2 // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.8-b130911.1802
3 // See <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a>
4 // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
5 // Generated on: 2018.12.20 at 11:47:26 AM GMT
9 package jalview.xml.binding.jalview;
11 import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
12 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
13 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
14 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
18 * This object contains factory methods for each
19 * Java content interface and Java element interface
20 * generated in the jalview.xml.binding.jalview package.
21 * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
22 * construct new instances of the Java representation
23 * for XML content. The Java representation of XML
24 * content can consist of schema derived interfaces
25 * and classes representing the binding of schema
26 * type definitions, element declarations and model
27 * groups. Factory methods for each of these are
28 * provided in this class.
32 public class ObjectFactory {
34 private final static QName _WebServiceParameterSet_QNAME = new QName("www.jalview.org/xml/wsparamset", "WebServiceParameterSet");
35 private final static QName _JalviewModel_QNAME = new QName("www.jalview.org", "JalviewModel");
36 private final static QName _JalviewUserColours_QNAME = new QName("www.jalview.org/colours", "JalviewUserColours");
39 * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: jalview.xml.binding.jalview
42 public ObjectFactory() {
46 * Create an instance of {@link AlcodonFrame }
49 public AlcodonFrame createAlcodonFrame() {
50 return new AlcodonFrame();
54 * Create an instance of {@link MapListType }
57 public MapListType createMapListType() {
58 return new MapListType();
62 * Create an instance of {@link Sequence }
65 public Sequence createSequence() {
66 return new Sequence();
70 * Create an instance of {@link Annotation }
73 public Annotation createAnnotation() {
74 return new Annotation();
78 * Create an instance of {@link SequenceSet }
81 public SequenceSet createSequenceSet() {
82 return new SequenceSet();
86 * Create an instance of {@link FeatureMatcherSet }
89 public FeatureMatcherSet createFeatureMatcherSet() {
90 return new FeatureMatcherSet();
94 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewUserColours }
97 public JalviewUserColours createJalviewUserColours() {
98 return new JalviewUserColours();
102 * Create an instance of {@link Pdbentry }
105 public Pdbentry createPdbentry() {
106 return new Pdbentry();
110 * Create an instance of {@link Feature }
113 public Feature createFeature() {
114 return new Feature();
118 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel }
121 public JalviewModel createJalviewModel() {
122 return new JalviewModel();
126 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.FeatureSettings }
129 public JalviewModel.FeatureSettings createJalviewModelFeatureSettings() {
130 return new JalviewModel.FeatureSettings();
134 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.PcaViewer }
137 public JalviewModel.PcaViewer createJalviewModelPcaViewer() {
138 return new JalviewModel.PcaViewer();
142 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.Viewport }
145 public JalviewModel.Viewport createJalviewModelViewport() {
146 return new JalviewModel.Viewport();
150 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JSeq }
153 public JalviewModel.JSeq createJalviewModelJSeq() {
154 return new JalviewModel.JSeq();
158 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer }
161 public JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer createJalviewModelJSeqRnaViewer() {
162 return new JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer();
166 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids }
169 public JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids createJalviewModelJSeqPdbids() {
170 return new JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids();
174 * Create an instance of {@link DoubleMatrix }
177 public DoubleMatrix createDoubleMatrix() {
178 return new DoubleMatrix();
182 * Create an instance of {@link AnnotationColourScheme }
185 public AnnotationColourScheme createAnnotationColourScheme() {
186 return new AnnotationColourScheme();
190 * Create an instance of {@link PcaDataType }
193 public PcaDataType createPcaDataType() {
194 return new PcaDataType();
198 * Create an instance of {@link DoubleVector }
201 public DoubleVector createDoubleVector() {
202 return new DoubleVector();
206 * Create an instance of {@link AlcodonFrame.Alcodon }
209 public AlcodonFrame.Alcodon createAlcodonFrameAlcodon() {
210 return new AlcodonFrame.Alcodon();
214 * Create an instance of {@link AlcodonFrame.AlcodMap }
217 public AlcodonFrame.AlcodMap createAlcodonFrameAlcodMap() {
218 return new AlcodonFrame.AlcodMap();
222 * Create an instance of {@link AnnotationElement }
225 public AnnotationElement createAnnotationElement() {
226 return new AnnotationElement();
230 * Create an instance of {@link Mapping }
233 public Mapping createMapping() {
234 return new Mapping();
238 * Create an instance of {@link MapListType.MapListFrom }
241 public MapListType.MapListFrom createMapListTypeMapListFrom() {
242 return new MapListType.MapListFrom();
246 * Create an instance of {@link MapListType.MapListTo }
249 public MapListType.MapListTo createMapListTypeMapListTo() {
250 return new MapListType.MapListTo();
254 * Create an instance of {@link SequenceType }
257 public SequenceType createSequenceType() {
258 return new SequenceType();
262 * Create an instance of {@link Sequence.DBRef }
265 public Sequence.DBRef createSequenceDBRef() {
266 return new Sequence.DBRef();
270 * Create an instance of {@link Annotation.ThresholdLine }
273 public Annotation.ThresholdLine createAnnotationThresholdLine() {
274 return new Annotation.ThresholdLine();
278 * Create an instance of {@link Annotation.Property }
281 public Annotation.Property createAnnotationProperty() {
282 return new Annotation.Property();
286 * Create an instance of {@link SequenceSet.SequenceSetProperties }
289 public SequenceSet.SequenceSetProperties createSequenceSetSequenceSetProperties() {
290 return new SequenceSet.SequenceSetProperties();
294 * Create an instance of {@link VAMSAS }
297 public VAMSAS createVAMSAS() {
302 * Create an instance of {@link FeatureMatcher }
305 public FeatureMatcher createFeatureMatcher() {
306 return new FeatureMatcher();
310 * Create an instance of {@link WebServiceParameterSet }
313 public WebServiceParameterSet createWebServiceParameterSet() {
314 return new WebServiceParameterSet();
318 * Create an instance of {@link FeatureMatcherSet.CompoundMatcher }
321 public FeatureMatcherSet.CompoundMatcher createFeatureMatcherSetCompoundMatcher() {
322 return new FeatureMatcherSet.CompoundMatcher();
326 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewUserColours.Colour }
329 public JalviewUserColours.Colour createJalviewUserColoursColour() {
330 return new JalviewUserColours.Colour();
334 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewUserColours.Filter }
337 public JalviewUserColours.Filter createJalviewUserColoursFilter() {
338 return new JalviewUserColours.Filter();
342 * Create an instance of {@link Pdbentry.Property }
345 public Pdbentry.Property createPdbentryProperty() {
346 return new Pdbentry.Property();
350 * Create an instance of {@link Feature.OtherData }
353 public Feature.OtherData createFeatureOtherData() {
354 return new Feature.OtherData();
358 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JGroup }
361 public JalviewModel.JGroup createJalviewModelJGroup() {
362 return new JalviewModel.JGroup();
366 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.UserColours }
369 public JalviewModel.UserColours createJalviewModelUserColours() {
370 return new JalviewModel.UserColours();
374 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.Tree }
377 public JalviewModel.Tree createJalviewModelTree() {
378 return new JalviewModel.Tree();
382 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Setting }
385 public JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Setting createJalviewModelFeatureSettingsSetting() {
386 return new JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Setting();
390 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Group }
393 public JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Group createJalviewModelFeatureSettingsGroup() {
394 return new JalviewModel.FeatureSettings.Group();
398 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SequencePoint }
401 public JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SequencePoint createJalviewModelPcaViewerSequencePoint() {
402 return new JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SequencePoint();
406 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.PcaViewer.Axis }
409 public JalviewModel.PcaViewer.Axis createJalviewModelPcaViewerAxis() {
410 return new JalviewModel.PcaViewer.Axis();
414 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMin }
417 public JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMin createJalviewModelPcaViewerSeqPointMin() {
418 return new JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMin();
422 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMax }
425 public JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMax createJalviewModelPcaViewerSeqPointMax() {
426 return new JalviewModel.PcaViewer.SeqPointMax();
430 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.Viewport.HiddenColumns }
433 public JalviewModel.Viewport.HiddenColumns createJalviewModelViewportHiddenColumns() {
434 return new JalviewModel.Viewport.HiddenColumns();
438 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.Viewport.CalcIdParam }
441 public JalviewModel.Viewport.CalcIdParam createJalviewModelViewportCalcIdParam() {
442 return new JalviewModel.Viewport.CalcIdParam();
446 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer.SecondaryStructure }
449 public JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer.SecondaryStructure createJalviewModelJSeqRnaViewerSecondaryStructure() {
450 return new JalviewModel.JSeq.RnaViewer.SecondaryStructure();
454 * Create an instance of {@link JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids.StructureState }
457 public JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids.StructureState createJalviewModelJSeqPdbidsStructureState() {
458 return new JalviewModel.JSeq.Pdbids.StructureState();
462 * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebServiceParameterSet }{@code >}}
465 @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "www.jalview.org/xml/wsparamset", name = "WebServiceParameterSet")
466 public JAXBElement<WebServiceParameterSet> createWebServiceParameterSet(WebServiceParameterSet value) {
467 return new JAXBElement<WebServiceParameterSet>(_WebServiceParameterSet_QNAME, WebServiceParameterSet.class, null, value);
471 * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link JalviewModel }{@code >}}
474 @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "www.jalview.org", name = "JalviewModel")
475 public JAXBElement<JalviewModel> createJalviewModel(JalviewModel value) {
476 return new JAXBElement<JalviewModel>(_JalviewModel_QNAME, JalviewModel.class, null, value);
480 * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link JalviewUserColours }{@code >}}
483 @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "www.jalview.org/colours", name = "JalviewUserColours")
484 public JAXBElement<JalviewUserColours> createJalviewUserColours(JalviewUserColours value) {
485 return new JAXBElement<JalviewUserColours>(_JalviewUserColours_QNAME, JalviewUserColours.class, null, value);