<p><strong>Sequence logo</strong></p>
By clicking on the label you can also activate the sequence logo. It
indicates the relative amount of residues per column which can be
- estimated by it's size in the logo. The tooltip of a column gives the
+ estimated by its size in the logo. The tooltip of a column gives the
exact numbers for all occuring residues.
<br />If columns of the alignment are very diverse, then it can
sometimes be difficult to see the sequence logo - in this case, right
are two residues per column, the actual column and the interacting
base. The opening bracket is always the one on the left side.<br>
Like sequence logos the relative amount of a specific base pair can be
-estimated by it's size in the logo. The tool tip of a column gives the
+estimated by its size in the logo. The tool tip of a column gives the
exact numbers for all occurring valid base pairs.
The jars are obtained from the <em>embedded</em> directory within the
<a href="http://dist.codehaus.org/groovy/distributions">groovy
distribution</a>. The easiest way of adding them to the Jalview classpath
- is to download and build jalview from it's source distribution, and
+ is to download and build jalview from its source distribution, and
then add the groovy-all-*.jar to the lib directory whose path is given
in the java.ext.dirs property.
then tries to query a subset of all the databases it can access in order to match
the alignment sequence to any records retrieved from the database. If a
match is found, then the sequence is annotated with that database's
-reference, and any cross-references that it's records contain.</p>
+reference, and any cross-references that its records contain.</p>
<p><strong>The Sequence Identification Process</strong><br>
The method of accession id discovery is derived from the method which
earlier Jalview versions used for Uniprot sequence feature retrieval,