-Jalview Readme\r
-To run application:\r
-java -Djava.ext.dirs=JALVIEW_HOME/lib -cp JALVIEW_HOME/jalview.jar jalview.bin.Jalview\r
+Jalview Readme
+To run application:
+java -Djava.ext.dirs=JALVIEW_HOME/lib -jar JALVIEW_HOME/jalview.jar [-help ... ]
Replace JALVIEW_HOME with the full path to Jalview Installation Directory.
-If you use a proxy server add \r
--Dhttp.proxyServer=YOUR.SERVER -Dhttp.proxyPort=YOURPORT\r
-If the proxy server requires authentication, add\r
+Use -help to see the available command line arguments.
+For best results use a Sun java run time environment (not the gcj gnu java, sorry!).
+If you want to the java runtime bundled with Jalview, then launch jalview like this:
+JAVA_HOME=JALVIEW_HOME/jre JALVIEW_HOME/jre/bin/java -Djava.ext.dirs=JALVIEW_HOME/lib -jar JALVIEW_HOME/jalview.jar
+Please Note: the -jar jalview.jar option launches the jalview.bin.Jalview class in the jalview.jar
+If you use a proxy server add
+-Dhttp.proxyServer=YOUR.SERVER -Dhttp.proxyPort=YOURPORT
+If the proxy server requires authentication, add
-Dhttp.proxyUser=USERNAME -Dhttp.proxyPassword=PASSWORD
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