import jalview.viewmodel.AlignmentViewport;
import jalview.ws2.actions.BaseAction;
+import jalview.ws2.actions.BaseTask;
import jalview.ws2.api.Credentials;
import jalview.ws2.client.api.SecStructPredWebServiceClientI;
import jalview.ws2.client.api.WebServiceClientI;
protected SecStructPredWebServiceClientI client;
+ protected boolean msaMode;
private Builder(SecStructPredWebServiceClientI client)
this.client = client;
+ public void msaMode(boolean msa)
+ {
+ this.msaMode = msa;
+ }
public SecStructPredAction build()
return new SecStructPredAction(this);
protected final SecStructPredWebServiceClientI client;
+ protected boolean msaMode;
public SecStructPredAction(Builder builder)
client = builder.client;
+ msaMode = builder.msaMode;
- public SecStructPredMsaTask createTask(AlignViewportI viewport,
+ public BaseTask<?, AlignmentI> createTask(AlignViewportI viewport,
List<ArgumentI> args, Credentials credentials)
- return new SecStructPredMsaTask(client, args, credentials, viewport);
+ if (msaMode)
+ return new SecStructPredMsaTask(client, args, credentials, viewport);
+ else
+ return new SecStructPredPDBSearchTask(client, args, credentials, viewport);
--- /dev/null
+package jalview.ws2.actions.secstructpred;
+import java.util.List;
+import jalview.analysis.AlignSeq;
+import jalview.analysis.AlignmentAnnotationUtils;
+import jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils;
+import jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.SequenceInfo;
+import jalview.api.AlignViewportI;
+import jalview.bin.Console;
+import jalview.commands.RemoveGapsCommand;
+import jalview.datamodel.Alignment;
+import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation;
+import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
+import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView;
+import jalview.datamodel.SeqCigar;
+import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
+import jalview.util.Comparison;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
+import jalview.ws2.actions.BaseJob;
+import jalview.ws2.actions.BaseTask;
+import jalview.ws2.actions.ServiceInputInvalidException;
+import jalview.ws2.api.Credentials;
+import jalview.ws2.api.JobStatus;
+import jalview.ws2.client.api.SecStructPredWebServiceClientI;
+public class SecStructPredPDBSearchTask extends
+ BaseTask<SecStructPredPDBSearchTask.SecStructPredJob, AlignmentI>
+ private final SecStructPredWebServiceClientI client;
+ private final AlignmentView alignmentView;
+ private final AlignmentI currentView;
+ private final char gapChar;
+ SecStructPredPDBSearchTask(SecStructPredWebServiceClientI client,
+ List<ArgumentI> args, Credentials credentials,
+ AlignViewportI viewport)
+ {
+ super(client, args, credentials);
+ this.client = client;
+ this.alignmentView = viewport.getAlignmentView(true);
+ this.currentView = viewport.getAlignment();
+ this.gapChar = viewport.getGapCharacter();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List<SecStructPredJob> prepareJobs()
+ throws ServiceInputInvalidException
+ {
+ SeqCigar[] msf = alignmentView.getSequences();
+ SequenceI seq = msf[0].getSeq('-');
+ int[] delMap = alignmentView.getVisibleContigMapFor(seq.gapMap());
+ if (msf.length > 1)
+ throw new ServiceInputInvalidException(MessageManager.getString(
+ "error.implementation_error_multiple_single_sequence_prediction_jobs_not_supported"));
+ var seqInfo = SeqsetUtils.SeqCharacterHash(seq);
+ seq.setSequence(AlignSeq.extractGaps(Comparison.GapChars,
+ alignmentView.getASequenceString('-', 0)));
+ if (seq.getLength() < 20)
+ throw new ServiceInputInvalidException(
+ "Sequence is too short to predict with JPred - need at least 20 amino acids.");
+ var job = new SecStructPredJob(seq, delMap, seqInfo);
+ job.setStatus(JobStatus.READY);
+ return List.of(job);
+ }
+ public static final int MSA_INDEX = 0;
+ @Override
+ protected AlignmentI collectResult(List<SecStructPredJob> jobs)
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ var job = jobs.get(0); // There should be exactly one job
+ var status = job.getStatus();
+ String.format("sec str pred job \"%s\" finished with status %s",
+ job.getServerJob().getJobId(), status));
+ JPredFile predictionFile = client.getPredictionFile(job.getServerJob());
+ SequenceI[] preds = predictionFile.getSeqsAsArray();
+ Alignment aln = new Alignment(preds);
+ int queryPosition = predictionFile.getQuerySeqPosition();
+ SequenceI profileSeq = aln.getSequenceAt(queryPosition);
+ if (job.delMap != null)
+ {
+ SequenceI[] seqs = (SequenceI[]) alignmentView.getAlignmentAndHiddenColumns(gapChar)[0];
+ if (MSA_INDEX >= seqs.length)
+ throw new Error(MessageManager.getString(
+ "error.implementation_error_invalid_msa_index_for_job"));
+ new RemoveGapsCommand(
+ MessageManager.getString("label.remove_gaps"),
+ new SequenceI[] { seqs[MSA_INDEX] }, currentView);
+ profileSeq.setSequence(seqs[MSA_INDEX].getSequenceAsString());
+ }
+ if (!SeqsetUtils.SeqCharacterUnhash(aln.getSequenceAt(queryPosition),
+ throw new IOException(MessageManager.getString("exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query"));
+ aln.setDataset(currentView.getDataset());
+ try
+ {
+ JnetAnnotationMaker.add_annotation(predictionFile, aln, queryPosition, true,
+ job.delMap);
+ } catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw new IOException(e);
+ }
+ alignToProfileSequence(aln, profileSeq);
+ if (job.delMap != null)
+ aln.setHiddenColumns(aln.propagateInsertions(profileSeq, alignmentView));
+ for (AlignmentAnnotation alnAnnot : aln.getAlignmentAnnotation())
+ {
+ if (alnAnnot.sequenceRef != null)
+ {
+ AlignmentAnnotationUtils.replaceAnnotationOnAlignmentWith(alnAnnot,
+ alnAnnot.label, getClass().getSimpleName());
+ }
+ }
+ aln.setSeqrep(profileSeq);
+ return aln;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given an alignment where all other sequences except profileseq are
+ * aligned to the ungapped profileseq, insert gaps in the other sequences to
+ * realign them with the residues in profileseq.
+ *
+ * Shamelessly copied from JPredThread.
+ *
+ * @param al
+ * @param profileseq
+ */
+ private static void alignToProfileSequence(AlignmentI al, SequenceI profileseq)
+ {
+ char gc = al.getGapCharacter();
+ int[] gapMap = profileseq.gapMap();
+ // insert gaps into profile
+ for (int lp = 0, r = 0; r < gapMap.length; r++)
+ {
+ if (gapMap[r] - lp > 1)
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int s = 0, ns = gapMap[r] - lp; s < ns; s++)
+ {
+ sb.append(gc);
+ }
+ for (int s = 1, ns = al.getHeight(); s < ns; s++)
+ {
+ String sq = al.getSequenceAt(s).getSequenceAsString();
+ int diff = gapMap[r] - sq.length();
+ if (diff > 0)
+ {
+ // pad gaps
+ sq = sq + sb;
+ while ((diff = gapMap[r] - sq.length()) > 0)
+ {
+ sq = sq + ((diff >= sb.length()) ? sb.toString()
+ : sb.substring(0, diff));
+ }
+ al.getSequenceAt(s).setSequence(sq);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ al.getSequenceAt(s).setSequence(sq.substring(0, gapMap[r])
+ + sb.toString() + sq.substring(gapMap[r]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lp = gapMap[r];
+ }
+ }
+ public static class SecStructPredJob extends BaseJob
+ {
+ private final SequenceInfo info;
+ private final int[] delMap;
+ SecStructPredJob(SequenceI querySequence, int[] delMap,
+ SequenceInfo info)
+ {
+ super(List.of(querySequence));
+ this.delMap = delMap;
+ = info;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isInputValid()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }