2004-12-01 amwaterhouserendergaps(boolean) function added
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseshowInternalInputDialog
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseDont render gaps in overview panel
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseBrackets moved
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseFind routine added
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseChar to string comparison
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseGapchar is a char, not string
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseSet gap chararcter replaces all existing gap chars
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseModified output to reduce HTML file size
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseFind added to edit menu
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseNew class
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseNew function to highlight text search results
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseNew classes
2004-12-01 amwaterhouseSpace changes
2004-11-22 amwaterhouseAbout info updated
2004-11-19 amwaterhouseset display boxes must be applied to groups
2004-11-19 amwaterhouseprinting now uses printer fonts
2004-11-19 amwaterhouseif sequence is in selection when removed, remove from...
2004-11-19 amwaterhousedoesn't create an image for drawing, important for...
2004-11-19 amwaterhousechecks for new selection before adding a new group
2004-11-19 amwaterhousereturns color.white if residueBoxColour is null
2004-11-19 amwaterhouseMoved colour text menu
2004-11-18 amwaterhousenot used at present
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseNew files
2004-11-18 amwaterhousespace removed
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseprint menu item added
2004-11-18 amwaterhousesetcolour in seqpanel now needs to know about conservation
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseallow for printing
2004-11-18 amwaterhousetry out graphics 2d
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseremove import of analysis
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseprinting added
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseallow printing and 3d viewer
2004-11-18 amwaterhouseupdates
2004-11-18 amwaterhousemake variable public
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseremove jbgui import
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseAdd only colours that currently work
2004-11-16 amwaterhousenew file
2004-11-16 amwaterhousechange names of space filling panel
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseConservationColour added
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseNew files
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseadd fix if colour is white
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseRemove viewport from constructor
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseMake sure we're talking about the same alignment!
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseNo need for viewport or colourtext in renderer
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseInitial size of overview
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseHalfway to wrapalignment,
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseHalfway to wrapalignment, shows swissprot file
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseNew Class
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseNew class
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseShow all hydrophobic residues
2004-11-16 amwaterhousehalfway to wrap alignment
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseConservation colour in place
2004-11-16 amwaterhousenow has a name
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseinitial colour of sequence is black
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseSequenceGroup may have name
2004-11-16 amwaterhousedon't use setdefaultlookandfeeldecorated, its buggy
2004-11-16 amwaterhouseRemoved spaces
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseAdds sequence number to status bar
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseComment out all PID and frequency calcs for the moment
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseMove drawing out of repaint method
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseOnly 4 or more sequences allowed for PCA
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseWhite space change
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseAllowed for addition of OverviewPanel
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseOverviewPanel added
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseAdded OverviewPanel
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseText changes on labels
2004-11-04 amwaterhouseremoved import jbgui line
2004-11-02 amwaterhousePaintRefresher called after tree selection made
2004-11-02 amwaterhouseAllow colouring of ids from tree selected groups
2004-11-02 amwaterhouseJalview Imported Sources start