JAL-3477 Added -help text for jvmmempc and jvmmemmax. Fixed typo and slight rewording...
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui / IdCanvas.java
2005-04-16 amwaterhouseallow for final line of alignment
2005-04-08 amwaterhousescale above, left right added
2005-04-07 amwaterhousefastPaint flag added
2005-04-06 amwaterhouseFast paint method implemented
2005-04-01 amwaterhousetesting Graphics2D
2005-03-17 amwaterhouseadd a border
2005-03-17 amwaterhouseidwidth is calculated in alignpanel, not idcanvas
2005-03-15 amwaterhouseselection removed, now SelectionGroup does same job...
2005-02-16 amwaterhousewrap alignment id drawing bug fixed
2005-02-09 amwaterhouseCorrect number of ids is drawn
2005-02-02 amwaterhouseModified for wrappingAlignment
2005-01-21 amwaterhouseCheck if graphics is null in labelSize
2004-11-19 amwaterhousedoesn't create an image for drawing, important for...
2004-11-18 amwaterhousetry out graphics 2d
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseHalfway to wrapalignment, shows swissprot file
2004-11-02 amwaterhouseAllow colouring of ids from tree selected groups
2004-11-02 amwaterhouseJalview Imported Sources start