[jalview.git] / resources / lang / Messages.properties
1 action.refresh_services = Refresh Services
2 action.reset_services = Reset Services
3 action.merge_results = Merge Results
4 action.load_scheme = Load scheme
5 action.save_scheme = Save scheme
6 label.scheme_changed = Changes to scheme ''{0}'' have not been saved.<br><br>Save changes, or continue without saving to make a new colour scheme.
7 label.save_changes = Save Changes
8 label.dont_save_changes = Don't Save
9 action.save_image = Save Image
10 action.paste = Paste
11 action.show_html_source = Show HTML Source
12 action.print = Print...
13 action.web_service = Web Service
14 action.cancel_job = Cancel Job
15 action.start_job = Start Job
16 action.revert = Revert
17 action.move_down = Move Down
18 action.move_up = Move Up
19 action.remove_return_datatype = Remove return datatype
20 action.add_return_datatype = Add return datatype
21 action.remove_input_parameter = Remove selected input parameter
22 action.add_input_parameter = Add input parameter
23 action.edit = Edit
24 action.new = New
25 action.open_file = Open file
26 action.show_unconserved = Show Unconserved
27 action.open_new_alignment = Open new alignment
28 action.raise_associated_windows = Raise Associated Windows
29 action.minimize_associated_windows = Minimize Associated Windows
30 action.close_all = Close all
31 action.load_project = Load Project
32 action.save_project = Save Project
33 action.save_project_as = Save Project as...
34 action.quit = Quit
35 label.quit_jalview = Quit Jalview?
36 action.expand_views = Expand Views
37 action.gather_views = Gather Views
38 action.page_setup = Page Setup...
39 action.reload = Reload
40 action.load = Load
41 action.open = Open
42 action.cancel = Cancel
43 action.create = Create
44 action.update = Update
45 action.delete = Delete
46 action.clear = Clear
47 action.accept = Accept
48 action.select_ddbb = --- Select Database ---
49 action.undo = Undo
50 action.redo = Redo
51 action.reset = Reset
52 action.remove_left = Remove left
53 action.remove_right = Remove right
54 action.remove_empty_columns = Remove Empty Columns
55 action.remove_all_gaps = Remove All Gaps
56 action.left_justify_alignment = Left Justify Alignment
57 action.right_justify_alignment = Right Justify Alignment
58 action.boxes = Boxes
59 action.text = Text
60 action.by_pairwise_id = By Pairwise Identity
61 action.by_id = By Id
62 action.by_length = By Length
63 action.by_group = By Group
64 action.unmark_as_reference = Unmark as Reference 
65 action.set_as_reference = Set as Reference 
66 action.remove = Remove
67 action.remove_redundancy = Remove Redundancy...
68 action.pairwise_alignment = Pairwise Alignment
69 action.user_defined = User Defined...
70 action.by_conservation = By Conservation
71 action.wrap = Wrap
72 action.show_gaps = Show Gaps
73 action.show_hidden_markers = Show Hidden Markers
74 action.find = Find
75 action.undefine_groups = Undefine Groups
76 action.make_groups_selection = Make Groups For Selection
77 action.copy = Copy
78 action.cut = Cut
79 action.font = Font...
80 action.scale_above = Scale Above
81 action.scale_left = Scale Left
82 action.scale_right = Scale Right
83 action.by_tree_order = By Tree Order
84 action.sort = Sort
85 action.calculate_tree = Calculate Tree...
86 action.calculate_tree_pca = Calculate Tree or PCA...
87 action.help = Help
88 action.by_annotation = By Annotation...
89 action.invert_sequence_selection = Invert Sequence Selection
90 action.invert_column_selection = Invert Column Selection
91 action.show = Show
92 action.hide = Hide
93 action.ok = OK
94 action.set_defaults = Defaults
95 action.create_group = Create Group
96 action.remove_group = Remove Group
97 action.edit_group = Edit Group
98 action.border_colour = Border colour
99 action.edit_new_group = Edit New Group
100 action.hide_sequences = Hide Sequences
101 action.sequences = Sequences
102 action.ids = IDS
103 action.ids_sequences = IDS and sequences
104 action.reveal_all = Reveal All
105 action.reveal_sequences = Reveal Sequences
106 action.find_all = Find all
107 action.find_next = Find next
108 action.file = File
109 action.view = View
110 action.annotations = Annotations
111 action.change_params = Change Parameters
112 action.apply = Apply
113 action.apply_threshold_all_groups = Apply threshold to all groups
114 action.apply_all_groups = Apply to all Groups
115 action.by_chain = By Chain
116 action.by_sequence = By Sequence
117 action.paste_annotations = Paste Annotations
118 action.format = Format
119 action.select = Select
120 action.new_view = New View
121 action.close = Close
122 action.add = Add
123 action.save_as = Save as...
124 action.save = Save
125 action.change_font = Change Font
126 action.change_font_tree_panel = Change Font (Tree Panel)
127 action.colour = Colour
128 action.calculate = Calculate
129 action.select_all = Select all
130 action.select_highlighted_columns = Select Highlighted Columns
131 tooltip.select_highlighted_columns = Press B to mark highlighted columns, Ctrl-(or Cmd)-B to toggle, and Alt-B to mark all but highlighted columns 
132 action.deselect_all = Deselect all
133 action.invert_selection = Invert selection
134 action.using_jmol = Using Jmol
135 action.undo_changes_to_feature_settings = Undo all unapplied changes to feature settings
136 action.undo_changes_to_feature_settings_and_close_the_dialog = Undo all pending changes and close the feature settings dialog
137 action.link = Link
138 action.group_link = Group Link
139 action.show_chain = Show Chain
140 action.show_group = Show Group
141 action.fetch_db_references = Fetch DB References
142 action.view_flanking_regions = Show flanking regions
143 label.view_flanking_regions = Show sequence data either side of the subsequences involved in this alignment
144 label.structures_manager = Structures Manager
145 label.url = URL
146 label.url\: = URL:
147 label.input_file_url = Enter URL or Input File
148 label.select_feature = Select feature
149 label.name = Name
150 label.name\: = Name:
151 label.name_param = Name: {0}
152 label.group = Group
153 label.group\: = Group:
154 label.group_name = Group Name
155 label.group_description = Group Description
156 label.edit_group_name_description = Edit Group Name/Description
157 label.colour = Colour:
158 label.description = Description
159 label.description\: = Description:
160 label.start = Start:
161 label.end = End:
162 label.current_parameter_set_name = Current parameter set name:
163 label.service_action = Service Action:
164 label.post_url = POST URL:
165 label.url_suffix = URL Suffix
166 label.per_seq = per Sequence
167 label.result_vertically_separable = Results are vertically separable
168 label.amend = Amend
169 label.undo_command = Undo {0}
170 label.redo_command = Redo {0}
171 label.principal_component_analysis = Principal Component Analysis
172 label.average_distance_identity = Average Distance Using % Identity
173 label.neighbour_joining_identity = Neighbour Joining Using % Identity
174 label.choose_calculation = Choose Calculation
175 label.calc_title = {0} Using {1}
176 label.tree_calc_av = Average Distance
177 label.tree_calc_nj = Neighbour Joining
178 label.score_model_pid = % Identity
179 label.score_model_blosum62 = BLOSUM62
180 label.score_model_pam250 = PAM 250
181 label.score_model_smithwatermanscore = Score between two sequences aligned with Smith-Waterman with default Peptide/Nucleotide matrix
182 label.score_model_sequencefeaturesimilarity = Distance measure of average number of features not shared at sequence positions 
183 label.score_model_conservation = Physicochemical property conservation
184 label.score_model_enhconservation = Physicochemical property conservation
185 label.status_bar = Status bar
186 label.out_to_textbox = Output to Textbox
187 label.occupancy = Occupancy
188 # delete Clustal - use FileFormat name instead
189 label.clustal = Clustal
190 # label.colourScheme_<schemeName> as in JalviewColourScheme, spaces removed
191 label.colourScheme_clustal = Clustalx
192 label.colourScheme_blosum62 = BLOSUM62 Score
193 label.colourScheme_%identity = Percentage Identity
194 label.colourScheme_zappo = Zappo
195 label.colourScheme_taylor = Taylor
196 label.colourScheme_hydrophobic = Hydrophobicity
197 label.colourScheme_helixpropensity = Helix Propensity
198 label.colourScheme_strandpropensity = Strand Propensity
199 label.colourScheme_turnpropensity = Turn Propensity
200 label.colourScheme_buriedindex = Buried Index
201 label.colourScheme_purine/pyrimidine = Purine/Pyrimidine
202 label.colourScheme_nucleotide = Nucleotide
203 label.colourScheme_t-coffeescores = T-Coffee Scores
204 label.colourScheme_rnahelices = By RNA Helices
205 label.colourScheme_sequenceid = Sequence ID Colour
206 label.blc = BLC
207 label.fasta = Fasta
208 label.msf = MSF
209 label.pfam = PFAM
210 label.pileup = Pileup
211 label.pir = PIR
212 label.average_distance_blosum62 = Average Distance Using BLOSUM62
213 label.neighbour_blosum62 = Neighbour Joining Using BLOSUM62
214 label.show_annotations = Show annotations
215 label.hide_annotations = Hide annotations
216 label.show_all_seq_annotations = Show sequence related
217 label.hide_all_seq_annotations = Hide sequence related
218 label.show_all_al_annotations = Show alignment related
219 label.hide_all_al_annotations = Hide alignment related
220 label.hide_all = Hide all
221 label.add_reference_annotations = Add reference annotations
222 label.find_tip = Search alignment, selection or sequence ids for a subsequence (ignoring gaps).<br>Accepts regular expressions - search Help for 'regex' for details.
223 label.colour_text = Colour Text
224 label.show_non_conserved = Show nonconserved
225 label.overview_window = Overview Window
226 label.none = None
227 label.above_identity_threshold = Above Identity Threshold
228 label.show_sequence_features = Show Sequence Features
229 label.nucleotide = Nucleotide
230 label.protein = Protein
231 label.nucleotides = Nucleotides
232 label.proteins = Proteins
233 label.CDS = CDS
234 label.to_new_alignment = To New Alignment
235 label.to_this_alignment = Add To This Alignment
236 label.apply_colour_to_all_groups = Apply Colour To All Groups
237 label.modify_identity_threshold = Modify Identity Threshold...
238 label.modify_conservation_threshold = Modify Conservation Threshold...
239 label.input_from_textbox = Input from textbox
240 label.centre_column_labels = Centre column labels
241 label.automatic_scrolling = Automatic Scrolling
242 label.documentation = Documentation
243 label.about = About...
244 label.show_sequence_limits = Show Sequence Limits
245 action.feature_settings = Feature Settings...
246 label.all_columns = All Columns
247 label.all_sequences = All Sequences
248 label.selected_columns = Selected Columns 
249 label.selected_sequences = Selected Sequences
250 label.except_selected_sequences = All except selected sequences
251 label.all_but_selected_region = All but Selected Region (Shift+Ctrl+H)
252 label.selected_region = Selected Region
253 label.all_sequences_columns = All Sequences and Columns
254 label.hide_selected_annotations = Hide selected annotations
255 label.show_selected_annotations = Show selected annotations
256 label.group_consensus = Group Consensus
257 label.group_conservation = Group Conservation
258 label.show_consensus_histogram = Show Consensus Histogram
259 label.show_consensus_logo = Show Consensus Logo
260 label.norm_consensus_logo = Normalise Consensus Logo
261 label.apply_all_groups = Apply to all groups
262 label.autocalculated_annotation = Autocalculated Annotation
263 label.show_first = Show first
264 label.show_last = Show last
265 label.struct_from_pdb = Process secondary structure from PDB
266 label.use_rnaview = Use RNAView for secondary structure
267 label.autoadd_secstr = Add secondary structure annotation to alignment
268 label.autoadd_temp = Add Temperature Factor annotation to alignment
269 label.structure_viewer = Default structure viewer
270 label.double_click_to_browse = Double-click to browse for file
271 label.viewer_path = Path to {0} program
272 label.viewer_path_tip = Jalview will first try any path entered here, else standard installation locations.<br>Double-click to browse for file.
273 label.invalid_viewer_path = Path not found or not executable
274 label.viewer_missing = Structure viewer not found.<br/>Please enter the path to the executable (if installed),<br/>or download and install the program.
275 label.open_viewer_failed = Error opening {0} - is it installed?\nCheck path in Preferences, Structure
276 label.min_colour = Minimum Colour
277 label.max_colour = Maximum Colour
278 label.no_colour = No Colour
279 label.use_original_colours = Use Original Colours
280 label.threshold_minmax = Threshold is min/max
281 label.represent_group_with = Represent Group with {0}
282 label.selection = Selection
283 label.group_colour = Group Colour
284 label.sequence = Sequence
285 label.view_pdb_structure = View PDB Structure
286 label.min_value = Min value
287 label.max_value = Max value
288 label.no_value = No value
289 label.new_feature = New Feature
290 label.match_case = Match Case
291 label.view_alignment_editor = View in alignment editor
292 label.labels = Labels
293 label.output_values = Output Values...
294 label.output_points = Output points...
295 label.output_transformed_points = Output transformed points
296 label.input_data = Input Data...
297 label.nucleotide_matrix = Nucleotide matrix
298 label.protein_matrix = Protein matrix
299 label.show_bootstrap_values = Show Bootstrap Values
300 label.show_distances = Show distances
301 label.mark_unassociated_leaves = Mark Unassociated Leaves
302 label.fit_to_window = Fit To Window
303 label.newick_format = Newick Format
304 label.select_newick_like_tree_file = Select a newick-like tree file
305 label.colours = Colours
306 label.view_mapping = View Mapping
307 label.wireframe = Wireframe
308 label.depthcue = Depthcue
309 label.z_buffering = Z Buffering
310 label.charge_cysteine = Charge & Cysteine
311 label.all_chains_visible = All Chains Visible
312 label.successfully_added_features_alignment = Successfully added features to alignment
313 label.keyboard_editing_mode = Keyboard editing mode is {0}
314 label.paste_features_annotations_Tcoffee_here = Paste your features / annotations / T-coffee score file here.
315 label.removed_columns = Removed {0} columns.
316 label.removed_empty_columns = Removed {0} empty columns.
317 label.paste_newick_tree_file = Paste your Newick tree file here.
318 label.order_by_params = Order by {0}
319 label.html_content = <html>{0}</html>
320 label.paste_pdb_file= Paste your PDB file here.
321 label.paste_pdb_file_for_sequence = Paste PDB file for sequence {0}
322 label.could_not_parse_newick_file  = Could not parse Newick file\!\n {0}
323 label.successfully_pasted_tcoffee_scores_to_alignment= Successfully pasted T-Coffee scores to alignment.
324 label.failed_add_tcoffee_scores = Failed to add T-Coffee scores: 
325 label.successfully_pasted_annotation_to_alignment= Successfully pasted annotation to alignment.
326 label.couldnt_parse_pasted_text_as_valid_annotation_feature_GFF_tcoffee_file = Couldn't parse pasted text as a valid annotation, feature, GFF, or T-Coffee score file
327 label.successfully_pasted_alignment_file = Successfully pasted alignment file
328 label.paste_your_alignment_file = Paste your alignment file here
329 label.paste_your = Paste your
330 label.finished_searching = Finished searching
331 label.subsequence_matches_found = {0} subsequence matches found
332 label.search_results= Search results {0} : {1}
333 label.found_match_for = Found match for {0}
334 label.font = Font:
335 label.size = Size:
336 label.style = Style:
337 label.calculating = Calculating....
338 label.modify_conservation_visibility = Modify conservation visibility
339 label.colour_residues_above_occurrence = Colour residues above % occurrence
340 label.set_this_label_text = set this label text
341 label.sequences_from = Sequences from {0}
342 label.successfully_loaded_file  = Successfully loaded file {0}
343 label.successfully_loaded_matrix  = Successfully loaded score matrix {0}
344 label.successfully_saved_to_file_in_format = Successfully saved to file: {0} in {1} format.
345 label.copied_sequences_to_clipboard = Copied {0} sequences to clipboard.
346 label.check_file_matches_sequence_ids_alignment = Check that the file matches sequence IDs in the alignment.
347 label.problem_reading_tcoffee_score_file = Problem reading T-COFFEE score file
348 label.source_to_target = {0} ... {1}
349 label.per_sequence_only= Per-sequence only
350 label.to_file = to File
351 label.to_textbox = to Textbox
352 label.jalview = Jalview
353 label.csv_spreadsheet = CSV (Spreadsheet)
354 label.status = Status
355 label.channels = Channels
356 label.channel_title_item_count = {0} ({1})
357 label.blog_item_published_on_date = {0} {1} 
358 label.groovy_console = Groovy Console...
359 label.lineart = Lineart
360 label.dont_ask_me_again = Don't ask me again
361 label.select_character_rendering_style = {0} character rendering style
362 label.select_character_style_title = {0} Rendering options
363 label.invert_selection = Invert Selection
364 label.optimise_order = Optimise Order
365 label.seq_sort_by_score = Sequence sort by Score
366 label.load_colours = Load Colours
367 label.save_colours = Save Colours
368 label.load_colours_tooltip = Load feature colours and filters from file
369 label.save_colours_tooltip = Save feature colours and filters to file
370 label.selected_database_to_fetch_from = Selected {0} database {1} to fetch from {2} 
371 label.database_param = Database: {0}
372 label.example = Example
373 label.example_param = Example: {0}
374 label.select_file_format_before_saving = You must select a file format before saving!
375 label.file_format_not_specified = File format not specified
376 label.couldnt_save_file = Couldn''t save file: {0}
377 label.error_saving_file = Error Saving File
378 label.remove_from_default_list = Remove from default list?
379 label.remove_user_defined_colour = Remove user defined colour
380 label.you_must_select_least_two_sequences = You must select at least 2 sequences.
381 label.invalid_selection = Invalid Selection
382 label.sequence_selection_insufficient = Sequence selection insufficient
383 label.you_need_at_least_n_sequences = You need to select at least {0} sequences
384 label.not_enough_sequences = Not enough sequences
385 label.selected_region_to_tree_may_only_contain_residues_or_gaps =  The selected region to create a tree may\nonly contain residues or gaps.\nTry using the Pad function in the edit menu,\nor one of the multiple sequence alignment web services.
386 label.sequences_selection_not_aligned = Sequences in selection are not aligned
387 label.problem_reading_tree_file =  Problem reading tree file
388 label.possible_problem_with_tree_file = Possible problem with tree file
389 label.select_at_least_three_bases_in_at_least_one_sequence_to_cDNA_translation = Please select at least three bases in at least one sequence in order to perform a cDNA translation.
390 label.translation_failed = Translation Failed
391 label.error_when_translating_sequences_submit_bug_report = Unfortunately, something went wrong when translating your sequences.\nPlease take a look in the Jalview java console\nand submit a bug report including the stacktrace.
392 label.implementation_error  = Implementation error:
393 label.automatically_associate_structure_files_with_sequences_same_name = Do you want to automatically associate the {0} structure file(s) with sequences in the alignment that have the same name?
394 label.automatically_associate_structure_files_by_name = Automatically Associate Structure files by name
395 label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files_info = <html>Do you want to <em>ignore</em> the {0} files whose names did not match any sequence IDs ?</html>
396 label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files = Ignore unmatched dropped files?
397 label.view_name_original = Original
398 label.enter_view_name = Enter View Name
399 label.enter_label = Enter label
400 label.enter_label_for_the_structure = Enter a label for the structure
401 label.pdb_entries_couldnt_be_retrieved = The following pdb entries could not be retrieved from the PDB\:\n{0}\nPlease retry, or try downloading them manually.
402 label.couldnt_load_file = Couldn't load file
403 label.couldnt_find_pdb_id_in_file = Couldn't find a PDB id in the file supplied. Please enter an Id to identify this structure.
404 label.no_pdb_id_in_file = No PDB Id in File
405 label.couldnt_read_pasted_text = Couldn't read the pasted text {0}
406 label.error_parsing_text = Error parsing text
407 label.input_alignment_from_url = Input Alignment From URL
408 label.input_alignment = Input Alignment
409 label.vamsas_document_import_failed = Vamsas Document Import Failed
410 label.couldnt_locate = Couldn''t locate {0}
411 label.url_not_found = URL not found
412 label.new_sequence_url_link = New sequence URL link
413 label.error_retrieving_data = Error Retrieving Data
414 label.user_colour_scheme_must_have_name = User colour scheme must have a name
415 label.no_name_colour_scheme = No name for colour scheme
416 label.invalid_url = Invalid URL !
417 label.error_loading_file = Error loading file
418 label.problems_opening_file = Encountered problems opening {0}!!
419 label.file_open_error = File open error
420 label.colour_scheme_exists_overwrite = Colour scheme {0} exists.\nContinue saving colour scheme as {1}?"
421 label.duplicate_scheme_name = Duplicate scheme name
422 label.jalview_new_questionnaire = There is a new Questionnaire available. Would you like to complete it now ?\n
423 label.jalview_user_survey = Jalview User Survey
424 label.alignment_properties = Alignment Properties: {0}
425 label.alignment_props = Alignment Properties
426 label.input_cut_paste = Cut & Paste Input
427 label.input_cut_paste_params = Cut & Paste Input - {0}
428 label.alignment_output_command = Alignment output - {0}
429 label.annotations = Annotations
430 label.structure_options = Structure Options
431 label.features = Features
432 label.overview_params = Overview {0}
433 label.paste_newick_file = Paste Newick file
434 label.load_tree_from_file = From File - 
435 label.colour_by_annotation = Colour by Annotation
436 label.selection_output_command = Selection output - {0}
437 label.annotation_for_displayid = <p><h2>Annotation for {0} </h2></p><p>
438 label.pdb_sequence_mapping = PDB - Sequence Mapping
439 label.pca_details = PCA details
440 label.redundancy_threshold_selection = Redundancy threshold selection
441 label.user_defined_colours = User defined colours
442 label.jalviewLite_release = JalviewLite - Release {0}
443 label.jaview_build_date = Build date: {0}
444 label.jalview_authors_1 = Authors: Jim Procter, Andrew Waterhouse, Mungo Carstairs, Tochukwu Ofoegbu, Lauren Lui, Jan Engelhardt,
445 label.jalview_authors_2 = Natasha Sherstnev, Daniel Barton, Michele Clamp, James Cuff, Steve Searle, David Martin & Geoff Barton.
446 label.jalview_dev_managers = Development managed by The Barton Group, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
447 label.jalview_distribution_lists = For help, see the FAQ at www.jalview.org and/or join the jalview-discuss@jalview.org mailing list
448 label.jalview_please_cite = If  you use Jalview, please cite:
449 label.jalview_cite_1_authors = Waterhouse, A.M., Procter, J.B., Martin, D.M.A, Clamp, M. and Barton, G. J. (2009)
450 label.jalview_cite_1_title = Jalview Version 2 - a multiple sequence alignment editor and analysis workbench
451 label.jalview_cite_1_ref = Bioinformatics doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp033
452 label.right_click = Right click
453 label.to_add_annotation = to add annotation
454 label.alignment_has_no_annotations = Alignment has no annotations
455 label.retrieving_pdb_data = Retrieving PDB data...
456 label.label = Label
457 label.no_features_added_to_this_alignment = No Features added to this alignment!!
458 label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_1 = (Features can be added from searches or
459 label.features_can_be_added_from_searches_2 = from Jalview / GFF features files)
460 label.calculating_pca= Calculating PCA
461 label.jalview_cannot_open_file = Jalview can't open file
462 label.jalview_applet = Jalview applet
463 label.loading_data = Loading data
464 label.memory_stats = Total Free Memory: {0} MB; Max Memory: {1} MB; {2} %
465 label.calculating_tree = Calculating tree
466 label.state_queueing = queuing
467 label.state_running = running
468 label.state_completed = finished
469 label.state_job_cancelled = job cancelled!!
470 label.state_job_error = job error!
471 label.server_error_try_later = Server Error! (try later)
472 label.error_loading_pdb_data = Error loading PDB data!!
473 label.fetching_pdb_data = Fetching PDB data...
474 label.structure_type = Structure type
475 label.settings_for_type = Settings for {0}
476 label.view_full_application = View in Full Application
477 label.load_associated_tree = Load Associated Tree...
478 label.load_features_annotations = Load Features/Annotations...
479 label.load_vcf = Load SNP variants from plain text or indexed VCF data
480 label.load_vcf_file = Load VCF File
481 label.searching_vcf = Loading VCF variants...
482 label.added_vcf = Added {0} VCF variants to {1} sequence(s)
483 label.export_features = Export Features...
484 label.export_annotations = Export Annotations...
485 label.to_upper_case = To Upper Case
486 label.to_lower_case = To Lower Case
487 label.toggle_case = Toggle Case
488 label.edit_name_description = Edit Name/Description...
489 label.create_sequence_feature = Create Sequence Feature...
490 label.edit_sequence = Edit Sequence
491 label.edit_sequences = Edit Sequences
492 label.insert_gap = Insert 1 gap
493 label.insert_gaps = Insert {0} gaps
494 label.delete_gap = Delete 1 gap
495 label.delete_gaps = Delete {0} gaps
496 label.sequence_details = Sequence Details
497 label.viewer_help = {0} Help
498 label.close_viewer = Close Viewer
499 label.confirm_close_viewer = This will close Jalview''s connection to {0}.<br>Do you want to close the {1} window as well?
500 label.all = All
501 label.sort_by = Sort alignment by
502 label.sort_by_score = Sort by Score
503 label.sort_by_density = Sort by Density
504 label.sequence_sort_by_density = Sequence sort by Density
505 label.sort_ann_by = Sort annotations by
506 label.sort_annotations_by_sequence = Sort by sequence
507 label.sort_annotations_by_label = Sort by label
508 label.reveal = Reveal
509 label.hide_columns = Hide Columns
510 label.load_jalview_annotations = Load Jalview Annotations or Features File
511 label.load_tree_file = Load a tree file
512 label.retrieve_parse_sequence_database_records_alignment_or_selected_sequences = Retrieve and parse sequence database records for the alignment or the currently selected sequences
513 label.standard_databases = Standard Databases
514 label.fetch_embl_uniprot = Fetch from EMBL/EMBLCDS or Uniprot/PDB and any selected DAS sources
515 label.fetch_uniprot_references = Fetch Uniprot references
516 label.fetch_references_for = Fetch database references for {0} sequences ?
517 label.reset_min_max_colours_to_defaults = Reset min and max colours to defaults from user preferences.
518 label.align_structures_using_linked_alignment_views = Superpose structures using {0} selected alignment view(s)
519 label.threshold_feature_display_by_score = Threshold the feature display by score.
520 label.threshold_feature_no_threshold = No Threshold
521 label.threshold_feature_above_threshold = Above Threshold
522 label.threshold_feature_below_threshold = Below Threshold
523 label.adjust_threshold = Adjust threshold
524 label.toggle_absolute_relative_display_threshold = Toggle between absolute and relative display threshold.
525 label.select_colour_minimum_value = Select Colour for Minimum Value
526 label.select_colour_maximum_value = Select Colour for Maximum Value
527 label.open_url_param = Open URL {0}
528 label.open_url_seqs_param = Open URL ({0}..) ({1} seqs)
529 label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence = Load a PDB file and associate it with sequence {0}
530 label.reveal_hidden_columns = Reveal Hidden Columns with Right Mouse Button
531 label.dark_colour = Dark Colour
532 label.light_colour = Light Colour
533 label.highlightnode = Left click to select leaves.<br>Double-click to invert leaves.<br>Right click to change colour.
534 label.load_colour_scheme = Load colour scheme
535 label.copy_format_from = Copy format from
536 label.toggle_enabled_views = When enabled, allows many views to be selected.
537 label.select_all_views = Select all views
538 label.select_many_views = Select many views
539 label.edit_notes_parameter_set = Click to edit the notes for this parameter set.
540 label.open_local_file = Open local file
541 label.enable_automatically_sort_alignment_when_open_new_tree = Enable this to automatically sort<br>the alignment when you open<br> a new tree.
542 label.listen_for_selections = Listen for selections
543 label.selections_mirror_selections_made_same_sequences_other_views = When selected, selections in this view will mirror<br>selections made on the same sequences in other views.
544 label.toggle_sequence_visibility = Shift+H toggles sequence visiblity
545 label.toggle_columns_visibility = Ctrl+H toggles column visiblity.
546 label.toggles_visibility_hidden_selected_regions = H toggles visibility of hidden or selected regions
547 label.rename_tab_eXpand_reGroup=  Right-click to rename tab <br> Press X to eXpand tabs, G to reGroup.
548 label.right_align_sequence_id = Right Align Sequence Id
549 label.sequence_id_tooltip = Sequence ID Tooltip
550 label.no_services = <No Services>
551 label.select_copy_raw_html = Select this if you want to copy raw html
552 label.from_url = from URL
553 label.any_trees_calculated_or_loaded_alignment_automatically_sort = When selected, any trees calculated or loaded onto the alignment will automatically sort the alignment
554 label.sort_with_new_tree = Sort With New Tree
555 label.from_textbox = from Textbox
556 label.window = Window
557 label.preferences = Preferences
558 label.tools = Tools
559 label.fetch_sequences = Fetch Sequences
560 action.fetch_sequences = Fetch Sequences...
561 label.collect_garbage = Collect Garbage
562 label.show_memory_usage = Show Memory Usage
563 label.show_java_console = Show Java Console
564 label.show_jalview_news = Show Jalview News
565 label.take_snapshot = Take snapshot
566 label.monospaced_fonts_faster_to_render = Monospaced fonts are faster to render
567 label.anti_alias_fonts = Anti-alias Fonts (Slower to render)
568 label.monospaced_font= Monospaced
569 label.quality = Quality
570 label.maximize_window = Maximize Window
571 label.conservation = Conservation
572 label.consensus = Consensus
573 label.histogram = Histogram
574 label.logo = Logo
575 label.non_positional_features = List Non-positional Features
576 label.database_references = List Database References
577 #label.share_selection_across_views = Share selection across views
578 #label.scroll_highlighted_regions = Scroll to highlighted regions
579 label.gap_symbol = Gap Symbol
580 label.prot_alignment_colour = Protein Alignment Colour
581 label.nuc_alignment_colour = Nucleotide Alignment Colour
582 label.address = Address
583 label.host = Host
584 label.port = Port
585 label.default_browser_unix = Default Browser (Unix)
586 label.send_usage_statistics = Send usage statistics
587 label.check_for_questionnaires = Check for questionnaires
588 label.check_for_latest_version = Check for latest version
589 label.url_linkfrom_sequence_id = URL link from Sequence ID
590 label.no_proxy = No proxy servers
591 label.system_proxy = System proxy servers (http={0}; https={1})
592 label.use_proxy_server = Use these proxy servers
593 label.auth_required = Authentication required
594 label.username = Username
595 label.password = Password
596 label.proxy_password_required = Proxy password required
597 label.not_stored = not stored in Preferences file
598 label.rendering_style = {0} rendering style
599 label.append_start_end = Append /start-end (/15-380)
600 label.full_sequence_id = Full Sequence Id
601 label.smooth_font = Smooth Font
602 label.autocalculate_consensus = AutoCalculate Consensus
603 label.pad_gaps = Pad Gaps
604 label.pad_gaps_when_editing = Pad Gaps When Editing
605 label.automatically_set_id_width = Automatically set ID width
606 label.figure_id_column_width = Figure ID column width
607 label.use_modeller_output = Use Modeller Output
608 label.wrap_alignment = Wrap Alignment
609 label.right_align_ids = Right Align Ids
610 label.sequence_name_italics = Italic Sequence Ids
611 label.open_overview = Open Overview
612 label.default_colour_scheme_for_alignment = Default Colour Scheme for alignment
613 label.annotation_shading_default = Annotation Shading Default
614 label.default_minimum_colour_annotation_shading = Default Minimum Colour for annotation shading
615 label.default_maximum_colour_annotation_shading = Default Maximum Colour for annotation shading
616 label.visual = Visual
617 label.connections = Connections
618 label.output = Output
619 label.editing = Editing
620 label.web_services = Web Services
621 label.right_click_to_edit_currently_selected_parameter = Right click to edit currently selected parameter.
622 label.let_jmol_manage_structure_colours = Let Jmol manage structure colours
623 label.fetch_chimera_attributes = Fetch Chimera attributes
624 label.fetch_chimera_attributes_tip = Copy Chimera attribute to Jalview feature
625 label.marks_leaves_tree_not_associated_with_sequence = Marks leaves of tree not associated with a sequence
626 label.index_web_services_menu_by_host_site = Index web services in menu by the host site
627 label.option_want_informed_web_service_URL_cannot_be_accessed_jalview_when_starts_up = Check this option if you want to be informed<br>when a web service URL cannot be accessed by Jalview<br>when it starts up
628 label.new_service_url = New Service URL
629 label.edit_service_url = Edit Service URL
630 label.delete_service_url = Delete Service URL
631 label.details = Details
632 label.options = Options
633 label.parameters = Parameters
634 label.proxy_servers = Proxy Servers
635 label.file_output = File Output
636 label.select_input_type = Select input type
637 label.set_options_for_type = Set options for type
638 label.data_input_parameters = Data input parameters
639 label.data_returned_by_service = Data returned by service
640 label.rsbs_encoded_service = RSBS Encoded Service
641 label.parsing_errors = Parsing errors
642 label.simple_bioinformatics_rest_services = Simple Bioinformatics Rest Services
643 label.web_service_discovery_urls = Web Service Discovery URLS
644 label.input_parameter_name = Input Parameter name
645 label.short_descriptive_name_for_service = Short descriptive name for service
646 label.function_service_performs = What kind of function the service performs (e.g. alignment, analysis, search, etc).
647 label.brief_description_service = Brief description of service
648 label.url_post_data_service = URL to post data to service. Include any special parameters needed here
649 label.optional_suffix = Optional suffix added to URL when retrieving results from service
650 label.preferred_gap_character = Which gap character does this service prefer?
651 label.gap_character = Gap character
652 label.move_return_type_up_order= Move return type up order
653 label.move_return_type_down_order= Move return type down order
654 label.update_user_parameter_set = Update this existing user parameter set
655 label.delete_user_parameter_set = Delete the currently selected user parameter set
656 label.create_user_parameter_set = Create a new parameter set with the current settings.
657 label.revert_changes_user_parameter_set = Undo all changes to the current parameter set
658 label.start_job_current_settings = Start Job with current settings
659 label.cancel_job_close_dialog = Close this dialog and cancel job
660 label.input_output = Input/Output
661 label.cut_paste = Cut'n'Paste
662 label.adjusting_parameters_for_calculation = Adjusting parameters for existing Calculation
663 label.2d_rna_structure_line = 2D RNA {0} (alignment)
664 label.2d_rna_sequence_name = 2D RNA - {0}
665 label.edit_name_and_description_current_group = Edit name and description of current group
666 label.from_file = From File
667 label.enter_pdb_id = Enter PDB Id
668 label.enter_pdb_id_tip = Enter PDB Id (or pdbid:chaincode)
669 label.text_colour = Text Colour...
670 label.structure = Structure
671 label.show_pdbstruct_dialog = 3D Structure Data...
672 label.view_rna_structure = VARNA 2D Structure
673 label.create_sequence_details_report_annotation_for = Annotation for {0}
674 label.sequence_details_for = Sequence Details for {0}
675 label.sequence_name = Sequence Name
676 label.sequence_description = Sequence Description
677 label.edit_sequence_name_description = Edit Sequence Name/Description
678 label.spaces_converted_to_underscores = Spaces have been converted to _
679 label.no_spaces_allowed_sequence_name = No spaces allowed in Sequence Name
680 label.select_outline_colour = Select Outline Colour
681 label.web_browser_not_found_unix = Unixers\: Couldn't find default web browser.\nAdd the full path to your browser in Preferences."
682 label.web_browser_not_found = Web browser not found
683 label.select_pdb_file_for = Select a PDB file for {0}
684 label.html = HTML
685 label.wrap = Wrap
686 label.show_database_refs = Show Database Refs
687 label.show_non_positional_features = Show Non-Positional Features
688 label.save_png_image = Save As PNG Image
689 label.load_tree_for_sequence_set = Load a tree for this sequence set
690 label.export_image = Export Image
691 label.vamsas_store = VAMSAS store
692 label.translate_cDNA = Translate as cDNA
693 label.reverse = Reverse
694 label.reverse_complement = Reverse Complement
695 label.linked_view_title = Linked CDS and protein view
696 label.extract_scores = Extract Scores
697 label.get_cross_refs = Get Cross-References
698 label.sort_alignment_new_tree = Sort Alignment With New Tree
699 label.add_sequences = Add Sequences
700 label.new_window = New Window
701 label.split_window = Split Window
702 label.set_as_default = Set as Default
703 label.show_labels = Show labels
704 action.background_colour = Background Colour...
705 label.associate_nodes_with = Associate Nodes With
706 label.link_name = Link Name
707 label.pdb_file = PDB file
708 label.colour_with_jmol = Colour with Jmol
709 label.let_viewer_manage_structure_colours = Let viewer manage structure colours
710 label.colour_with_viewer = Colour in structure viewer
711 label.superpose_structures = Superpose Structures
712 error.superposition_failed = Superposition failed: {0}
713 label.insufficient_residues = Not enough aligned residues ({0}) to perform superposition
714 label.create_viewer_attributes = Write Jalview features
715 label.create_viewer_attributes_tip = Set structure residue attributes for Jalview features
716 label.attributes_set = {0} attribute values set on Chimera
717 label.sort_alignment_by_tree = Sort Alignment By Tree
718 label.mark_unlinked_leaves = Mark Unlinked Leaves
719 label.associate_leaves_with = Associate Leaves With
720 label.save_colour_scheme_with_unique_name_added_to_colour_menu = Save your colour scheme with a unique name and it will be added to the Colour menu
721 label.case_sensitive = Case Sensitive
722 label.lower_case_colour = Colour All Lower Case
723 label.lower_case_tip = Chosen colour applies to all lower case symbols
724 label.index_by_host = Index by Host
725 label.index_by_type = Index by Type
726 label.enable_jabaws_services = Enable JABAWS Services
727 label.display_warnings = Display Warnings
728 label.move_url_up = Move URL Up
729 label.move_url_down = Move URL Down
730 label.add_sbrs_definition = Add a SBRS Definition
731 label.edit_sbrs_definition = Edit SBRS Definition
732 label.delete_sbrs_definition = Delete SBRS Definition
733 label.your_sequences_have_been_verified = Your sequences have been verified against known sequence databases.\n(Use Calculate | Show flanking regions to show enclosing sequence.)\nTo preserve data changes, save your alignment.\n\n
734 label.sequences_updated = Sequences updated
735 label.dbref_search_completed = DBRef search completed
736 label.fetch_all_param = Fetch all {0}
737 label.paste_new_window = Paste To New Window
738 label.settings_for_param = Settings for {0}
739 label.view_params = View {0}
740 label.aacon_calculations = AACon Calculations
741 label.aacon_settings = Change AACon Settings...
742 tooltip.aacon_calculations = When checked, AACon calculations are updated automatically.
743 tooltip.aacon_settings = Modify settings for AACon calculations.
744 label.rnalifold_calculations = RNAAliFold Prediction
745 label.rnalifold_settings = Change RNAAliFold settings...
746 tooltip.rnalifold_calculations = When checked, RNA secondary structure predictions will be calculated for the alignment, and updated when edits are made.
747 tooltip.rnalifold_settings = Modify settings for the RNAAliFold prediction. Use this to hide or show different results of the RNA calculation, and change RNA folding parameters.
748 label.all_views = All Views
749 label.align_sequences_to_existing_alignment = Align sequences to an existing alignment
750 label.realign_with_params = Realign with {0}
751 label.calcname_with_default_settings = {0} with Defaults
752 label.action_with_default_settings = {0} with default settings
753 label.edit_settings_and_run = Edit settings and run...
754 label.view_and_change_parameters_before_alignment = View and change the parameters before alignment
755 label.run_with_preset_params = Run {0} with preset
756 label.view_and_change_parameters_before_running_calculation = View and change parameters before running calculation
757 label.view_documentation = View documentation
758 label.select_return_type = Select return type
759 label.translation_of_params = Translation of {0} (Table {1})
760 label.features_for_params = Features for - {0}
761 label.annotations_for_params = Annotations for - {0}
762 label.generating_features_for_params = Generating features for - {0}
763 label.generating_annotations_for_params = Generating annotations for - {0}
764 label.varna_params = VARNA - {0}
765 label.sequence_feature_settings = Sequence Feature Settings
766 label.sequence_feature_settings_for = Sequence Feature Settings for {0}
767 label.sequence_feature_settings_for_view = Sequence Feature Settings for view "{0}"
768 label.sequence_feature_settings_for_CDS_and_Protein = Sequence Feature Settings for CDS and Protein
769 label.pairwise_aligned_sequences = Pairwise Aligned Sequences
770 label.original_data_for_params = Original Data for {0}
771 label.points_for_params = Points for {0}
772 label.transformed_points_for_params = Transformed points for {0}
773 label.variable_color_for = Variable Feature Colour for {0}
774 label.select_background_colour = Select Background Colour
775 label.invalid_font = Invalid Font
776 label.separate_multiple_accession_ids = Enter one or more accession IDs separated by a semi-colon ";"
777 label.separate_multiple_query_values = Enter one or more {0}s separated by a semi-colon ";"
778 label.search_all = Enter one or more search values separated by a semi-colon ";" (Note: This searches the entire database)
779 label.replace_commas_semicolons = Replace commas with semi-colons
780 label.parsing_failed_syntax_errors_shown_below_param = Parsing failed. Syntax errors shown below {0}
781 label.parsing_failed_unrecoverable_exception_thrown_param = \nParsing failed. An unrecoverable exception was thrown\:\n {0}
782 label.example_query_param = Example query: {0}
783 label.enter_value_increase_conservation_visibility = Enter value to increase conservation visibility
784 label.enter_percentage_identity_above_which_colour_residues = Enter % identity above which to colour residues
785 label.wswublast_client_credits = To display sequence features an exact Uniprot id with 100% sequence identity match must be entered.\nIn order to display these features, try changing the names of your sequences to the ids suggested below.\n\nRunning WSWUBlast at EBI.\nPlease quote Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.\nSOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.\nNucleic Acids Res. 33(1)\:W25-W28 (2005));
786 label.blasting_for_unidentified_sequence = BLASTing for unidentified sequences
787 label.select_columns_containing = Select columns containing
788 label.select_columns_not_containing = Select columns that do not contain
789 label.hide_columns_containing = Hide columns containing
790 label.hide_columns_not_containing = Hide columns that do not contain
791 option.trim_retrieved_seqs = Trim retrieved sequences
792 label.trim_retrieved_sequences = When the reference sequence is longer than the sequence that you are working with, only keep the relevant subsequences.
793 label.use_sequence_id_1 = Use $DB_ACCESSION$ or $DB_ACCESSION=/<regex>/=$
794 label.use_sequence_id_2 = to embed accession id in URL
795 label.use_sequence_id_3 = Use $SEQUENCE_ID$ similarly to embed sequence id
796 label.use_sequence_id_4 = 
797 label.ws_parameters_for = Parameters for {0}
798 label.switch_server = Switch server
799 label.choose_jabaws_server = Choose a server for running this service
800 label.services_at = Services at {0}
801 label.rest_client_submit = {0} using {1}
802 label.fetch_retrieve_from =Retrieve from {0}</html>
803 label.fetch_retrieve_from_all_sources = Retrieve from all {0} sources in {1}<br>First is :{2}<html> 
804 label.feature_settings_click_drag = Drag up or down to change render order.<br/>Double click to select columns containing feature.
805 label.transparency_tip = Adjust transparency to 'see through' feature colours.
806 label.opt_and_params_further_details = see further details by right-clicking
807 label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc_image_link = <html>Click to show brief description<br><img src="{0}"/> Right click for further information.</html> 
808 label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc = <html>Click to show brief description<br></html>
809 label.adjusts_width_generated_eps_png = <html>Adjusts the width of the generated EPS or PNG file to ensure even the longest sequence ID or annotation label is displayed</html>
810 label.manually_specify_width_left_column = <html>Manually specify the width of the left hand column where sequence IDs and annotation labels will be rendered in exported alignment figures. This setting will be ignored if 'Automatically set ID width' is set</html>
811 label.job_created_when_checked = <html>When checked, a job is created for every sequence in the current selection.</html>
812 label.when_checked_job_visible_region_and_results = <html>When checked, a single job is created for the visible region and results mapped back onto their location in the alignment. Otherwise, a job would be created for every contiguous region visible in the alignment or current selection (e.g. a multiple alignment).</html>
813 label.flat_file_representation = <html>Flat file representation of this rest service using the Really Simple Bioinformatics Service formalism</html>
814 label.result_of_parsing_rsbs = <html>Results of parsing the RSBS representation</html>
815 label.user_preset = User Preset
816 label.service_preset = Service Preset
817 label.run_with_preset = Run {0} with preset
818 label.view_service_doc_url = <html>View <a href="{0}">{1}</a></html>
819 action.by_title_param = By {0}
820 label.source_from_db_source = Sources from {0}
821 label.from_msname = from {0}
822 label.superpose_with = Superpose with
823 label.scale_label_to_column = Scale Label to Column
824 label.add_new_row = Add New Row
825 label.edit_label_description = Edit Label/Description
826 label.hide_row = Hide This Row
827 label.delete_row = Delete This Row
828 label.show_all_hidden_rows = Show All Hidden Rows
829 label.export_annotation = Export Annotation
830 label.copy_consensus_sequence = Copy Consensus Sequence
831 label.helix = Helix
832 label.sheet = Sheet
833 label.rna_helix = RNA Helix
834 label.remove_annotation = Remove Annotation
835 label.colour_by = Colour by...
836 label.muscle_multiple_protein_sequence_alignment = Muscle Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment
837 label.mafft_multiple_sequence_alignment = MAFFT Multiple Sequence Alignment
838 label.clustalw_multiple_sequence_alignment = ClustalW Multiple Sequence Alignment
839 label.jnet_secondary_structure_prediction = JPred Secondary Structure Prediction
840 label.multiharmony = Multi-Harmony
841 label.unable_start_web_service_analysis = Unable to start web service analysis
842 label.job_couldnt_be_started_check_input = The Job couldn't be started. Please check your input, and the Jalview console for any warning messages.
843 label.prompt_each_time = Prompt each time
844 label.couldnt_save_project = Couldn't save project
845 label.error_whilst_saving_current_state_to = Error whilst saving current state to {0}
846 label.error_whilst_loading_project_from = Error whilst loading project from {0}
847 label.couldnt_load_project = Couldn't load project
848 label.invalid_name_preset_exists = Invalid name - preset already exists.
849 label.invalid_name = Invalid name
850 label.set_proxy_settings = Please set up your proxy settings in the 'Connections' tab of the Preferences window
851 label.proxy_authorization_failed = Proxy Authorization Failed
852 label.internal_jalview_error = Internal Jalview Error
853 label.secondary_structure_prediction_service_couldnt_be_located = The Secondary Structure Prediction Service named {0} at {1} couldn't be located.
854 label.service_called_is_not_msa_service = The Service called \n{0}\nis not a \nMultiple Sequence Alignment Service\!
855 label.msa_service_is_unknown = The Multiple Sequence Alignment Service named {0} is unknown
856 label.service_called_is_not_seq_search_service = The Service called \n{0}\nis not a \nSequence Search Service\!
857 label.seq_search_service_is_unknown = The Sequence Search Service named {0} is unknown
858 label.feature_type = Feature Type
859 label.show = Show
860 label.service_url = Service URL
861 label.copied_sequences = Copied sequences
862 label.cut_sequences = Cut Sequences
863 label.conservation_colour_increment = Conservation Colour Increment ({0})
864 label.percentage_identity_threshold = Percentage Identity Threshold ({0})
865 label.error_unsupported_owwner_user_colour_scheme = Unsupported owner for User Colour scheme dialog
866 label.save_alignment_to_file = Save Alignment to file
867 label.save_features_to_file = Save Features to File
868 label.save_annotation_to_file = Save Annotation to File
869 label.save_pdb_file = Save PDB File
870 label.save_text_to_file = Save Text to File
871 label.save_state = Save State
872 label.restore_state = Restore State
873 label.saving_jalview_project = Saving jalview project {0}
874 label.load_feature_colours = Load Feature Colours
875 label.save_feature_colours = Save Feature Colour Scheme
876 label.select_startup_file = Select startup file
877 label.select_default_browser = Select default web browser
878 label.save_tree_as_newick = Save tree as newick file
879 label.save_colour_scheme = Save colour scheme
880 label.edit_params_for = Edit parameters for {0}
881 label.choose_filename_for_param_file = Choose a filename for this parameter file
882 label.save_as_html = Save as HTML
883 label.recently_opened = Recently Opened
884 label.blasting_for_unidentified_sequence_jobs_running = BLASTing for unidentified sequences - {0}  jobs running.
885 label.tree = Tree
886 label.tree_from = Tree from {0}
887 label.webservice_job_title = {0} using {1}
888 label.select_visible_region_of = selected {0} region of {1}
889 label.visible = Visible
890 label.select_unselect_visible_regions_from = select and unselected {0} regions from {1}
891 label.visible_region_of = visible region of
892 label.webservice_job_title_on = {0} using {1} on {2}
893 label.loading_file = Loading File: {0}
894 label.edit_params = Edit {0}
895 label.as_percentage = As Percentage
896 error.not_implemented = Not implemented
897 error.no_such_method_as_clone1_for = No such method as clone1 for {0}
898 error.null_from_clone1 = Null from clone1!
899 error.not_yet_implemented = Not yet implemented
900 error.unknown_type_dna_or_pep = Unknown Type {0} - dna or pep are the only allowed values.
901 error.implementation_error_dont_know_threshold_annotationcolourgradient = Implementation error: don't know about threshold setting for current AnnotationColourGradient.
902 error.invalid_separator_parameter = Invalid separator parameter - must be non-zero length
903 error.alignment_cigararray_not_implemented = Alignment(CigarArray) not yet implemented
904 error.empty_view_cannot_be_updated = empty view cannot be updated.
905 error.mismatch_between_number_of_sequences_in_block = Mismatch between number of sequences in block {0} ({1}) and the original view ({2})
906 error.padding_not_yet_implemented = Padding not yet implemented
907 error.mismatch_between_visible_blocks_to_update_and_number_of_contigs_in_view = Mismatch between visible blocks to update and number of contigs in view (contigs=0,blocks={0})
908 error.unknown_seq_cigar_operation = Unknown SeqCigar operation {0}
909 error.implementation_bug_parse_cigar_string = Implementation bug in parseCigarString
910 error.implementation_error_invalid_operation_string = Implementation error. Invalid operation string.
911 error.invalid_range_string = Invalid range string (must be zero or positive number)
912 error.implementation_error_delete_range_out_of_bounds = Implementation Error: deleteRange out of bounds: start must be non-negative and less than end.
913 error.implementation_error = Implementation error
914 error.implementation_error_unknown_operation = Implementation Error! Unknown operation {0}
915 error.implementation_error_unexpected_null_from_get_sequence_and_deletions = Implementation Error - unexpected null from getSequenceAndDeletions
916 error.implementation_error_set_seq_null = Implementation Error - _setSeq(null,...)
917 error.implementation_error_s = Implementation Error: _s= {0}
918 error.implementation_error_seqcigar_possible = SeqCigar: Possible implementation error: sequence is longer than dataset sequence
919 error.implmentation_bug_seq_null = Implementation Bug. Null seq
920 error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation_list_range_list = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation list!= range list
921 error.not_yet_implemented_cigar_object_from_cigar_string = NOT YET Implemented: Constructing a Cigar object from a cigar string and a gapped sequence.
922 error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation {0} {1} not one of {2}, {3}, or {4}.
923 error.implementation_error_for_new_cigar = Implementation error for new Cigar(SequenceI)
924 error.implementation_error_cigar_seq_no_operations = Implementation error: {0}th sequence Cigar has no operations.
925 error.implementation_error_no_pdbentry_from_index = Implementation error - no corresponding pdbentry (for index {0}) to add sequences mappings to
926 error.jmol_version_not_compatible_with_jalview_version = Jmol version {0} is not compatible with this version of Jalview. Report this problem at issues.jalview.org
927 error.not_implemented_remove = Remove: Not implemented
928 error.not_implemented_clone = Clone: Not implemented
929 error.call_setprogressbar_before_registering_handler = call setProgressBar before registering the progress bar's handler.
930 label.cancelled_params = Cancelled {0}
931 error.implementation_error_cannot_show_view_alignment_frame = Implementation error: cannot show a view from another alignment in an AlignFrame.
932 error.implementation_error_dont_know_about_threshold_setting = Implementation error: don't know about threshold setting for current AnnotationColourGradient.
933 label.groovy_support_failed = Jalview Groovy Support Failed
934 label.couldnt_create_groovy_shell = Couldn't create the groovy Shell. Check the error log for the details of what went wrong.
935 error.unsupported_version_calcIdparam = Unsupported Version for calcIdparam {0}
936 error.implementation_error_cant_reorder_tree = Implementation Error: Can't reorder this tree. Not DefaultMutableTreeNode.
937 error.invalid_value_for_option = Invalid value ''{0}'' for option ''{1}''
938 error.implementation_error_cannot_import_vamsas_doc = Implementation Error - cannot import existing vamsas document into an existing session, Yet!
939 label.vamsas_doc_couldnt_be_opened_as_new_session = VAMSAS Document could not be opened as a new session - please choose another
940 error.setstatus_called_non_existent_job_pane = setStatus called for non-existent job pane {0}
941 error.implementation_error_cannot_find_marshaller_for_param_set =Implementation error: Can't find a marshaller for the parameter set
942 error.implementation_error_old_jalview_object_not_bound =IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: old jalview object is not bound ! ({0})
943 error.implementation_error_vamsas_doc_class_should_bind_to_type = Implementation Error: Vamsas Document Class {0} should bind to a {1} (found a {2})
944 error.invalid_vamsas_rangetype_cannot_resolve_lists = Invalid vamsas RangeType - cannot resolve both lists of Pos and Seg from choice!
945 error.implementation_error_cannot_have_null_alignment = Implementation error: Cannot have null alignment property key
946 error.implementation_error_null_fileparse = Implementation error. Null FileParse in copy constructor
947 error.implementation_error_structure_selection_manager_null = Implementation error. Structure selection manager's context is 'null'
948 exception.ssm_context_is_null = SSM context is null
949 error.idstring_seqstrings_only_one_per_sequence = idstrings and seqstrings contain one string each per sequence
950 error.cannot_have_mixed_length_replacement_vectors = Cannot have mixed length replacement vectors. Replacement vector for {0} is {1} strings long, and have already seen a {2} length vector.
951 error.cannot_have_zero_length_vector_replacement_strings = Cannot have zero length vector of replacement strings - either 1 value or n values.
952 error.implementation_error_multiple_single_sequence_prediction_jobs_not_supported = Implementation Error! Multiple single sequence prediction jobs are not yet supported
953 error.implementation_error_invalid_msa_index_for_job =Implementation Error! Invalid msaIndex for JPredJob on parent MSA input object!
954 error.implementation_error_startjob_called = Implementation error - StartJob(JpredJob) called on {0}
955 error.multiple_jnet_subjob_merge_not_implemented = Multiple JPred subjob merging not yet implemented
956 label.job_never_ran = Job never ran - input returned to user.
957 error.implementation_error_minlen_must_be_greater_zero = Implementation error: minlen must be zero or more
958 error.implementation_error_msawbjob_called = Implementation error - StartJob(MsaWSJob) called on a WSJobInstance {0}
959 error.implementation_error_cannot_attach_ws_menu_entry = IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: cannot attach WS Menu Entry without service handle reference!
960 error.parameter_migration_not_implemented_yet = Parameter migration not implemented yet
961 error.implementation_error_valuetype_doesnt_support_jabaws_type = IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: jalview.ws.params.ValueConstrainI.ValueType does not support the JABAWS type : {0}
962 error.cannot_create_jabaws_param_set = Cannot create a JabaWSParamSet from non-JabaWS parameters
963 error.cannot_set_arguments_to_jabaws_param_set = Cannot set arguments to a JabaWSParamSet that are not JabaWS arguments
964 error.implementation_error_runner_config_not_available = Implementation Error: Runner Config not available for a JABAWS service of type {0} ({1})
965 error.implementation_error_cannot_handle_jaba_param = Implementation Error: Cannot handle Jaba parameter object {0}
966 error.implementation_error_attempt_to_delete_service_preset = Implementation error: Attempt to delete a service preset!
967 error.implementation_error_cannot_locate_oldname_presetname = Implementation error: Can't locate either oldname ({0}) or presetName ({1}in the datastore!"
968 error.implementation_error_jabaws_param_set_only_handled_by = Implementation error: JabaWsParamSets can only be handled by JabaParamStore
969 error.cannot_set_source_file_for = Cannot set source file for {0}
970 error.mismatch_service_instance_preset = Probable mismatch between service instance and preset!
971 error.cannot_set_params_for_ws_preset = Cannot set Parameters for a Jaba Web service's preset
972 error.implementation_error_can_only_instantiate_jaba_param_sets = Implementation error: Can only instantiate Jaba parameter sets
973 error.no_aacon_service_found = No AACon service found
974 error.implementation_error_couldnt_copy_value_constraint = Implementation error: could not copy ValueConstrain!
975 error.couldnt_encode_as_utf8 = Couldn't encode {0} as UTF-8.
976 error.tree_inputtype_not_yet_implemented = Tree InputType not yet implemented
977 error.implementation_error_need_to_have_httpresponse = Implementation Error: need to have an HttpResponse to process
978 error.dbrefsource_implementation_exception =DBRefSource Implementation Exception
979 error.implementation_error_dbinstance_must_implement_interface = Implmentation Error - getDbInstances must be given a class that implements jalview.ws.seqfetcher.DbSourceProxy (was given{0})
980 error.implementation_error_must_init_dbsources =Implementation error. Must initialise dbSources
981 label.view_controller_toggled_marked = {0} {1} columns {2} features of type {3}  across {4} sequence(s)
982 label.no_highlighted_regions_marked = No highlighted regions marked
983 label.toggled = Toggled
984 label.marked = Marked
985 label.containing = containing
986 label.not_containing = not containing
987 label.no_feature_of_type_found = No features of type {0} found
988 label.no_feature_found_selection = No features of type {0} found in selection
989 label.submission_params = Submission {0}
990 label.empty_alignment_job = Empty Alignment Job
991 label.add_new_sbrs_service = Add a new Simple Bioinformatics Rest Service
992 label.edit_sbrs_entry = Edit Simple Bioinformatics Rest Service entry
993 label.pca_recalculating = Recalculating PCA
994 label.pca_calculating = Calculating PCA
995 label.select_foreground_colour = Choose foreground colour
996 label.select_colour_for_text = Select Colour for Text
997 label.adjust_foreground_text_colour_threshold = Adjust Foreground Text Colour Threshold
998 label.select_subtree_colour = Select Sub-Tree Colour
999 label.create_new_sequence_features = Create New Sequence Feature(s)
1000 label.amend_delete_features = Amend/Delete Features for {0}
1001 exception.out_of_bounds_for_file = Out of bounds for file: i={0}, Final Buffer: i0={1} iend={2}
1002 exception.null_string_given_to_regex_search = Null String Given to Regex.search
1003 exception.null_string_like_given_to_regex_search = Null StringLike Given to Regex.search
1004 exception.null_string_given_to_regex_reverse_search = Null String Given to Regex.reverseSearch
1005 exception.null_string_like_given_to_regex_reverse_search = Null StringLike Given to Regex.reverseSearch
1006 exception.null_string_like_given_to_regex_search_from = Null String Given to Regex.searchFrom
1007 exception.null_string_like_given_to_regex_search_region = Null String Given to Regex.searchRegion
1008 exception.replace_null_regex_pointer = Replacer has null Regex pointer
1009 exception.bad_pattern_to_regex_perl_code = bad pattern to Regex.perlCode: {0}
1010 exception.no_stub_implementation_for_interface = There is no stub implementation for the interface: {0}
1011 exception.cannot_set_endpoint_address_unknown_port = Cannot set Endpoint Address for Unknown Port {0}
1012 exception.mismatched_unseen_closing_char = Mismatched (unseen) closing character {0}
1013 exception.mismatched_closing_char = Mismatched closing character {0}
1014 exception.mismatched_opening_char = Mismatched opening character {0} at {1}
1015 exception.invalid_datasource_couldnt_obtain_reader = Invalid datasource. Could not obtain Reader
1016 exception.unterminated_cigar_string = Unterminated cigar string
1017 exception.unexpected_operation_cigar_string_pos = Unexpected operation {0} in cigar string (position {1} in {2}
1018 exception.couldnt_parse_responde_from_annotated3d_server = Couldn't parse response from Annotate3d server
1019 exception.application_test_npe = Application test: throwing an NullPointerException It should arrive at the console
1020 exception.overwriting_vamsas_id_binding = Overwriting vamsas id binding
1021 exception.overwriting_jalview_id_binding = Overwriting jalview id binding
1022 exception.failed_to_resolve_gzip_stream = Failed to resolve GZIP stream
1023 exception.problem_opening_file_also_tried = Problem opening {0} (also tried {1}) : {2}
1024 exception.problem_opening_file = Problem opening {0} : {1}
1025 exception.failed_to_read_data_from_source = Failed to read data from source: {0}
1026 exception.no_init_source_stream = Unitialised Source Stream
1027 exception.invalid_source_stream = Invalid Source Stream: {0}
1028 error.implementation_error_reset_called_for_invalid_source = Implementation Error: Reset called for invalid source.
1029 exception.number_of_residues_in_query_sequence_differ_from_prediction = Number of residues in {0} supposed query sequence ({1}\n{2})\ndiffer from number of prediction sites in prediction ({3})
1030 label.mapped = mapped
1031 exception.jpredconcide_entry_has_unexpected_number_of_columns = JPredConcise: Entry ({0}) has an unexpected number of columns
1032 exception.couldnt_parse_concise_annotation_for_prediction = Couldn't parse concise annotation for prediction profile.\n{0}
1033 exception.newfile = NewickFile\: {0}\n
1034 label.no_tree_read_in = No Tree read in
1035 exception.rnaml_couldnt_access_datasource = Couldn't access datasource ({0})
1036 exception.ranml_couldnt_process_data = Couldn't process data as RNAML file ({0})
1037 exception.ranml_invalid_file = Invalid RNAML file ({0})
1038 exception.ranml_problem_parsing_data = Problem parsing data as RNAML ({0})
1039 exception.pfam_no_sequences_found = No sequences found (PFAM input)
1040 exception.stockholm_invalid_format = This file is not in valid STOCKHOLM format: First line does not contain '# STOCKHOLM'
1041 exception.couldnt_parse_sequence_line = Could not parse sequence line: {0}
1042 exception.unknown_annotation_detected = Unknown annotation detected: {0} {1}
1043 exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn't store sequence mappings for {0}
1044 exception.matrix_too_many_iteration = Too many iterations in {0} (max is {1})
1045 exception.browser_not_found = Exception in finding browser: {0}
1046 exception.browser_unable_to_locate = Unable to locate browser: {0}
1047 exception.invocation_target_exception_creating_aedesc = InvocationTargetException while creating AEDesc: {0}
1048 exception.illegal_access_building_apple_evt= IllegalAccessException while building AppleEvent: {0}
1049 exception.unable_to_launch_url = Unable to launch URL: {0}
1050 exception.unable_to_create_internet_config = Unable to create an Internet Config instance: {0}
1051 exception.invocation_target_calling_url = InvocationTargetException while calling openURL: {0}
1052 exception.illegal_access_calling_url = IllegalAccessException while calling openURL: {0}
1053 exception.interrupted_launching_browser = InterruptedException while launching browser: {0}
1054 exception.no_pdb_records_for_chain = No PDB Records for {0} chain {1}
1055 exception.unexpected_handling_rnaml_translation_for_pdb = Unexpected exception when handling RNAML translation of PDB data
1056 exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_properties_for_alignment = Couldn't recover sequence properties for alignment
1057 exception.unknown_format_for_file = Unknown format {0} for file \: \n{1}
1058 label.remove_gaps = Remove Gaps
1059 exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query = Couldn't recover sequence properties for JPred Query sequence!
1060 exception.server_timeout_try_later = Server timed out - try again later\n
1061 exception.web_service_returned_null_try_later= Server at {0} returned null object, it probably cannot be contacted. Try again later.
1062 exception.cannot_contact_service_endpoint_at = Cannot contact service endpoint at {0}
1063 error.implementation_error_cannot_find_service_url_in_given_set = Implementation error: Cannot find service url in the given url set!
1064 error.implementation_error_cannot_find_service_url_in_given_set_param_store = Implementation error: Cannot find service url in the given url set for this service parameter store ({0}}
1065 exception.jobsubmission_invalid_params_set = Invalid parameter set. Check Jalview implementation
1066 exception.notvaliddata_group_contains_less_than_min_seqs = Group contains less than {0} sequences.
1067 exception.outofmemory_loading_pdb_file = Out of memory loading PDB File
1068 exception.eps_method_not_supported = Method not currently supported by EpsGraphics2D version {0}
1069 exception.eps_unable_to_get_inverse_matrix = Unable to get inverse of matrix: {0}
1070 warn.job_cannot_be_cancelled_close_window = This job cannot be cancelled.\nJust close the window.
1071 warn.service_not_supported = Service not supported!
1072 warn.input_is_too_big = Input is too big!
1073 warn.invalid_job_param_set = Invalid job parameter set!
1074 warn.oneseq_msainput_selection = The current selection only contains a single sequence. Do you want to submit all sequences for alignment instead ?   
1075 info.job_couldnt_be_run_server_doesnt_support_program = Job could not be run because the server doesn't support this program.\n{0}
1076 info.job_couldnt_be_run_exceeded_hard_limit = Job could not be run because it exceeded a hard limit on the server.\n{0}
1077 info.job_couldnt_be_run_incorrect_param_setting = Job could not be run because some of the parameter settings are not supported by the server.\n{0}\nPlease check to make sure you have used the correct parameter set for this service\!\n
1078 info.no_jobs_ran = No jobs ran
1079 info.failed_to_submit_prediction = Failed to submit the prediction\:\n{0} {1}
1080 info.invalid_jnet_job_result_data ={0}\n{1}\nInvalid JPred job result data\!\n{2}
1081 info.failed_to_submit_sequences_for_alignment = Failed to submit sequences for alignment.\nIt is most likely that there is a problem with the server.\nJust close the window\n
1082 info.alignment_object_method_notes = \nAlignment Object Method Notes\n
1083 info.server_exception = \n{0} Server exception\!\n{1}
1084 info.invalid_msa_input_mininfo = Need at least two sequences with at least 3 residues each, with no hidden regions between them.  
1085 info.invalid_msa_notenough = Not enough sequence data to align
1086 status.processing_commandline_args = Processing commandline arguments...
1087 status.das_features_being_retrived = DAS features being retrieved...
1088 status.searching_for_sequences_from = Searching for sequences from {0}
1089 status.finished_searching_for_sequences_from = Finished searching for sequences from {0}
1090 label.eps_file = EPS file
1091 label.png_image = PNG image
1092 status.export_complete = {0} Export completed
1093 status.fetching_pdb = Fetching PDB {0}
1094 status.refreshing_news = Refreshing news
1095 status.opening_params = Opening {0}
1096 status.fetching_sequence_queries_from = Fetching {0} sequence queries from {1}
1097 status.finshed_querying = Finished querying
1098 status.parsing_results = Parsing results.
1099 status.processing = Processing...
1100 status.refreshing_web_service_menus = Refreshing Web Service Menus
1101 status.collecting_job_results = Collecting job results.
1102 status.fetching_db_refs = Fetching db refs
1103 status.loading_cached_pdb_entries = Loading Cached PDB Entries
1104 status.searching_for_pdb_structures = Searching for PDB Structures
1105 status.opening_file_for = opening file for
1106 status.colouring_structures = Colouring structures
1107 label.font_doesnt_have_letters_defined = Font doesn't have letters defined\nso cannot be used\nwith alignment data
1108 label.font_too_small = Font size is too small
1109 warn.out_of_memory_when_action = Out of memory when {0}\!\!\nSee help files for increasing Java Virtual Machine memory.
1110 warn.out_of_memory_loading_file = Out of memory loading file {0}\!\!\nSee help files for increasing Java Virtual Machine memory.
1111 label.out_of_memory = Out of memory
1112 label.invalid_id_column_width = Invalid ID Column width
1113 warn.user_defined_width_requirements = The user defined width for the\nannotation and sequence ID columns\nin exported figures must be\nat least 12 pixels wide.
1114 warn.server_didnt_pass_validation = Service did not pass validation.\nCheck the Jalview Console for more details.
1115 warn.url_must_contain = Sequence URL must contain $SEQUENCE_ID$, $DB_ACCESSION$, or a regex
1116 warn.urls_not_contacted = URLs that could not be contacted
1117 warn.urls_no_jaba = URLs without any JABA Services
1118 info.validate_jabaws_server = Validate JabaWS Server ?\n(Look in console output for results)
1119 label.test_server = Test Server?
1120 label.new_sequence_fetcher = New Sequence Fetcher
1121 label.additional_sequence_fetcher = Additional Sequence Fetcher
1122 label.select_database_retrieval_source = Select Database Retrieval Source
1123 label.overwrite_existing_file = Overwrite existing file?
1124 label.file_already_exists = File exists
1125 label.edit_jabaws_url = Edit JABAWS URL
1126 label.add_jabaws_url = Add new JABAWS URL
1127 label.news_from_jalview = News from http://www.jalview.org
1128 label.cut_paste_alignmen_file = Cut & Paste Alignment File
1129 label.enter_redundancy_threshold = Enter the redundancy threshold
1130 label.select_dark_light_set_threshold = <html><i>Select a dark and light text colour, then set the threshold to<br>switch between colours, based on background colour</i></html>
1131 label.select_feature_colour = Select Feature Colour
1132 label.delete_all = Delete all sequences
1133 warn.delete_all = <html>Deleting all sequences will close the alignment window.<br>Confirm deletion or Cancel.
1134 label.add_annotations_for = Add annotations for
1135 action.choose_annotations = Choose Annotations...
1136 label.choose_annotations = Choose Annotations
1137 label.find = Find
1138 label.in = in
1139 label.invalid_search = Search string invalid
1140 error.invalid_regex = Invalid regular expression
1141 label.ignore_gaps_consensus = Ignore Gaps In Consensus
1142 label.show_group_histogram = Show Group Histogram
1143 label.show_group_logo = Show Group Logo
1144 label.normalise_group_logo = Normalise Group Logo
1145 label.show_histogram = Show Histogram
1146 label.show_logo = Show Logo
1147 label.normalise_logo = Normalise Logo
1148 label.no_colour_selection_in_scheme = Please make a colour selection before applying colour scheme
1149 label.no_colour_selection_warn = Error saving colour scheme
1150 label.open_split_window? = Would you like to open as a split window, with cDNA and protein linked?
1151 label.open_split_window = Open split window
1152 action.no = No
1153 action.yes = Yes
1154 label.for = for
1155 label.select_by_annotation = Select/Hide Columns by Annotation
1156 action.select_by_annotation = Select/Hide Columns by Annotation...
1157 label.threshold_filter =  Threshold Filter
1158 label.alpha_helix = Alpha Helix
1159 label.beta_strand = Beta Strand
1160 label.turn = Turn
1161 label.select_all = Select All
1162 label.structures_filter = Structures Filter
1163 label.search_filter = Search Filter
1164 label.include_description= Include Description
1165 action.back = Back
1166 label.hide_insertions = Hide Insertions
1167 label.mark_as_representative = Mark as representative
1168 label.open_jabaws_web_page = Open JABAWS web page
1169 label.pdb_sequence_fetcher = PDB Sequence Fetcher
1170 label.result = result
1171 label.results = results
1172 label.structure_chooser = Structure Chooser
1173 label.invert = Invert 
1174 label.select_pdb_file = Select PDB File
1175 info.select_filter_option = Select Filter Option/Manual Entry
1176 info.associate_wit_sequence = Associate with Sequence
1177 label.search_result = Search Result
1178 label.found_structures_summary = Found Structures Summary
1179 label.configure_displayed_columns = Customise Displayed Options
1180 label.start_jalview = Start Jalview
1181 label.biojs_html_export = BioJS
1182 label.scale_as_cdna = Scale protein residues to codons
1183 label.font_as_cdna = Use same font for cDNA and peptide
1184 label.scale_protein_to_cdna = Scale Protein to cDNA
1185 label.scale_protein_to_cdna_tip = Make protein residues same width as codons in split frame views
1186 info.select_annotation_row = Select Annotation Row
1187 info.enter_search_text_here = Enter Search Text Here
1188 info.enter_search_text_to_enable = Enter Search Text to Enable
1189 info.search_in_annotation_label = Search in {0} Label
1190 info.search_in_annotation_description = Search in {0} Description
1191 info.change_threshold_mode_to_enable = Change Threshold Mode to Enable
1192 label.couldnt_read_data = Couldn't read data
1193 label.embbed_biojson = Embed BioJSON to HTML export
1194 action.export_groups = Export Groups
1195 action.export_annotations = Export Annotations
1196 action.export_hidden_columns = Export Hidden Columns
1197 action.export_hidden_sequences = Export Hidden Sequences
1198 action.export_features = Export Features
1199 label.export_settings = Export Settings
1200 label.pdb_web-service_error = PDB Web-service Error
1201 label.structure_chooser_manual_association = Structure Chooser - Manual association
1202 label.structure_chooser_filter_time = Structure Chooser - Filter time ({0})
1203 label.structure_chooser_no_of_structures = Structure Chooser - {0} Found ({1})
1204 info.no_pdb_entry_found_for = No PDB entry found for {0}
1205 exception.unable_to_detect_internet_connection = Jalview is unable to detect an internet connection
1206 exception.fts_server_unreachable = Jalview is unable to reach the {0} server. \nPlease ensure that you are connected to the internet and try again.
1207 label.nw_mapping = Needleman & Wunsch Alignment
1208 label.sifts_mapping = SIFTs Mapping
1209 label.mapping_method = Sequence \u27f7 Structure mapping method
1210 status.cancelled_image_export_operation = Cancelled {0} export operation
1211 info.error_creating_file = Error creating {0} file
1212 exception.outofmemory_loading_mmcif_file = Out of memory loading mmCIF File
1213 label.run_groovy = Run Groovy console script
1214 label.run_groovy_tip = Run the script in the Groovy console over this alignment
1215 label.couldnt_run_groovy_script = Failed to run Groovy script
1216 label.uniprot_sequence_fetcher = UniProt Sequence Fetcher
1217 action.next_page= >> 
1218 action.prev_page= << 
1219 label.next_page_tooltip=Next Page
1220 label.prev_page_tooltip=Previous Page
1221 status.launching_3d_structure_viewer = Launching 3D Structure viewer...
1222 status.fetching_3d_structures_for_selected_entries = Fetching 3D Structures for selected entries...
1223 status.fetching_dbrefs_for_sequences_without_valid_refs = Fetching db refs for {0} sequence(s) without valid db ref required for SIFTS mapping
1224 status.fetching_3d_structures_for = Fetching 3D Structure for {0}
1225 status.obtaining_mapping_with_sifts = Obtaining mapping with SIFTS
1226 status.obtaining_mapping_with_nw_alignment = Obtaining mapping with NW alignment
1227 status.exporting_alignment_as_x_file = Exporting alignment as {0} file
1228 label.column = Column
1229 label.cant_map_cds = Unable to map CDS to protein\nCDS missing or incomplete
1230 label.operation_failed = Operation failed
1231 label.SEQUENCE_ID_no_longer_used = $SEQUENCE_ID$ is no longer used for DB accessions
1232 label.SEQUENCE_ID_for_DB_ACCESSION1 = Please review your URL links in the 'Connections' tab of the Preferences window:
1233 label.SEQUENCE_ID_for_DB_ACCESSION2 = URL links using '$SEQUENCE_ID$' for DB accessions now use '$DB_ACCESSION$'.
1234 label.do_not_display_again = Do not display this message again
1235 exception.url_cannot_have_duplicate_id = {0} cannot be used as a label for more than one line
1236 action.customfilter = Custom only
1237 action.showall = Show All
1238 label.insert = Insert:
1239 action.seq_id = $SEQUENCE_ID$
1240 action.db_acc = $DB_ACCESSION$
1241 label.primary = Double Click
1242 label.inmenu = In Menu
1243 label.id = ID
1244 label.database = Database
1245 label.urltooltip = Only one url, which must use a sequence id, can be selected for the 'On Click' option
1246 label.edit_sequence_url_link = Edit sequence URL link
1247 warn.name_cannot_be_duplicate = User-defined URL names must be unique and cannot be MIRIAM ids
1248 label.output_seq_details = Output Sequence Details to list all database references
1249 label.urllinks = Links
1250 action.clear_cached_items = Clear Cached Items
1251 label.togglehidden = Show hidden regions
1252 label.quality_descr = Alignment Quality based on Blosum62 scores
1253 label.conservation_descr = Conservation of total alignment less than {0}% gaps
1254 label.consensus_descr = PID
1255 label.complement_consensus_descr = PID for cDNA
1256 label.strucconsensus_descr = PID for base pairs
1257 label.occupancy_descr = Number of aligned positions 
1258 label.show_experimental = Enable experimental features
1259 label.show_experimental_tip = Enable any new and currently 'experimental' features (see Latest Release Notes for details)
1260 label.warning_hidden = Warning: {0} {1} is currently hidden
1261 label.overview_settings = Overview settings
1262 label.ov_legacy_gap = Use legacy gap colouring (gaps are white)
1263 label.gap_colour = Gap colour:
1264 label.ov_show_hide_default = Show hidden regions when opening overview
1265 label.hidden_colour = Hidden colour:
1266 label.select_gap_colour = Select gap colour
1267 label.select_hidden_colour = Select hidden colour
1268 label.overview = Overview
1269 label.reset_to_defaults = Reset to defaults
1270 label.oview_calc = Recalculating overview...
1271 label.feature_details = Feature details
1272 label.matchCondition_contains = Contains
1273 label.matchCondition_notcontains = Does not contain
1274 label.matchCondition_matches = Matches
1275 label.matchCondition_notmatches = Does not match
1276 label.matchCondition_present = Is present
1277 label.matchCondition_notpresent = Is not present
1278 label.matchCondition_eq = =
1279 label.matchCondition_ne = not =
1280 label.matchCondition_lt = <
1281 label.matchCondition_le = <=
1282 label.matchCondition_gt = >
1283 label.matchCondition_ge = >=
1284 label.numeric_required = The value should be numeric
1285 label.filter = Filter
1286 label.filters = Filters
1287 label.join_conditions = Join conditions with
1288 label.delete_condition = Delete this condition
1289 label.score = Score
1290 label.colour_by_label = Colour by label
1291 label.variable_colour = Variable colour...
1292 label.select_colour_for = Select colour for {0}
1293 option.enable_disable_autosearch = When ticked, search is performed automatically
1294 option.autosearch = Autosearch
1295 label.retrieve_ids = Retrieve IDs
1296 label.display_settings_for = Display settings for {0} features
1297 label.simple_colour = Simple Colour
1298 label.colour_by_text = Colour by text
1299 label.graduated_colour = Graduated Colour
1300 label.by_text_of = By text of
1301 label.by_range_of = By range of
1302 label.or = Or
1303 label.and = And
1304 label.sequence_feature_colours = Sequence Feature Colours
1305 label.best_quality = Best Quality
1306 label.best_resolution = Best Resolution
1307 label.most_protein_chain = Most Protein Chain
1308 label.most_bound_molecules = Most Bound Molecules
1309 label.most_polymer_residues = Most Polymer Residues
1310 label.cached_structures = Cached Structures
1311 label.free_text_search = Free Text Search
1312 label.annotation_name = Annotation Name
1313 label.annotation_description = Annotation Description 
1314 label.edit_annotation_name_description = Edit Annotation Name/Description
1315 label.alignment = alignment
1316 label.pca = PCA
1317 label.create_image_of = Create {0} image of {1}
1318 label.click_to_edit = Click to edit, right-click for menu
1319 label.backupfiles_confirm_delete = Confirm delete
1320 label.backupfiles_confirm_delete_old_files = Delete the following older backup files? (see the Backups tab in Preferences for more options)
1321 label.backupfiles_confirm_save_file = Confirm save file
1322 label.backupfiles_confirm_save_file_backupfiles_roll_wrong = Something possibly went wrong with the backups of this file.
1323 label.backupfiles_confirm_save_new_saved_file_ok = The new saved file seems okay.
1324 label.backupfiles_confirm_save_new_saved_file_not_ok = The new saved file might not be okay.
1325 label.continue_operation = Continue operation?
1326 label.backups = Backups
1327 label.backup = Backup
1328 label.backup_files = Backup Files
1329 label.enable_backupfiles = Enable backup files
1330 label.backup_filename_strategy = Backup filename strategy
1331 label.append_to_filename = Append to filename (%n is replaced by the backup number)
1332 label.append_to_filename_tooltip = %n in the text will be replaced by the backup number. The text will appear after the filename. See the summary box above.
1333 label.index_digits = Number of digits to use for the backup number (%n)
1334 label.scheme_examples = Scheme examples
1335 label.increment_index = Increase appended text numbers - newest file has largest number.
1336 label.reverse_roll = "Roll" appended text numbers - newest backup file is always number 1.
1337 label.keep_files = Deleting old backup files
1338 label.keep_all_backup_files = Do not delete old backup files
1339 label.keep_only_this_number_of_backup_files = Keep only this number of most recent backup files
1340 label.autodelete_old_backup_files = Auto-delete old backup files:
1341 label.always_ask = Always ask
1342 label.auto_delete = Automatically delete
1343 label.filename = filename
1344 label.braced_oldest = (oldest)
1345 label.braced_newest = (most recent)
1346 label.configuration = Configuration
1347 label.configure_feature_tooltip = Click to configure variable colour or filters
1348 label.schemes = Schemes
1349 label.customise = Customise
1350 label.custom = Custom
1351 label.default = Default
1352 label.single_file = Single backup
1353 label.keep_all_versions = Keep all versions
1354 label.rolled_backups = Rolled backup files
1355 label.customise_description = Select Customise, make changes, and click on OK to save your own custom scheme
1356 label.custom_description = Your own saved scheme
1357 label.default_description = Keep the last three versions of the file
1358 label.single_file_description = Keep the last version of the file
1359 label.keep_all_versions_description = Keep all previous versions of the file
1360 label.rolled_backups_description = Keep the last nine versions of the file from _bak.1 (newest) to _bak.9 (oldest)
1361 label.cancel_changes_description = Cancel changes made to your last saved Custom scheme
1362 label.no_backup_files = NO BACKUP FILES
1363 label.include_backup_files = Include backup files
1364 label.cancel_changes = Cancel changes
1365 label.warning_confirm_change_reverse = Warning!\nIf you change the increment/decrement of the backup filename number, without changing the suffix or number of digits,\nthis may cause loss of backup files created with the previous backup filename scheme.\nAre you sure you wish to do this?
1366 label.change_increment_decrement = Change increment/decrement?
1367 label.newerdelete_replacement_line = Backup file\n''{0}''\t(modified {2}, size {4})\nis to be deleted and replaced by apparently older file\n''{1}''\t(modified {3}, size {5}).
1368 label.confirm_deletion_or_rename = Confirm deletion of ''{0}'' or rename to ''{1}''?
1369 label.newerdelete_line = Backup file\n''{0}''\t(modified {2}, size {4})\nis to be deleted but is newer than the oldest remaining backup file\n''{1}''\t(modified {3}, size {5}).
1370 label.confirm_deletion = Confirm deletion of ''{0}''?
1371 label.delete = Delete
1372 label.rename = Rename
1373 label.keep = Keep
1374 label.file_info = (modified {0}, size {1})
1375 label.annotation_name = Annotation Name
1376 label.annotation_description = Annotation Description 
1377 label.edit_annotation_name_description = Edit Annotation Name/Description
1378 label.alignment = alignment
1379 label.pca = PCA
1380 label.create_image_of = Create {0} image of {1}
1381 label.click_to_edit = Click to edit, right-click for menu
1382 label.by_annotation_tooltip = Annotation Colour is configured from the main Colour menu
1383 label.show_linked_features = Show {0} features
1384 label.on_top = on top
1385 label.include_linked_features = Include {0} features
1386 label.include_linked_tooltip = Include visible {0} features<br>converted to local sequence coordinates
1387 label.features_not_shown = {0} feature(s) not shown
1388 label.no_features_to_sort_by = No features to sort by
1389 label.ignore_hidden = Ignore hidden columns
1390 label.ignore_hidden_tooltip = Ignore any characters in hidden columns when matching
1391 label.log_level = Log level
1392 label.log_level_tooltip = Temporarily set the log level for this console. The log level will revert to {0} when this Java console is closed.
1393 label.copy_to_clipboard = Copy to clipboard
1394 label.copy_to_clipboard_tooltip = Copy all of the log text in this console to the system clipboard