2017-06-08 kiramtJAL-2588 Consistent gap colour when in None colour...
2017-06-08 kiramtMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2589gapColour' into feature/2588
2017-06-06 gmungocJAL-2589 correct colour for Gap in Score and User Defin...
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterJAL-2590 release notes
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2590' into develop
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterJAL-2590 patch for rendering eggnog trees with polytomi...
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterJAL-2576 release notes
2017-06-05 kiramtJAL-2588 Naive implementation of gaps as grey in overview
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2576' into develop
2017-06-05 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2586' into develop
2017-06-05 kiramtJAL-2586 Checkstyle flagged fix of unintended fall...
2017-06-05 kiramtJAL-2571 Missed (alwaysRun=true) for @BeforeMethod
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2228 java 1.7 compliance
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 updated docs
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 only hide/show columns intersecting with curre...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 get bitset representing hidden columns
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 use HiddenColumns.hideMarkedBits and take...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 method taking a BitSet for hiding columns
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 bug fix - BitSet.set is [start,end+1)
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 fixed broken asserts for SequenceI.getInsertio...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 ‘Hide Insertions’ now operates on selection...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2291 SequenceI.getInsertionsAsBits for convenient...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2582 comment about IDs being lost if they resembl...
2017-06-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2582 recognise ENS…P peptide IDs and make two getPa...
2017-06-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2578' into develop
2017-06-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2577' into develop
2017-06-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2228_featureSetCounts_minRan...
2017-06-02 tcofoegbuJAL-2473 revised default minimum dimension for Alignmen...
2017-06-02 Jim ProcterJAL-2228 always create zero score annotations, since...
2017-06-02 Jim ProcterJAL-2228 always set minimum for count to zero for annot...
2017-06-02 kiramtJAL-2576 Proposed fix
2017-06-02 kiramtJAL-2577 Don't allow viewport ranges below 0. Unit...
2017-06-02 kiramtJAL-2578 Moved hidden columns reveal to before selectio...
2017-06-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-1648_cache_user_inputs'...
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 release notes for JAL-2547, JAL-2563, JAL...
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'JAL-2571' into develop
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterJAL-2398 - updated groovy script for direct field modif...
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 JAL-2563 release notes
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 typo
2017-05-31 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into documentation/JAL-2418_rele...
2017-05-31 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2017-05-31 tcofoegbuJAL-2375 fix unit test to reflect improvement
2017-05-31 tcofoegbuFixed failing tests
2017-05-31 tcofoegbuJAL-2533 updated unit test to reflect improvement
2017-05-31 gmungocJAL-2547 handle contact features 'around' a gap correctly
2017-05-30 kiramtJAL-2573 Fixes for alignment < viewport width, and...
2017-05-30 gmungocJAL-2547 tooltip/AmendFeatures on gap straddled by...
2017-05-30 kiramtJAL-2571 Corrected alignment width/height checks to...
2017-05-30 gmungocJAL-2570 don't zap group colour scheme when mapping...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2034contextchange' into develop
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2388 release notes
2017-05-29 tcofoegbuJAL-1648 improvement on finder searchbox keyboard contr...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2520 properly documented as a fixed bug in release...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2465,JAL-2520,JAL-2533 release notes
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2465_No-mapping_Jmol-structu...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2533 update javadoc
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2465 fixed groups for JmolViewerTest.testStructureL...
2017-05-29 tcofoegbuJAL-1648 code fix - enter key should pick selected...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2536' into develop
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2536 tweak javadoc wording
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2517 release notes
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2517cancelAppletColour' into...
2017-05-29 Jim Procterrelease notes
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 updated JABAWS server in what’s new
2017-05-29 Jim ProcterJAL-2491 JAL-2526 JAL-2566 JAL-2563 JAL-2547 release...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2491' into develop
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2547tooltipOnGap' into develop
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'task/JAL-2562_SequenceI.findPosition...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2563 failing test to verify SetStatus returns posit...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2563 test to verify SetStatus returns -1 so mouseOv...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'task/JAL-2562_SequenceI.findPosition...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2547 JAL-2562 rejig SetStatusMessage return value...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'task/JAL-2562_SequenceI.findPosition...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2526 test and documentation for SeqPanel.setStatus...
2017-05-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2562 javadoc TODO
2017-05-26 kiramtJAL-2491 Missed port to applet from JAL-1691
2017-05-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-26 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 updated JPred documentation and screenshot...
2017-05-26 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 JAL-2549 JABAWS 2.2 release notes
2017-05-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2549_updateJABAWSto220'...
2017-05-26 tcofoegbuJAL-2465 Improvement to re-instate storing recently...
2017-05-26 tcofoegbuJAL-2465 fix to prevent files loaded from the system...
2017-05-26 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'features/JAL-1648_cache_user_inputs'...
2017-05-26 tcofoegbuJAL-1648 fix to transfer focus back to alignment frame...
2017-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1648_cache_use...
2017-05-25 kiramtJAl-2034 Ported to applet
2017-05-25 kiramtJAL-2034 don't update overview after click without...
2017-05-25 kiramtMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2551' into bug/JAL-2034contextchange
2017-05-24 kiramtJAL-2551 Fix to group colouring when group extent is...
2017-05-24 kiramtJAL-2034 Added isDefined flag to SequenceGroup
2017-05-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2549 RNAAliFold result to annotation file roundtrip...
2017-05-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2549 skip ‘Unrecognised Service’ which resolves...
2017-05-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2549 replace JABAWS 2.1 with 2.2 client and remove...