Sequence product = null;
+ DBRefEntry protEMBLCDS = null;
exon = adjustForPrStart(prstart, exon);
+ boolean noProteinDbref=true;
if (prseq != null && prname != null && prid != null)
// extract proteins.
if (product != null)
- }
+ protEMBLCDS = new DBRefEntry(pcdnaref);
+ protEMBLCDS.setSource(DBRefSource.EMBLCDSProduct);
+ product.addDBRef(protEMBLCDS);
+ }
// add cds feature to dna seq - this may include the stop codon
+ ref.getAccessionId());
+ noProteinDbref = false;
if (product != null)
+ if (noProteinDbref && product != null)
+ {
+ // add protein coding reference to dna sequence so xref matches
+ if (protEMBLCDS == null)
+ {
+ protEMBLCDS = new DBRefEntry();
+ protEMBLCDS.setAccessionId(prid);
+ protEMBLCDS.setSource(DBRefSource.EMBLCDSProduct);
+ protEMBLCDS.setVersion(getVersion());
+ .setMap(new Mapping(product, map.getMap().getInverse()));
+ }
+ product.addDBRef(protEMBLCDS);
+ // Add converse mapping reference
+ if (map != null)
+ {
+ Mapping pmap = new Mapping(product, protEMBLCDS.getMap().getMap()
+ .getInverse());
+ DBRefEntry ncMap = new DBRefEntry(protEMBLCDS);
+ ncMap.setMap(pmap);
+ if (map.getTo() != null)
+ {
+ dna.addDBRef(ncMap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception
+ jalview.bin.Cache.initLogger();
String retrievalId = "CAA23748"; // "V00488";
DbSourceProxy embl = new SequenceFetcher().getSourceProxy(DBRefSource.EMBL).get(0);
- assertNotNull("Couldn't find the EMBL retrieval client",embl);
+ assertNotNull("Couldn't find the EMBL retrieval client", embl);
+ verifyProteinNucleotideXref(retrievalId, embl);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEmblCDSUniprotProductRecovery() throws Exception
+ {
+ String retrievalId = "AAH29712";
+ DbSourceProxy embl = new SequenceFetcher().getSourceProxy(
+ DBRefSource.EMBLCDS).get(0);
+ assertNotNull("Couldn't find the EMBL retrieval client", embl);
+ verifyProteinNucleotideXref(retrievalId, embl);
+ }
+ private void verifyProteinNucleotideXref(String retrievalId,
+ DbSourceProxy embl) throws Exception
+ {
AlignmentI alsq = embl.getSequenceRecords(retrievalId);
assertNotNull("Couldn't find the EMBL record " + retrievalId, alsq);
assertEquals("Didn't retrieve right number of records", 1, alsq.getHeight());
DBRefEntry[] dr = DBRefUtils.selectRefs(alsq.getSequenceAt(0).getDBRef(), DBRefSource.PROTEINSEQ);
assertEquals("Expected a single Uniprot cross reference", 1, dr.length);
+ assertEquals("Expected cross refernce map to be one amino acid", dr[0]
+ .getMap().getMappedWidth(), 1);
+ assertEquals("Expected local refernce map to be 3 nucleotides", dr[0]
+ .getMap().getWidth(), 3);
AlignmentI sprods = CrossRef.findXrefSequences(alsq.getSequencesArray(), true, dr[0].getSource(), alsq.getDataset());
"Couldn't recover cross reference sequence from dataset. Was it ever added ?",