2016-06-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into spike/JAL-1950_hmmer3client
2016-06-28 tcofoegbuJAL-1479 minor refactor and housekeeping
2016-06-28 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-28 tcofoegbuJAL-1479 improved SiftsClient test coverage and impleme...
2016-06-27 gmungoctidied loop with generic iteration / loop variable
2016-06-27 gmungocJAL-2133 refactored duplicated code to AlignmentViewport
2016-06-27 gmungocJAL-1369 additional asserts in testStoreAndRecoverRefer...
2016-06-27 gmungocJAL-1270 unit tests for HiddenSequences
2016-06-24 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-24 tcofoegbuJAL-1960 updated unit test to include the test case...
2016-06-23 gmungocJAL-2130 now simply viewer.dispose() to close down...
2016-06-23 tcofoegbuJAL-1996 added notes for an alternative way to view...
2016-06-22 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-22 tcofoegbuJAL-1996 added link for viewing example source codes...
2016-06-22 gmungocJAL-2015 fixed bug in copy constructor and added tests
2016-06-22 gmungocJAL-1982 defensive checks for null annotations array
2016-06-22 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-22 gmungocJAL-1982 defensive test for null array of annotations
2016-06-22 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-22 tcofoegbuJAL-1996 removed quick links in example pages, added...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' of source.jalview.org/git/jalvie...
2016-06-21 gmungocJAL-2074 suppress prompt to save closed Groovy script...
2016-06-21 gmungocJAL-1270 remove test artefact file after test
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-1956_featureStyles' into...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1270 ensure before/after clauses have at least...
2016-06-21 gmungocJAL-1270 added runAlways=true to setUp method
2016-06-21 gmungocJAL-2074 reuse Groovy window when reopening; rebind...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-2089 cleared out old ‘What’s new’
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-192 JAL-1369 release notes
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-1369_refseqproject' into...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 make sure desktop is cleared before test starts
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 jalview2xml tests need to be run sequentially
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 mark reference sequence & view state and resto...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 project XML efficiency TODO
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 dead code TODO?
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 ensure *real* alignment’s metadata written...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 fix the test
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 make sure the fake AlignmentI produced by...
2016-06-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 HUGE WARNING: datamodel.HiddenSequences is...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 updated project schema - flag on JSeq to mark...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1369 failing test
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1989 JAL-1011 release notes
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2086 JAL-2085 release notes
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' of source.jalview.org/git/jalvie...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2065 release notes
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bugs/JAL-2065' into develop
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2065 port patch to applet
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1551 tidy
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1551 tidy
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2065 don’t pass stale group reference
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2068 avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when consensus...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2065 check position lies within group before gettin...
2016-06-20 tcofoegbuJAL-1996 added JalviewApplet to download list in applet...
2016-06-20 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-20 tcofoegbuJAL-1823 Deleted two obsolete methods in PopupMenu...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'r291_docs' into develop
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1812 groovy always present
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1812 release notes
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1812 documentation TBC for AlignFrame->Calculate...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-2089 typo
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterJAL-1868 fix typo in test data.
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-1812_JAL-2083_groovyBinding...
2016-06-20 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1812_JAL-2083_...
2016-06-20 gmungocJAL-2130 call viewer.dispose() on closing Jmol
2016-06-20 gmungocJAL-1667 updated PDB example query to a valid id (witho...
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuJAL-1823 Updated tooltip to reflect how a specific...
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuJAL-1976 clear message if export is cancelled at 'Rende...
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuJAL-1996 update applet deployment note pages
2016-06-17 gmungocJAL-1557 selection from annotation (and group annotatio...
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuJAL-1976 improved exception handler.
2016-06-17 tcofoegbuJAL-1976 added an intermediate message between a user...
2016-06-16 Jim Proctertests for validating start-end number/sequence length...
2016-06-16 gmungocJAL-1993 close sequence fetcher when opening database...
2016-06-16 gmungocJAL-2124 JAL-1990 additional translations
2016-06-16 gmungocJAL-2112 optimisation of EMBL CDS parsing
2016-06-16 gmungocJAL-1993 hide sequence fetcher dialogue until database...
2016-06-15 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-15 tcofoegbuJAL-2002 disabled 'Best Uniport Coverage' filter. JAL...
2016-06-15 gmungocJAL-2025 unit tests added
2016-06-15 gmungocJAL-2101 unit test updated to match config file
2016-06-14 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-14 tcofoegbuJAL-2102 right justify 'Mass' in uniprot FTS, and ...
2016-06-14 gmungocJAL-2114 more helpful reporting of parse failures
2016-06-14 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-14 tcofoegbuJAL-2047 trapped block that could likely cause ClassCas...
2016-06-14 tcofoegbuJAL-2047 resolved structure chooser's displayed column...
2016-06-10 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2016-06-10 tcofoegbuJAL-1479 updated SIFTS FTP download URL, added improvem...
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'r291_docs' into develop
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2089 docs for June 10th
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2089 signed off bug release notes
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-1941 remove improper test tag from Annotate3D test...
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2089 documenting for 8th june RC1
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-1941 added test URL and notes about PyRNA restclient
2016-06-10 Jim ProcterJAL-1941 Annotate3d tests should be in network group
2016-06-09 gmungocJAL-2114 corrected Javadoc
2016-06-08 tcofoegbuJAL-1479 JAL- Fix to eradicate duplicate mapping output...
2016-06-06 tcofoegbuJAL-1919, JAL-1960 fix to disable refetching dbrefs...
2016-06-06 tcofoegbuJAL-1944 bugfix for wrong alignment numbering when...