2009-11-06 jproctersetting and merging selected columns from another selec...
2009-11-06 jprocterbetter formed generic select residue X expression
2009-11-04 jprocterempty row removed
2009-11-04 jprocterremoved duplicate descriptions, documented nodisplay...
2009-11-03 jprocterupdated dependencies and versions for example jnlp
2009-11-03 jprocterpasted file contents should never be added to the recen...
2009-11-02 jproctergracefully cope with non-standard nucleotide or amino...
2009-11-02 jproctergracefully cope with non-standard nucleotide or amino...
2009-10-30 jprocterna pdb: highlight any part of a residue, not just the...
2009-10-30 jprocterna pdb: recognise NA residue names
2009-10-30 jprocterna pdb: detect P backbone
2009-10-29 jprocteradd JGoogleAnalytics webstart resource
2009-10-27 jproctertodo
2009-10-27 jproctertypo
2009-10-27 jprocterfinish privacy statement
2009-10-27 jproctersynchronized documentation between development and...
2009-10-27 jprocterfix null pointer exception in redraw for short sequence...
2009-10-14 jprocterquick fix for nullpointer in column selection when...
2009-10-14 jprocterfix from acresso for black bg in inner panel
2009-10-13 jprocterfix for pfam files with empty annotation or sequence...
2009-10-13 jprocterprototype Java log window and sticky configuration
2009-10-13 jprocterdesktop window scaled to current window geometry, proto...
2009-10-13 jprocterprompt user to enable usage stats
2009-10-13 jprocteradded preferences for usage stats, questionnaire check...
2009-10-13 jprocteruse Pdb database source for fetching and warn user...
2009-10-13 jproctersafer OOM handling when importing from XML
2009-10-13 jprocterenact on a boolean configuration option, prompting...
2009-10-13 jprocterfix potential race condition
2009-10-13 jprocterdocumented privacy settings, versioncheck controlled...
2009-10-12 jprocterensure id string doesn't get set to the empty string...
2009-10-05 jprocterimmediately show memory usage
2009-09-22 jprocterallow the display character below a graph to be explici...
2009-09-10 jprocterfix null pointer exception when using blosum colourscheme
2009-09-03 jprocterallow middle-button drag to change height of annotation...
2009-08-25 jprocterjga browser string: java/version (arch; os version)
2009-08-24 jproctermodified JGA module to report java+version as user...
2009-08-21 jprocter1.1 compatibility
2009-08-21 jprocterrender sequence logo over consensus histogram
2009-08-21 jproctersingle-click highlights, double click selectes th assoc...
2009-08-21 jproctergroup consensus/conservation calculated from start...
2009-08-21 jprocterviewport setting for displaying sequence logos
2009-08-21 jprocterreversed order of addition of group consensus and conse...
2009-08-21 jprocterprototype make groups from selection function and shift...
2009-08-21 jprocterprototype make groups from selection function
2009-08-21 jprocternew sortbyPID for specific start/end region
2009-08-21 jprocterrace condition null pointer bugfix
2009-08-21 jprocterbugfix
2009-08-21 jproctertodo for 2.5
2009-08-21 jprocternull pointer exception bug fix
2009-08-21 jproctercommented debug lines indicating calculation progress
2009-08-21 jprocterstart/stop for per-group consensus calculation
2009-08-21 jprocterstore symbol profile and extract it for display
2009-08-21 jprocterpir format ambiguity and todo regarding 'format overrid...
2009-08-21 jprocterbasic implementation of profile display and todos
2009-08-21 jproctertodo
2009-08-21 jprocterroutines for creating groups over an alignment
2009-08-21 jprocterasparagine is polar but not charged
2009-08-03 jprocterfix feature creation for selected region beyond end...
2009-07-24 jprocterexplicitly grab all permissions for application executi...
2009-07-24 jprocterupdate annotation when group state is changed
2009-07-24 jproctershow group annotation menu entries
2009-07-24 jproctercolour by label prototype flag
2009-07-24 jproctercatch null pointer exception in headless context
2009-07-24 jprocterget consensus sequence and set ignore gaps flag for...
2009-07-24 jprocterannotation update method synchronises group annotation
2009-07-24 jprocterheadless warning messages, prototype group annotation...
2009-07-24 jprocterrefactored conservation thread, added showgroupannotati...
2009-07-24 jprocterconservation thread refactored from AlignViewport
2009-07-24 jprocterfeature colour by label flag/style
2009-07-24 jprocterheadless test
2009-07-24 jproctertodo
2009-07-24 jprocterimplement new insert annotation row method and ensure...
2009-07-24 jprocterinsert annotation at specific position
2009-07-24 jprocteroptional sequencegroup ref for annotation row
2009-07-24 jproctersequence groups carry their own conservation and consen...
2009-07-24 jproctercomplete alignment annotation row procedure
2009-06-24 jprocterensure annotation row height is honoured for new VAMSAS...
2009-06-24 jprocterall alignment sequences associated with a dataset seque...
2009-06-24 jproctercan use whitespace, comma or semicolon to separate IDs
2009-06-24 jprocterfix to cope with EMBL records containing a CDS fragment...
2009-06-24 jproctertake the average of the three consecutive codon sites...
2009-06-19 jprocterimplementation error warning todo
2009-06-19 jprocterdebug and cyclefix for dbrefs with embedded sequences
2009-06-19 jprocterjavadoc and datastoreitem registry support for binding...
2009-06-19 jproctermore efficient synchronized methods
2009-06-19 jprocterbugfix mapped reference transfer and made picr ID retri...
2009-06-19 jprocterselection handler and sender bugfix
2009-06-19 jproctertodo
2009-06-19 jprocterselections sent when mouse is released (drags on ID...
2009-06-19 jprocterprogress bars (still need to be threaded properly)...
2009-06-19 jproctersmoother scroll-to-position action
2009-06-19 jprocterdrag'n'drop a URL on to an alignment
2009-06-19 jprocterparent db references and mappings added to retrieved...
2009-06-19 jprocterintersect did not intersect (used in selection listener)
2009-06-19 jprocterregex validator for uniprot
2009-06-19 jprocterusepicr config property
2009-06-19 jprocterdebug
2009-06-19 jprocterdebug comments
2009-06-19 jprocternew coverage comparison - no test case in main method yet
2009-06-12 jprocterupdated Iclientfactory interface, XMl viewer tests...