2005-05-27 amwaterhouseCheck if usrCol is null
2005-05-27 amwaterhouseNew cut and paste
2005-05-27 jprocterJpredfile now uses the PileUpfile io class.
2005-05-27 jprocterAddred GapChar string for convenient regex construction
2005-05-27 jprocterResponse to bug mantis?id=8187 - some quick hacks to...
2005-05-27 amwaterhouseRemove desc for conserve graph
2005-05-27 jprocterOld MSF Format writer now renamed.
2005-05-26 jprocterfixed use of PID rather than 'Comparison' Alignment...
2005-05-26 jprocterfairly pointless catch exception error information...
2005-05-26 jprocterfixed redundancy Undo and allowed it to work on UNALIGN...
2005-05-26 jprocterbug fix in jpred client. TreeViewer display state and...
2005-05-26 jprocterpartially updated help. Added separate treeviewing...
2005-05-26 amwaterhousecheck for null residues
2005-05-26 amwaterhouseDOnt add Conservation graph to every residue
2005-05-26 amwaterhousetoString modified
2005-05-25 amwaterhousereset colours added
2005-05-25 amwaterhousemore clustalx bugs fixed
2005-05-25 amwaterhousegetHexString added
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseall can threshold
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseoutput to textbox
2005-05-25 amwaterhouselayout changes
2005-05-25 amwaterhousecapitals
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseformat changes
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseremove scrollpane
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseCapitalise
2005-05-25 amwaterhousec&p changed
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseuse getHexString in util
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseusercolours changed
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseoutput text to textbox
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseall colours can threshold
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseselectiongroup could be null
2005-05-25 amwaterhousesaves usercolours
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseformatforoutput never used
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseoutput values to textbox
2005-05-25 amwaterhousetoString method added
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseXML schema changes
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseusercolourscheme changed
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseformatting changes
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseall colours can threshold
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseusercolours changed
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseremove comment
2005-05-25 amwaterhousecan output details to textbox
2005-05-25 amwaterhouseusercolours added
2005-05-25 jprocteradded jalview.browser property so a linux user can...
2005-05-25 jprocterdoh - compile before commit!
2005-05-25 jproctertidied up system.out messages and moved many to stderr.
2005-05-25 jprocterImproved consistency between JPredWS and MsaWS
2005-05-25 jprocterbase class for web service clients.
2005-05-24 jproctertitle parameter for single sequence prediction.
2005-05-24 jprocterAdded more firePropertyChange calls - mainly for sequen...
2005-05-24 jprocterextended the UpdatePlaceholders to check for any new...
2005-05-24 jprocteradded PropertyChangeListeners for alignviewport.alignme...
2005-05-24 amwaterhouseremove .
2005-05-24 amwaterhouseURL getresource adds %20 for spaces. Use user.dir instead
2005-05-24 amwaterhousefilefilter might not be JalviewFileFilter
2005-05-24 jprocterformatting.
2005-05-24 amwaterhouseequalsIgnoreCase
2005-05-24 amwaterhousesetDefaultFileFormat
2005-05-24 amwaterhousereplace get with elementAt
2005-05-24 amwaterhousesetgraphics black
2005-05-24 jprocterslight changes.
2005-05-24 jprocteradded sorting alignments documentation.
2005-05-24 amwaterhousesetgraphics black
2005-05-24 jprocterseveral ordering bug fixes.
2005-05-23 jprocterAdded PadGaps and made treeSortMenu dynamic (it gets...
2005-05-23 jprocteradded some assertions and rangechecks for insert/delete...
2005-05-23 jprocteradded getSequencesInOrder (part of refactor from AlignP...
2005-05-23 jproctereditMenuPadGaps and sortByTree/sort items
2005-05-23 jprocterfixed window title names for prediction on MSA or Sequence.
2005-05-23 amwaterhousecolour groups by text colour
2005-05-23 amwaterhousemake sure fonts are not null
2005-05-23 amwaterhouseremove separator
2005-05-23 amwaterhousenew savestate method
2005-05-23 jprocterUgly but improved recovery of sequence names, starts...
2005-05-23 jprocterbug fix for wierdness retrieving QUERY sequence index.
2005-05-23 amwaterhouseboxes, colour text, show text added to groups
2005-05-23 amwaterhousehistoryitem added
2005-05-22 jprocterinclude MsaWS ordering but not perfect (undo destroys...
2005-05-22 jproctermarginal improvements - still no automated client const...
2005-05-22 jprocterAdded alignment ordering option to 'Sort by' and implem...
2005-05-22 jprocterlater version of client-side WSDL2Java generated simple...
2005-05-20 jprocterSemiworking generic MSA client
2005-05-20 jprocteradded placeholder indicators and menu item
2005-05-20 jprocterVarious sort methods added and bugs fixed (coping with...
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseDEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT added
2005-05-20 jproctersequence place holder reveal menu item.
2005-05-20 jprocteradded tree node property for sequence placeholders.
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseif fullid shown, resize fonts
2005-05-20 amwaterhousestartup file added
2005-05-20 amwaterhousea flauss changes
2005-05-20 amwaterhousescroller is now a panel
2005-05-20 amwaterhouselook for startup file
2005-05-20 amwaterhousescroller is now a panel, removes border
2005-05-20 amwaterhousechange ActionListeners to ItemListeners
2005-05-20 amwaterhousenot centered
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseremoved
2005-05-20 amwaterhouseapostrophes
2005-05-20 amwaterhousecopy order maintained
2005-05-20 jprocterxml-apis from the same place as xercesImpl.jar
2005-05-20 jprocterThis is the xercesImpl.jar from xerces-2_6_2