Uniprot retrieves features from XML
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui / AlignFrame.java
2005-11-29 amwaterhouseFeatures added removed from alignment
2005-11-24 amwaterhouseDon't parse input id, leave it as it is
2005-11-17 amwaterhouseHidden tabs and vamsas refs for beta release
2005-11-17 amwaterhouseHide Tab settings for build
2005-11-11 amwaterhouseSequenceFetcher new class
2005-11-10 amwaterhouseAlignSeq takes printstream as arg
2005-11-08 amwaterhousegetVersion added for Castor mapping
2005-11-04 amwaterhouseUse visible id for sorting
2005-11-01 jprocterdataset reference propagated to new MsaWS alignment.
2005-11-01 amwaterhouseAdjust seq limits for visual and dataset sequences
2005-10-31 amwaterhousedbPrefix and jvsuffix added
2005-10-27 amwaterhouseAllow old style groups file
2005-10-26 amwaterhouseGroups file is now feature file
2005-10-26 amwaterhousevamsasDemo new branch
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseRemove development code
2005-09-30 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy in Eclipse
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseCreate instance of FormatAdapter
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseIf Mac user hasnt selected file format, give warning
2005-09-21 amwaterhouseSequences must be aligned before PCA
2005-09-20 amwaterhousePCAPanel just requires viewport
2005-09-19 amwaterhouseDont add ServiceListeners if desktop is null
2005-09-15 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2005-09-14 amwaterhouseCopy and paste uses FASTA format
2005-09-14 amwaterhousePCA is in outofmemory try-catch
2005-09-12 amwaterhouseRemove gaps in regions, not char by char
2005-09-12 amwaterhouseUpdate overview in alignmentChanged
2005-09-08 amwaterhouseMove tree property change to treePanel
2005-09-08 amwaterhouseIf no consensus, disable certain colour options
2005-09-01 amwaterhousefirePropertyChange if sequences deleted
2005-09-01 amwaterhouseUse propertyListener for alignment edits
2005-08-30 amwaterhouseUpdate colours after remove left, cut, paste
2005-08-29 amwaterhouseReset all colour schemes after gaps removed
2005-08-29 amwaterhouseKeep startRes the same after removing columns
2005-08-29 amwaterhouseReset ClustalX after removing gaps
2005-08-26 amwaterhouseWhen saving, use print instead of println
2005-08-23 amwaterhouseDont make new frame reference in Buildwebservicemenu
2005-08-23 amwaterhouseSet size and location of frame before visible
2005-08-22 amwaterhouseCheck for null colour
2005-08-22 amwaterhouseConservation colour scheme is no more
2005-08-18 amwaterhouseAdd name and mouse listener to new user colour menuitems
2005-08-18 amwaterhouseBlosum62 PID and conservation bug fixed
2005-08-18 jprocterGUI typo
2005-08-17 jprocterGui Modifications for Service Discovery.
2005-08-17 amwaterhouseupdateUserColourMenu
2005-08-15 amwaterhouseIgnoreGapsConsensus
2005-07-29 amwaterhouseCorrect label for end res in copy
2005-07-18 amwaterhouseCopy seq ordering bug fixed
2005-07-11 amwaterhouseMust check if group.sequences are null in remove gaps
2005-07-11 amwaterhousecheck groupsize is non zero
2005-07-07 amwaterhouseRemove all gaps must check jSize
2005-06-30 amwaterhouseFormatting changes
2005-06-16 amwaterhouseSort Groups modified
2005-06-16 amwaterhouseremove gaps applies to selected area
2005-06-14 jprocterpad-1 gaps fixed.
2005-06-14 amwaterhouseDeselect sets annotationPanel activeres null
2005-06-14 amwaterhousePaintRefresher must be sent alignment
2005-06-14 amwaterhouseReturns TreePanel when opening Newick
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseRecalc accelerated
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseFormatted source
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseGPL license added
2005-06-03 jprocterReinstated 'create tree from selected region only'...
2005-06-02 amwaterhouseName of xml file changed
2005-05-30 jprocterAdded clustalW 'realignment' (primitive)
2005-05-30 jprocteradded default ClustalWS or MuscleWS to remove gaps.
2005-05-30 jprocterfixed stacktrace potential for pairwise alignment action.
2005-05-27 jprocterright ordering for RedundancyPanel constructor
2005-05-27 jprocterrecovered changes from v 1.84
2005-05-27 amwaterhouseNew cut and paste
2005-05-26 jprocterfixed redundancy Undo and allowed it to work on UNALIGN...
2005-05-26 jprocterbug fix in jpred client. TreeViewer display state and...
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseusercolours changed
2005-05-25 jproctertidied up system.out messages and moved many to stderr.
2005-05-24 jprocterAdded more firePropertyChange calls - mainly for sequen...
2005-05-24 jprocteradded PropertyChangeListeners for alignviewport.alignme...
2005-05-24 amwaterhousesetDefaultFileFormat
2005-05-23 jprocterAdded PadGaps and made treeSortMenu dynamic (it gets...
2005-05-23 amwaterhousenew savestate method
2005-05-23 amwaterhousehistoryitem added
2005-05-22 jprocterinclude MsaWS ordering but not perfect (undo destroys...
2005-05-22 jprocterAdded alignment ordering option to 'Sort by' and implem...
2005-05-20 amwaterhousecopy order maintained
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseFasta FASTA
2005-05-19 amwaterhouseloading/saving changes
2005-05-03 amwaterhouseformatAdapter.formatSequences and maintain annotation...
2005-04-29 amwaterhousepreferences moved to desktop
2005-04-28 amwaterhousePreferences panel added
2005-04-28 jprocteradded MuscleWS and did a bit more standardisation of...
2005-04-25 amwaterhouseOverviewpanel allows for large alignments
2005-04-21 amwaterhouseupdate conSlider when colour changes
2005-04-18 amwaterhouseshow sliders when first selecting conservation,PID
2005-04-16 amwaterhousecheck if colourscheme is null
2005-04-16 amwaterhouseAlignPanel RefreshPanels put into paintComponent
2005-04-15 amwaterhouseclustalx exception in colourchange
2005-04-15 amwaterhousePID and conservation colouring changes
2005-04-14 amwaterhouseuse webservice info to display web service state
2005-04-14 jprocterconsistent percentage gaps filter for conservation...
2005-04-13 amwaterhousetreeMenuItem added, conservation sliders, finder top...
2005-04-08 amwaterhousetry out spinning logo
2005-04-08 amwaterhousescale above, left right added
2005-04-07 amwaterhouseno more group editor