error.implementation_error_old_jalview_object_not_bound =Error de implementación: ¡el objeto Jalview antiguo no está enlazado! ({0})
error.implementation_error_vamsas_doc_class_should_bind_to_type = Error de implementación: la clase de documento VAMSAS {0} debe enlazar a {1} (pero se ha encontrado que lo está a {2})
-error.implementation_error_jalview_class_should_bind_to_type = Error de implementación: la clase Jalview {0} debe enlazar a {1} (pero se ha encontrado que lo está a {2})
error.invalid_vamsas_rangetype_cannot_resolve_lists = RangeType VAMSAS no válido - ¡no es posible resolver ambas listas de Pos y Seg con los valores elegidos!
error.implementation_error_maplist_is_null = Error de implementación. MapList es nulo en initMapType.
error.implementation_error_cannot_have_null_alignment = Error de implementación: no es posible tener una clave nula en el alineamiento
label.marked = Marcada
label.containing = conteniendo
label.not_containing = no conteniendo
-label.not = no
label.no_feature_of_type_found = No se han encontrado características del tipo {0}.
label.submission_params = Envío {0}
label.empty_alignment_job = Trabajo de alineamiento vacío
exception.mismatched_closing_char = Carácter de cierre discordante {0}
exception.mismatched_opening_char = Carácter de apertura discordante {0} en {1}
exception.invalid_datasource_couldnt_obtain_reader = Fuente de datos no válida. No es posible obtener el Reader
-exception.index_value_not_in_range = {0}: el valor del índice {1} en se encuentra en el rango [0..{2}]
exception.unterminated_cigar_string = Cadena cigar sin terminar
exception.unexpected_operation_cigar_string_pos = Operación no esperada {0} en una cadena cigar (posición {1} en {2})
exception.couldnt_parse_responde_from_annotated3d_server = No es posible parsear la respuesta procedente del servidor Annotate3d
exception.pfam_no_sequences_found = No se han encontrado secuencias (entrada PFAM)
exception.stockholm_invalid_format = Este fichero no es tiene un formato STOCKHOLM válido: la primera línea no contiene '# STOCKHOLM'
exception.couldnt_parse_sequence_line = No es posible parse la línea de secuencia: {0}
-exception.error_parsing_line = Error parseando {0}
exception.unknown_annotation_detected = Anotación desconocida detectada: {0} {1}
exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = No es posible almacenar los mapeos de secuencia para {0}
exception.matrix_too_many_iteration = Demasiadas iteraciones en {0} (el máximo es {1})
exception.browser_unable_to_locate = Imposible encontrar el navegador: {0}
exception.invocation_target_exception_creating_aedesc = InvocationTargetException mientras se creaba AEDesc: {0}
exception.illegal_access_building_apple_evt= IllegalAccessException mientras se construía AppleEvent: {0}
-exception.instantiation_creating_aedesc = InstantiationException mientras se creaba AEDesc: {0}
exception.unable_to_launch_url = Imposible lanzar la URL: {0}
exception.unable_to_create_internet_config = Imposible crear una instancia de configuración de Internet: {0}
exception.invocation_target_calling_url = InvocationTargetException mientras se invocaba openURL: {0}
exception.das_source_doesnt_support_sequence_command = La fuente {0} no soporta el comando sequence.
exception.invalid_das_source = Fuente DAS no válida: {0}
exception.ebiembl_retrieval_failed_on = La recuperación de datos EBI EMBL XML ha fallado en {0}:{1}
-label.no_embl_record_found = # No se ha recuperado ningún registro EMBL de {0}:{1}
-label.embl_successfully_parsed = # Se han parseado con éxito las consultas {0} en un alineamiento
exception.no_pdb_records_for_chain = No se han encontrado registros {0} para la cadena {1}
exception.unexpected_handling_rnaml_translation_for_pdb = Excepcion inesperada cuando se traducían a RNAML los datos PDB
exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_properties_for_alignment = No es posible recuperar las propiedades de la secuencia para el alineamiento
info.invalid_msa_notenough=No suficientes datos de sequencia para alinear
-label.no_mappings=No hay mapeados encontrados
label.struct_from_pdb=Procesar la estructura secundaria PDB
label.hide_selected_annotations=Ocultar anotaciones seleccionados
info.select_annotation_row=Seleccionar Fila de Anotaciones
label.export_settings=Exportar Ajustes
label.linked_view_title=Vista vinculada de cDNA y proteína
-label.view_protein_structure=Ver Estructura Proteica
label.couldnt_read_data=No se pudo leer los datos
status.opening_file=abriendo fichero
label.except_selected_sequences=Todo excepto secuencias seleccionadas
action.export_features=Exportar Características
error.invalid_regex=Expresión regular inválida
label.autoadd_temp=Añadir anotación factor de temperatura al alineamiento
-tooltip.rnalifold_settings=Modificar la configuración de la predicción RNAAlifold. Úselo para ocultar o mostrar resultados del cálculo de RNA, o cambiar parámetros de el plegado de RNA.
label.chimera_path_tip=Jalview intentará primero las rutas introducidas aquí, Y si no las rutas usuales de instalación
label.structure_chooser=Selector de Estructuras
label.structure_chooser_manual_association=Selector de Estructuras - asociación manual
label.show_pdbstruct_dialog=Datos de Estructura 3D...
label.hide_all=Ocultar todos
-label.pdb_sequence_getcher=Buscador de Secuencias PDB
tooltip.aacon_settings=Cambiar ajustes para cálculos AACon
label.mark_as_representative=Marcar como representativa
label.include_description=Incluir Descripción
warn.oneseq_msainput_selection=La selección actual sólo contiene una única secuencia. ¿Quieres enviar todas las secuencias para la alineación en su lugar?
label.use_rnaview=Usar RNAView para estructura secondaria
-label.opens_the_jabaws_server_homepage=Abre la página de inicio del servidor JABAWS en navegador
label.search_all=Introducir uno o más valores de búsqueda separados por punto y coma ";" (Nota: buscará en toda la base de datos PDB)
label.confirm_close_chimera=Cerrará la conexión de Jalview a {0}.<br>¿Quieres cerrar la ventana Chimera también?
tooltip.rnalifold_calculations=Se calcularán predicciones de estructura secondaria de RNA para el alineaminento, y se actualizarán si se efectuan cambios
-Calcular predicciónes de estructura secondaria para el alineamiento
+tooltip.rnalifold_settings=Modificar la configuración de la predicción RNAAlifold. Úselo para ocultar o mostrar resultados del cálculo de RNA, o cambiar parámetros de el plegado de RNA.
label.show_selected_annotations=Mostrar anotaciones seleccionadas
status.colouring_chimera=Coloreando Chimera
label.configure_displayed_columns=Configurar Columnas Mostradas
-exception.pdb_server_error=Error desde el servidor PDB
exception.resource_not_be_found=El recurso solicitado no se ha encontrado
label.aacon_calculations=cálculos AACon
label.pdb_web-service_error=Error de servicio web PDB
warn.delete_all=<html>Borrar todas las secuencias cerrará la ventana del alineamiento.<br>Confirmar o Cancelar.
label.select_all=Seleccionar Todos
label.alpha_helix=Hélice Alfa
-label.sequence_details_for=Detalles de secuencia para {0}
label.chimera_help=Ayuda para Chimera
label.find_tip=Buscar alineamiento, selección o IDs de secuencia para una subsecuencia (sin huecos)
-exception.pdb_server_unreachable=Jalview no puede conectar con el servidor PDBE Solr.\nPor favor, asegúrese de que está conectado a Internet y vuelva a intentarlo.
label.structure_viewer=Visualizador de estructura for defecto
label.embbed_biojson=Incrustar BioJSON al exportar HTML
label.transparency_tip=Ajustar la transparencia a "ver a través" los colores de las características.
info.invalid_msa_input_mininfo=Necesita por lo menos dos secuencias con al menos 3 residuos cada una, sin regiones ocultas entre ellas.
label.chimera_missing=Visualizador de estructura Chimera no encontrado.<br/>Por favor, introduzca la ruta de Chimera,<br/>o descargar e instalar la UCSF Chimera.
label.save_as_biojs_html=Guardar como HTML BioJs
-exception.pdb_rest_service_no_longer_available=Servicios Rest PDB ya no están disponibles!
exception.fts_server_unreachable=Jalview no puede conectar con el servidor {0}. \nPor favor asegúrese de que está conectado a Internet y vuelva a intentarlo.
exception.outofmemory_loading_mmcif_file=Sin memoria al cargar el fichero mmCIF
label.hide_columns_not_containing=Ocultar las columnas que no contengan
status.obtaining_mapping_with_nw_alignment=Obteniendo mapeo por alineamiento Needleman y Wunsch
status.exporting_alignment_as_x_file = Exportando alineamiento como fichero tipo {0}
label.column = Columna
-label.sequence = Secuencia
label.cant_map_cds = No se pudo mapear CDS a proteína\nDatos CDS faltantes o incompletos
label.operation_failed = Operación fallada
"label.represent_group_with", new Object[] { "" }));
- menu1.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("") + ":");
+ menu1.setLabel(MessageManager.getString(""));
tmp = new Panel();
- tmp.add(new Label("Name: ", Label.RIGHT));
+ tmp.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString(""), Label.RIGHT));
tmp = new Panel();
- tmp.add(new Label("Group: ", Label.RIGHT));
+ tmp.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString(""), Label.RIGHT));
tmp = new Panel();
- tmp.add(new Label("Colour: ", Label.RIGHT));
+ tmp.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString("label.colour"), Label.RIGHT));
bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
panel = new Panel();
- panel.add(new Label("Description: ", Label.RIGHT));
+ panel.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString("label.description:"),
+ Label.RIGHT));
panel.add(new ScrollPane().add(description));
if (!newFeatures)
bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
panel = new Panel();
- panel.add(new Label(" Start:", Label.RIGHT));
+ panel.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString("label.start"),
+ Label.RIGHT));
- panel.add(new Label(" End:", Label.RIGHT));
+ panel.add(new Label(MessageManager.getString("label.end"),
+ Label.RIGHT));
bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
if (!seqcigararray.isSeqCigarArray())
throw new Error(
- MessageManager
- .getString("error.implementation_error_can_only_make_alignmnet_from_cigararray"));
+ "Implementation Error - can only make an alignment view from a CigarArray of sequences.");
// contigs = seqcigararray.applyDeletions();
contigs = seqcigararray.getDeletedRegions();
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel pane12 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
- pane12.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("")),
+ pane12.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("")),
pane12.add(nametf, BorderLayout.EAST);
panel.add(pane12, BorderLayout.NORTH);
panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 1));
tmp = new JPanel();
- tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.select_feature")));
+ tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.select_feature")
+ + ":"));
overlaps = new JComboBox();
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++)
tmp = new JPanel();
- tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString(""), JLabel.RIGHT));
+ tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString(""),
+ JLabel.RIGHT));
tmp = new JPanel();
- tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("") + ":",
+ tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString(""),
bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
panel = new JPanel();
- panel.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.description"),
+ panel.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.description:"),