2025-01-09 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'development/Release_2_12_Branch' into...
2025-01-09 Jim ProcterJAL-4107 update 2.12 from 2.11.3 - continuing MMW merge
2024-03-14 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'JAL-1601-direct-jpred4-rest-service'... development/Release_2_12_Branch
2024-03-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Update jpred client library. JAL-1601-direct-jpred4-rest-service
2024-03-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Read full file before passing to FileParse
2024-03-06 James ProcterMerge branch 'JAL-1601-direct-jpred4-rest-service'...
2024-01-25 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 fix phmmer client js library
2024-01-24 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Add jslibs for hmmer and jpred
2024-01-23 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Fix broken Alignment Annotation test
2024-01-19 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Patch JPred4 service tests.
2023-11-06 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Expand secondary structure prediction tests
2023-11-06 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Change getSubJobs return type
2023-11-01 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4313-make-visible-annot-fix'...
2023-11-01 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Clamp start and end ranges to array size bug/JAL-4313-make-visible-annot-fix
2023-10-31 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Test and patch annots trimming
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'bug/JAL-4313-make-visible-annot-fix'...
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Change default trim end to (length - 1)
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Test makeVisibleAnnotations
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Create Annotation tests
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Patch AnnotationsMatcher to match nulls
2023-10-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4313 Create utilities to test annotations
2023-10-19 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Implement sec str pred for single sequences
2023-10-18 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Reuse existing "getNonEmptySequenceSet" method
2023-10-18 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Rename task class to SecStructPredMsaTask
2023-10-18 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Move job class as inner task class
2023-10-17 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Create alignment copying method in AlignmentUtils
2023-10-17 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Test alignment submitted to service
2023-10-16 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Propagate hidden columns to the output alignment
2023-10-16 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Propagate representative sequence to the final...
2023-10-13 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Set job status to server error if collecting...
2023-10-13 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Create SecStructPredTask class
2023-10-13 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Load and display JPred4 service in AlignFrame
2023-10-13 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Implement JPred4 WS client and discoverer
2023-10-05 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Create action and task for sec. str. pred...
2023-10-05 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Implement JPred4 client and discoverer
2023-10-05 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Update javadoc of getAlignmentAndHiddenColumns
2023-10-05 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Add sec str pred provider and client interfaces
2023-09-25 Mateusz WarownyJAL-1601 Test getVisibleCongigMapFor
2023-09-14 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/bug/JAL-4241-annotation-alignment...
2023-09-14 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Flter empty columns from annotation service... mmw/bug/JAL-4241-annotation-alignment-fix-slivka
2023-09-14 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Add SequenceI.setSequence(char[]) method
2023-09-14 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 add SeqsetUtils.filterSequence function
2023-09-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Fix non-standard residues replacement.
2023-09-11 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/bug/JAL-4241-annotation-alignment...
2023-09-11 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/JAL-4199-web-services-testing' into...
2023-09-11 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'improvement/JAL-4245-return-null-from...
2023-09-08 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/JAL-4199-web-services-testing' into...
2023-09-08 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Set all setup methods to alwaysRun mmw/JAL-4199-web-services-testing
2023-09-08 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Add tests to the "Functional" group
2023-08-04 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Test sequences prepared for annotation job
2023-07-31 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Fix annotation and feature alignment with...
2023-07-28 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4241 Create sequence mapping before adjusting annot...
2023-07-26 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4245 Test getRootDataset method improvement/JAL-4245-return-null-from-getRootDataset
2023-07-26 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4245 Return null from getRootDataset if no dataset
2023-07-19 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Add tests to the "Functional" group
2023-07-18 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'patch/JAL-4232-disable-unavailable-servic...
2023-07-18 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/JAL-4199-task-execution-update' into...
2023-07-18 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'mmw/JAL-4199-web-services-testing' into...
2023-07-17 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4232 Disable menu items for RNA services for proteins. patch/JAL-4232-disable-unavailable-services
2023-07-14 Mateusz WarownyMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3954-ebi-phmmer' into mmw... mmw/JAL-4199-task-execution-update
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Fix cancel button not appearing on progress bar
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Restore deletable test when removing workers
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Remove viewport reference from AnnotationTask
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Fix slivka client to parse feature fileters
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 remove viewport references from AlignmentTask
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Fix interactive jobs not being stopped
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Organise AlignCalcWorkerAdapter imports
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Implement toString in BaseTask
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Organise annotation task imports and fields
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Set initial delay of task executor to 0
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Remove commented out code
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Perform null check for annotation sequenceRef
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Patch task execution in action tests
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Remove utility methods moved to other classes...
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyImplement getRootDatasetSequence for SequenceI
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyImplement getLastGraphGroup in for AnnotatedCollectionI
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Schedule tasks for execution from MenuManager
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Tidy up imports
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Update gui handler for annotation tasks
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Implement AlignCalcWorker adapter for annot...
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Fix method name typo
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Make all TaskEventListener methods default
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Remove taskRestarted from task events
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Allow multiple listeners in TaskEventSupport
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Change actions to be task factories
2023-07-12 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Replace AbstractPollingTask with BaseTask
2023-07-04 James ProcterMerge branch 'mmw/Release_2_12_ws_merge' into developme...
2023-06-22 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Introduce AlignmentAction tests
2023-06-22 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Initialize jobs and tasks with status CREATED
2023-06-19 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Test basic service parameter construction
2023-06-14 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Test URL settings and basic service discovery
2023-06-14 Mateusz WarownyJAL-4199 Update slivka client
2023-06-02 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Do not retrieve alignment for failed jobs feature/JAL-3954-ebi-phmmer
2023-06-02 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Report error log when job fails
2023-06-02 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Add query sequence aligned to consensus to...
2023-06-02 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 reuse spinner dialog to show search task status
2023-05-30 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 create primitive gui handler for search service
2023-05-16 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Implement phmmer action and task as alignment...
2023-05-16 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Log events TaskEventListener.NULL_LISTENER
2023-05-10 Mateusz WarownyJAL-3954 Create fallback for handling unknown actions