2021-09-23 Ben SoaresJAL-3594 added BG and UoD logo and banner to splashscre...
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3821_reinstate_patch...
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterJAL-3821 less ambiguous base class name for EMBL and...
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterJAL-3821 ported to refactored FlatFile parser
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterJAL-3821 failing test
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterJAL-3692 JAL-3861 remove extra call to .parse() so...
2021-09-23 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-3874_newJmolAndGradleDedup...
2021-09-21 Ben SoaresJAL-3691 automatic insertion of Locale.ROOT to toUpperC...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 release notes and what’s new for 2.11.2 -...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'doc/JAL-3746_Release_2_11_2' into develop
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3dbeacons'...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 - callback finessing - leave DBRefFetcher...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 prefix PDBe filters with PDBe to make clear...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 alternative UX: need to select 3d-beacons...
2021-09-21 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 ignore the fake ID generated when a PDB format...
2021-09-21 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 'Debian-safe' version of minimal build.gradle...
2021-09-20 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 Created a patch file to transform build.gradle...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 updated response for P01308
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 tests need to wait for dialog to be closed...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 TDBeacons fetcher needs a sequence with at...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 throw the exception even if it has no message
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 ensure nulls are not wildcards when retrieving...
2021-09-20 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 working minimal build.gradle for debian and...
2021-09-20 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 not quite working minimal build.gradle for...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 do better at detecting structure type, prompt...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 make sure structure data type reflects actual...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 store 3db metadata on PDBEntry so it can be...
2021-09-20 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 allow PDBEntry with file and ID with mismatchi...
2021-09-17 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'merge/develop_JAL-1260' into develop
2021-09-17 Ben SoaresJAL-1260 rudimentary parsing of LOCUS line to at least...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3079 JAL-3055 remember to reset font transform...
2021-09-17 gmungocJAL-1260 refactored multi-line qualifier separators
2021-09-17 gmungocJAL-1260 unit test for FileFormats updated for GenBank/ENA
2021-09-17 gmungocJAL-1260 file formats and IdentifyFile updates for...
2021-09-17 gmungocJAL-1260 refactored GenBank (and EMBL) flat file parser
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-1260 FileFormat entry for EMBL/GENBANK: TODO: creat...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3874 - replace Jmol with custom build of 14.31...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-2226 transfer chain annotation when calcId, label...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-2226 new method to search for annotation matching...
2021-09-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 belt and braces check to make sure there is...
2021-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3779 Added to documentation
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3779 apply properties to all groups with given...
2021-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3774 combined changes from bug/JAL-3774_splitFrameF...
2021-09-16 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into doc/JAL-3746_Release_2_11_2
2021-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3739 (combined) commits from feature/JAL-3739_useFo...
2021-09-16 Jim ProcterJAL-3794 X and N are counted as DNA characters, but...
2021-09-16 Jim ProcterJAL-3794 new test for recognition of protein or DNA...
2021-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3761 listToArray became rangeListToArray
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 more consistent parameter naming
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 helper method reinstated to avoid code duplication
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 locateInFrom/To revised with tests; unused...
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 extra check that VCF feature is fully mappable...
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 debugged and working (but not tidied) locateIn...
2021-09-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3761 listToArray became rangeListToArray
2021-09-16 gmungocJAL-3761 locateInFrom2 work in progress commit
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3761 unit test for MapList.countPos()
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3761 failing test, formatting, method renamed
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3761 failing tests for locateInFrom/To with overlap...
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3751 only merge strictly contiguous ranges of mappings
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3788 synchronize concurrent findColour() and alignm...
2021-09-15 Ben SoaresJAL-3818 formatting
2021-09-15 gmungocJAL-3818 process Jmol callbacks in AWT thread
2021-09-15 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into merge/develop_ben2
2021-09-15 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2021-09-15 Ben SoaresJAL-3829 Fixed Jmol jar -- duplicates of other classes...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'Jalview-JS/bug/JAL-3762_URLparamsOverride...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 fix bad merge from branch cherrypick
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3842 fix automatic what's new link for custom versi...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3842 what’s new, release notes, and versio...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3816 bump version number and cut release notes
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3766 cut new patch release
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3758 patch release notes and version bump
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3741 http to https (and jar to jvp for exampleFile...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3477 added help documentation for executable jar...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3675 version update and documentation for JAL-3493...
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3638 JAL-3680 fix docs for Alt + Arrow LRUD in...
2021-09-15 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into merge/develop_ben2
2021-09-15 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3dbeacons'...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3815 default /etc/jalview_properties under utils...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 parallel not welcome here
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 test flakiness and human flakiness
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 more info on test fail - seems to be flaky
2021-09-14 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2021-09-14 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 Adjusted wrapper shell script and .desktop...
2021-09-14 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 High quality file icons for jalview associated...
2021-09-14 Ben SoaresJAL-3521 Change grouped Jalview windows on linux taskba...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3dbeacons'...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3551 - doc tweak
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 JAL-3829 better checks on PDB or mmCIF file...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 JAL-3855 moved routing for retrieving structur...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 JAL-3855 ignore case when detecting alphafold ID
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 detect an alphafold model and import its tempe...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 move mock query and responses to files
2021-09-14 Ben SoaresJAL-2422 Also look in ~/Applications for ChimeraX on...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-2422ChimeraX' into develop
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 3d-beacons doesn’t work as a sequence source...
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 avoid sending rubbish to PDBe search api
2021-09-14 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 some providers don’t provide model quality...