moved to org.biojava
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui /
2006-07-12 amwaterhousesequences are private in SequenceGroup
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseGroup width -1
2005-09-20 amwaterhouseAlign labels format left
2005-09-19 amwaterhouseAlignment of node labels modified
2005-09-14 amwaterhouseoffy changes
2005-09-14 amwaterhouseUse font size, not font height
2005-09-14 amwaterhouseCenter labels
2005-09-13 amwaterhouseEPSOptions added
2005-09-08 amwaterhouseLoad in a thread
2005-08-30 amwaterhouseSet user colours same as global
2005-08-24 amwaterhouseSet new group width-1
2005-08-22 amwaterhouseCheck for null colour
2005-08-22 amwaterhouseConservation colour scheme is no more
2005-08-15 amwaterhouseIgnoreGapsConsensus
2005-06-30 amwaterhouseFormatting changes
2005-06-16 amwaterhousedont add sequence twice to new group
2005-06-15 amwaterhouseCheck colours not null
2005-06-14 amwaterhousesuper.paintComponent
2005-06-13 amwaterhousePaintRefresh changed
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseRecalc accelerated
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseFormatted source
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseGPL license added
2005-05-20 jproctersequence place holder reveal menu item.
2005-04-19 amwaterhousePrinting of trees corrected. Antialiasing on
2005-04-14 jprocterconsistent percentage gaps filter for conservation...
2005-04-13 amwaterhouseif not active tree, colour threshold grey
2005-04-07 amwaterhousedraws threshold position according to threshold, not...
2005-03-18 amwaterhousesave eps and png
2005-03-15 amwaterhouseselection removed, now SelectionGroup does same job...
2005-03-08 amwaterhouseTree fits to window by default
2005-02-18 amwaterhousetree is printable
2005-01-24 amwaterhousecreates new groups when selecting branches of the tree
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseadd fix if colour is white
2004-11-02 amwaterhousePaintRefresher called after tree selection made
2004-11-02 amwaterhouseJalview Imported Sources start