- <strong>What's new ?</strong></p>
- <p>
- Jalview 2.8.1 includes new features for group creation, RNA secondary
- structure prediction and a host bug fixes. It also includes support
- for <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/JABAWS">version 2.1
- of JABA</a> and includes a Spanish translation of its user interface.<br />
- The highlights are detailed below, and the full list is given in the <a
- href="releases.html#Jalview2.8.1">Jalview 2.8.1 Release Notes</a>.
- </p>
- <p>The Desktop and web based applet include new keystrokes for
- defining and undefining groups, and PAM250 has been added to the range
- of score models available for use by the tree and PCA calculations.
- The Jalview project file format has also been extended for handling
- RNA and protein secondary structure annotation, in anticipation for
- new structure based secondary structure support in Jalview 2.8.2.</p>
- <p><strong>Internationalisation</strong></p>
- <p>Jalview 2.8.1 is the first release to include support for
- displaying Jalview's user interface in different languages. In August
- 2013, David Roldán-Martinez took on the task of
- internationalising Jalview's user interface. He also recruited Sara
- Hernández Díaz and Laura Ferrandis Martinez who created
- Jalview's first spanish user interface translation.</p>
- <p>
- If you notice any problems, or would like to help translate Jalview's
- user interface into other languages, head over to <a
- href="http://issues.jalview.org">issues.jalview.org</a> and put in a
- feature request describing the translations you can provide to the <a
- href="http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL/component/10682">i18n
- component</a>. David has also <a
- href="https://wiki.jalview.org/index.php/Development:i18n">documented
- the process of creating i18n translations</a> to help you get started.
+ <strong>What's new ?</strong>
- <p><strong>RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with JABA 2.1</strong></p>
- <p>
- This version of Jalview includes a client to access the new services available in <a
- href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws/">JABA v2.1</a> , which
- provides services for RNA consensus secondary structure prediction and
- two new alignment programs (<a
- href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/glprobs/">GLProbs</a> and <a
- href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/msaprobs/">MSAProbs</a>).</p>
- To see how to perform RNA secondary structure predictions like the one below, take a look at the <a href="webServices/RNAalifold.html">RNAAliFold
- client documentation</a>.
+ Jalview 2.8.2 is the first release produced by our new core
+ development team.<br /> It incorporates many minor improvements and
+ bug-fixes, and also includes new features for working with 3D
+ structure data, shading alignments by secondary structure and
+ generation of alignment figures as Scalable Vector Graphics. <br />As
+ ever, the highlights are detailed below, and the full list is given in
+ the <a href="releases.html#Jalview2.8.2">Jalview 2.8.2 Release
+ Notes</a>.
- <div align="center">
- <img src="webServices/RNAalifoldAnnotationRows.png" width="500" height="216"> <br> <em>The RNAalifold client was implemented by Jalview's 2013
- summer student, Dan Barton.</em>
- </div>