--- /dev/null
+##gff-version 2
+# exonerate output in gff2 format; not gff3 because
+# - 'similarity' is not a Sequence Ontology term
+# - attributes' name/values are separated by space ' ' not equals '='
+##source-version exonerate:protein2genome:local 2.2.0
+##date 2015-01-16
+##type DNA
+# exonerate run with --showtargetgff generates 'features on the target' i.e. mappings to the query
+# tab-delimited
+# seqname source feature start end score strand frame attributes
+seq1 exonerate:protein2genome:local gene 8 11 3652 - . gene_id 0 ; sequence seq2 ; gene_orientation .
+seq1 exonerate:protein2genome:local cds 9 11 . - .
+seq1 exonerate:protein2genome:local exon 9 11 . - . insertions 3 ; deletions 6
+#seq1 exonerate:protein2genome:local similarity 8 11 3652 - . alignment_id 0 ; Query seq2 ; Align 11 1 3
+seq1 exonerate:protein2genome:local similarity 9 11 3652 - . alignment_id 0 ; Query seq2 ; Align 11 1 3
+# appending FASTA sequences is strictly a GFF3 format feature
+# but Jalview is able to handle this mixture of GFF2 / GFF3 :-)