2005-12-12 amwaterhouseRemove unused mappings
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseGetAlignment uses active alignment window
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseInlude mcview in build applet
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseChange dataset name
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseChange title
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseRelease date
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseDOnt mention WSWublast for now
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseJbinit
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseFont size label
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseDont bother with WSWUBlast for now
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseFOnt size -3 for labels
2005-12-12 amwaterhouse Check if user cancelled before making image
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseSet font italic
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseFont changes on export png/eps
2005-12-12 amwaterhouseGetmask is slightly wider
2005-12-09 jprocteradded description of how PDB structures can be associat...
2005-12-09 jprocterRearranged 'What's new' and debugged/verified the seque...
2005-12-09 jprocterfixed pdbentry creation and multiple uniprot or pdb...
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseChange order of repaint if wrapped
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseApplet Structure viewer has all colours available
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseCan be used by PDBViewer
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseAll colours added to Structure viewer
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseOnly load the tree file once, for first alignment
2005-12-09 amwaterhouseKeylistener added to frame and seqcanvas
2005-12-08 jproctercontext dependent title for when called from desktop...
2005-12-08 jprocterchanged WhatsNew to a folder and modified preferences...
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseIf dataset seq exists for paste to existing alignment...
2005-12-08 jprocteradded some error checking and instruction dialogs
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseShould call deselectAll when escape pressed
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseDont repaint if component has been removed
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseSeqColoursReady
2005-12-08 jproctermodified jnet parsing exception report string.
2005-12-08 jprocterexception checks for (de)uniquify
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseClustal colour added to table
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseSeqColoursReady boolean added
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseUnknownSequences.remove moved out of loop
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseshowAnnotation state loaded
2005-12-08 amwaterhousenull pointer in wrapped mode, click near sequence
2005-12-08 amwaterhousenew help
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseUpdated help
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseRevert to version 1.25
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseAfter merge
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseEqualsignoreCase
2005-12-07 amwaterhouseLicense added to new files
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseView menu added to TOC
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseSlightly larger
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAllow for DNA alignments in imgMap
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseMake ImageMap for features as well as groups
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAdd features to dataset
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAdd internalFrameActivated listener
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAfter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseReadded
2005-12-06 amwaterhousehasDistances added
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAfter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseafter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseafter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAfter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAfter branch merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhousePDB structure viewer updated
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseSaves features
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseNew help files
2005-11-18 jprocterFixed bug dragonfly.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/mantis/view...
2005-11-18 jprocteradded 3 letter IUB codes for ambiguous residues/bases
2005-10-07 amwaterhousecomma separated rgb values
2005-10-07 amwaterhousegetalignment method added
2005-10-07 amwaterhouseQuick fix for reading sequence
2005-10-07 amwaterhouseSelect all cutandpaste
2005-10-07 amwaterhouseDon't exit if file not found and not headless
2005-10-05 amwaterhouseSequence start end added for the time being
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseRemove float width
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseRequest focus for new frames
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseReturn if no searchString
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseKeylistener added to internalFrame
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseRemove development code
2005-10-03 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy from eclipse
2005-09-30 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy from Eclipse
2005-09-30 amwaterhouseRestore file before eclipse changes
2005-09-30 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy in Eclipse
2005-09-29 amwaterhouseTake into account scroll value
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseuse lower case home.png Release_2_06
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseApplet frame name
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseSet frame size each applet
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseRemove latestVersion if null
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseRemove latestVersion if null
2005-09-28 amwaterhouse2.06
2005-09-28 amwaterhousePut clip back in
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseChange font
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseMore features for PCA
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseWrap alignment with annotations
2005-09-28 amwaterhouseNew params
2005-09-27 amwaterhouseShow labels in wrapped view
2005-09-23 amwaterhouseDraw labels, anti alias
2005-09-23 amwaterhouseCapture output as details
2005-09-23 amwaterhouseRight click copy/paste popup
2005-09-23 amwaterhouseNow an InternalFrame with menus
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseSetAnnotationVisible - ignore if wrapped
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseCreate Instance of FormatAdapter
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseDont calculate conservation for nucleotides
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseisNucleotide
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseCreate instance of FormatAdapter