* @param horizontal
* repaint with horizontal shift in alignment
- public void fastPaint(int horizontal, boolean isresize)
+ public void fastPaint(int horizontal)
if ((horizontal == 0) || gg == null
|| av.getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation() == null
int sr = av.getRanges().getStartRes();
int er = av.getRanges().getEndRes() + 1;
int transX = 0;
- long stime;
- long mtime;
- if (isresize)
- {
- imgWidth = (av.getRanges().getEndRes() - av.getRanges().getStartRes()
- + 1) * av.getCharWidth();
- if (imgWidth > 0)
- {
- BufferedImage newimage = new BufferedImage(imgWidth,
- ap.getAnnotationPanel().getHeight(),
- BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
+ long stime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ gg.copyArea(0, 0, imgWidth, getHeight(),
+ -horizontal * av.getCharWidth(), 0);
+ long mtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- gg = (Graphics2D) newimage.getGraphics();
- gg.setFont(av.getFont());
- gg.drawImage(image, null, 0, 0);
- image = newimage;
- transX = (er - horizontal - sr) * av.getCharWidth();
- sr = er - horizontal - sr;
- }
+ if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left
+ {
+ transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * av.getCharWidth();
+ sr = er - horizontal;
- else
+ else if (horizontal < 0)
- stime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- gg.copyArea(0, 0, imgWidth, getHeight(),
- -horizontal * av.getCharWidth(), 0);
- mtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left
- {
- transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * av.getCharWidth();
- sr = er - horizontal;
- }
- else if (horizontal < 0)
- {
- er = sr - horizontal;
- }
+ er = sr - horizontal;
gg.translate(transX, 0);
// Respond to viewport range changes (e.g. alignment panel was scrolled)
if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("startres"))
- fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(), false);
+ fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue());
else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("endres"))
- // resize
- fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(), true);
+ // resize - do nothing
* @param vertical
- public void fastPaint(int vertical, boolean isresize)
+ public void fastPaint(int vertical)
if (gg == null)
int es = ranges.getEndSeq();
int transY = 0;
- if (isresize)
+ if (vertical > 0) // scroll down
- if (vertical != 0)
+ ss = es - vertical;
+ if (ss < ranges.getStartSeq())
+ { // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time
+ ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
+ }
+ else
transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * av.getCharHeight());
- ss = es - vertical - ss;
- else
+ else if (vertical < 0) // scroll up
- if (vertical > 0) // scroll down
- {
- ss = es - vertical;
+ es = ss - vertical;
- if (ss < ranges.getStartSeq())
- { // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time
- ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
- }
- else
- {
- transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * av.getCharHeight());
- }
- }
- else if (vertical < 0) // scroll up
+ if (es > ranges.getEndSeq())
- es = ss - vertical;
- if (es > ranges.getEndSeq())
- {
- es = ranges.getEndSeq();
- }
+ es = ranges.getEndSeq();
// Respond to viewport range changes (e.g. alignment panel was scrolled)
if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("startseq"))
- fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(), false);
+ fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue());
else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("endseq"))
- fastPaint((int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(), true);
+ // resize - do nothing
* @param vertical
* shift up or down in repaint
- public void fastPaint(int horizontal, int vertical, boolean isresize)
+ public void fastPaint(int horizontal, int vertical)
if (fastpainting || gg == null)
int transX = 0;
int transY = 0;
- if (isresize)
- {
- imgWidth = getWidth();
- imgHeight = getHeight();
- imgWidth -= (imgWidth % charWidth);
- imgHeight -= (imgHeight % charHeight);
- if ((imgWidth > 0) && (imgHeight > 0))
- {
- BufferedImage newimg = new BufferedImage(imgWidth, imgHeight,
- BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
- gg = (Graphics2D) newimg.getGraphics();
- gg.setFont(av.getFont());
- gg.drawImage(img, null, 0, 0);
- img = newimg;
+ gg.copyArea(horizontal * charWidth, vertical * charHeight, imgWidth,
+ imgHeight, -horizontal * charWidth, -vertical * charHeight);
- if (horizontal != 0)
- {
- transX = (er - horizontal - sr) * charWidth;
- sr = er - horizontal - sr;
- }
- else if (vertical != 0)
- {
- transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * charHeight);
- ss = es - vertical - ss;
- }
- }
+ if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left
+ {
+ transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * charWidth;
+ sr = er - horizontal;
- else
+ else if (horizontal < 0)
+ {
+ er = sr - horizontal;
+ }
+ else if (vertical > 0) // scroll down
- gg.copyArea(horizontal * charWidth, vertical * charHeight, imgWidth,
- imgHeight, -horizontal * charWidth, -vertical * charHeight);
+ ss = es - vertical;
- if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left
- {
- transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * charWidth;
- sr = er - horizontal;
+ if (ss < ranges.getStartSeq())
+ { // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time
+ ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
- else if (horizontal < 0)
+ else
- er = sr - horizontal;
+ transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * charHeight);
- else if (vertical > 0) // scroll down
- {
- ss = es - vertical;
+ }
+ else if (vertical < 0)
+ {
+ es = ss - vertical;
- if (ss < ranges.getStartSeq())
- { // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time
- ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
- }
- else
- {
- transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * charHeight);
- }
- }
- else if (vertical < 0)
+ if (es > ranges.getEndSeq())
- es = ss - vertical;
- if (es > ranges.getEndSeq())
- {
- es = ranges.getEndSeq();
- }
+ es = ranges.getEndSeq();
if (!av.getWrapAlignment())
- if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("startres"))
+ int scrollX = 0;
+ if ((evt.getPropertyName().equals("startres"))
+ || (evt.getPropertyName().equals("endres")))
- // scroll - startres and endres both change
// Make sure we're not trying to draw a panel
// larger than the visible window
ViewportRanges vpRanges = av.getRanges();
- int scrollX = (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue();
+ scrollX = (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue();
if (scrollX > vpRanges.getEndRes() - vpRanges.getStartRes())
scrollX = vpRanges.getEndRes() - vpRanges.getStartRes();
scrollX = vpRanges.getStartRes() - vpRanges.getEndRes();
- fastPaint(scrollX, 0, false);
+ }
+ if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("startres"))
+ {
+ // scroll - startres and endres both change
+ fastPaint(scrollX, 0);
else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("endres"))
// resize - only endres changes
- int scrollX = (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue();
- fastPaint(scrollX, 0, true);
else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("startseq"))
// scroll
- fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(), false);
+ fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue());
else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("endseq"))
// resize
- fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(),
- true);