We have made significant customisations to the `getdown` launcher which you can find
in `getdown/src/getdown`.
-> You don't need to build this afresh as the required `gradle-core.jar`
-and `gradle-launcher.jar` files are already distributed in `j11lib` and `getdown/lib` but if you want to, then
+> You don't need to build this afresh as the required `getdown-core.jar`
+and `getdown-launcher.jar` files are already distributed in `j11lib` and `getdown/lib` but if you want to, then
you'll need a working Maven and also a Java 8 JDK. Ensure the Java 8 `javac` is forefront
in your path and do
>cd getdown/src/getdown
>mvn clean package -Dgetdown.host.whitelist="jalview.org,*.jalview.org"
-> and you will find the required `.jar` files in `core/target/gradle-core-XXX.jar`
-and `launcher/target/gradle-launcher-XXX.jar`. The `gradle-core.jar` should then be copied
-to all three of the `j8lib`, `j11lib` and `getdown/lib` folders, whilst the `gradle-launcher.jar` only
+> and you will find the required `.jar` files in `core/target/getdown-core-XXX.jar`
+and `launcher/target/getdown-launcher-XXX.jar`. The `getdown-core.jar` should then be copied
+to all three of the `j8lib`, `j11lib` and `getdown/lib` folders, whilst the `getdown-launcher.jar` only
needs to be copied to `getdown/lib`.
>The `mvn` command should ideally include the `-Dgetdown.host.whitelist=*.jalview.org` setting.
getdown, and the final argument, "`jalview`", is a getdown application id (only "`jalview`"
is defined here).
+The command line sequence for building and relocating the getdown artifacts can be executed as a script via `getdown/src/getdown/mvn_cmd`. Please make sure this script is kept up to date should the getdown build instructions change.
### Running tests