JEditorPane <div>....<br><div>
[jalview.git] / lib /
2011-10-04 jprocterMerge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/2_5_1_rna_...
2011-10-03 jproctercompile swingreader component for java 1.5 (JAL-948)
2011-09-26 jproctertidying classpath and fixing InstallAnywhere build
2011-09-22 jprocterjalview rss reader based on jswingreader (JAL-943)
2011-09-05 jprocterremoved old VARNA library
2011-08-28 janengelhardtIncluding of VARNAv-3.9;
2011-08-24 jprocternew Swing and SWT capable form layout manager - miglayout
2011-07-25 janengelhardtChanged location of VARNAv3-8b.jar; small changes
2011-02-01 jprocterfixes JAL-757
2010-12-10 jprocteradditional dependencies for httpcleint
2010-12-09 jprocterdependency for Rest client framework (JAL-715)
2010-09-22 jprocterjmol update
2010-09-15 jprocterupdate jmol
2010-09-14 jprocterstreamlined app and applet jmol console + event handlin...
2010-09-13 jprocterpatched Jmol and code for embedding JmolAppConsole...
2010-08-25 jprocterupdate to Jmol 12.1.5 (will become 12.2.X when released)
2010-08-18 jprocterupdate Jmol to 12.0.6
2010-08-18 jprocterupdate jmol instance
2010-08-11 jprocterjaba ws client revision 2680
2010-07-20 jprocterupdate to Jaba_r1 minimal client distribution, and...
2010-06-17 jprocterupdate to Jmol series 12 (JAL-582)
2010-05-14 jprocterFirst patch for * JAL-493
2010-04-23 jprocterupgrade to Vamsas client 0.2
2009-08-25 jprocterjga browser string: java/version (arch; os version)
2009-08-24 jproctermodified JGA module to report java+version as user...
2009-06-12 jprocterupdated Iclientfactory interface, XMl viewer tests...
2009-06-08 jprocteruse structured UA naming for googleanalytics client
2009-06-08 jprocterupgrade to simple vamsas client version 0.2 (not runtim...
2009-06-08 jproctertrial of jGA with proper useragent info
2009-06-01 jprocterfirst experiment with GA application use tracking
2008-11-12 jprocterupdated library supporting exchange of selection messages
2007-11-05 jprocterupdated build with requesttoclose event being raised...
2007-10-26 jprocterupdated client which allows XML validation flags to...
2007-09-27 jprocterswitched to apache zip tool for doc IO
2007-09-18 jprocterpathological vamsas archive update fix ?
2007-09-14 jprocteradded support for loading a vamsas document into a...
2007-09-07 jprocterclient update to fix appData read triggering document...
2007-08-31 jprocterappdata bugfix in vamsas client library
2007-08-23 jprocterslightly faster validation patch (logging message conca...
2007-08-23 jprocterbugfixed and removed some inefficiencies in marshalling
2007-08-02 jprocterupdated vamsas library (version for iscb demo)
2007-07-13 jprocterupdated to iscb demo vamsas-client version
2007-07-13 jproctermoved to castor-1.1-cycle - a specially patched version...
2007-05-22 jprocter1.4 version of vamsas-client
2007-05-22 jprocterrefactored document objects and bugfix on jvdataset...
2007-05-21 jproctervamsas svn 14.55 May 21
2007-05-18 jprocterfixed getObject(VorbaId) lookup in vamsas-client
2007-05-17 jproctermodified castor-1.1 library and refactored
2007-04-30 amwaterhouseVersion 11.0.2
2007-04-30 amwaterhouseREmoved
2007-02-27 amwaterhousejmol
2006-10-09 jprocterexcluded log4j properties.
2006-10-09 jprocterjava 1.4 compliant classes.
2006-10-09 jprocterimported Vamsas bindings and alpha vamsas client code...
2006-07-26 jprocterIgnore list created
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseNot needed
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseDAS client libraries
2005-06-30 amwaterhousewsld missing from cvs archive
2005-06-14 jprocterremoves jarsign.
2005-06-10 amwaterhouselatest
2005-06-09 amwaterhouseremoved
2005-06-09 amwaterhousedeleted
2005-06-07 jprocterremoved signature for this jar
2005-05-20 jprocterxml-apis from the same place as xercesImpl.jar
2005-05-20 jprocterThis is the xercesImpl.jar from xerces-2_6_2
2005-05-20 amwaterhousedeleted
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseUpdated
2005-05-20 jprocterFixing the broken cvs.
2005-05-20 amwaterhousecastor lib
2005-05-19 amwaterhousenew libraries for XML binding
2005-04-08 jprocterupdated build strategy and checking for portability.
2005-03-30 jprocternew libraries for soap bits.
2005-03-30 jprocterUpdated version of axis to fix the j1.5 webstart problems.
2005-03-08 jprocterfixed signing bug (also updated to latest javahelp...
2005-02-23 jprocterrearranged project structure
2005-01-27 amwaterhouseJavaHelp files added
2005-01-24 amwaterhousewarning! this is obfuscated
2005-01-15 jproctersupport for jemboss server interaction.