2010-04-28 jprocterfind incrementally searches ID then subsequence matches.
2010-04-28 jprocterexcludes
2010-04-28 jproctercheck class versions
2010-04-28 jprocter2.5 updates...
2010-04-28 jproctergraduated feature schemes
2010-04-28 jproctertypo
2010-04-28 jprocterenvision2 service
2010-04-28 jprocterbetter ui description
2010-04-28 jproctermake groups function
2010-04-28 jproctergraduated feature schemes (with visual indication of...
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association, logos, autocalc group...
2010-04-28 jprocternull pointer when double click event occurs without...
2010-04-28 jproctermake groups from selection
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association housekeeping
2010-04-26 jprocternew applet parameters: heightScale and widthScale
2010-04-26 jprocterbuild date output in the About box, and build details...
2010-04-26 jprocterdisabled the justify functions for 2.5 release (see...
2010-04-23 jprocterupgrade to Vamsas client 0.2
2010-04-23 jprocterskips any annotation that appears to be identical to...
2010-04-23 jprocternext attempt for Bug #36198 - appears to work reproducibly
2010-04-23 jproctertooltip is not shown for Annotation elements with zero...
2010-04-23 jprocterjavadoc
2010-04-23 jprocterthread off a Filechooser instance on startup to make...
2010-04-23 jprocterdefault value boolean parameter getter
2010-04-23 jprocterfix for bug #8333
2010-04-23 jprocterfix for bug #62456
2010-04-23 jprocterported logo rendering and label fit to column width...
2010-04-23 jprocterported basic elements of logo and group annotation...
2010-04-23 jprocterrefresh table method
2010-04-23 jprocter1.1 compatibility
2010-04-23 jprocter1.1 compatibility and refresh table method
2010-04-22 jprocternon-positional feature export in gff and features file...
2010-04-22 jprocterfeature settings is updated if new features are added...
2010-04-22 jprocterdoc and todo about setting position of new internal...
2010-04-22 jprocterensure there's always a space between ID and feature...
2010-04-16 jprocterpatch for bug #36198 - more to follow on Monday.
2010-04-16 jproctergraduated feature color editing
2010-04-16 jprocterexport graduated feature colors
2010-04-16 jproctertodo javadoc
2010-04-16 jprocterdefault for colourBylabel is false
2010-04-15 jprocternullpointer bugfix (another repaint racecondition)
2010-04-15 jprocterID tooltip preference settings and doc
2010-04-14 jprocterdialog box appears in centre of desktop window
2010-04-14 jproctertodo and disable selection sharing between views on...
2010-04-14 jprocterremove debug messages. fix order/reverse order issue...
2010-04-14 jprocterprofile visualizations are now logos
2010-04-14 jprocterfix order/reverse order issue for sortByFeature
2010-04-05 jprocterensure console contains build details in header
2010-04-05 jprocterregenerated binding for extensions to XML for 2.5
2010-04-05 jprocterjavadoc, and unimplemented warning for group associated...
2010-04-05 jprocterunnecessary code
2010-04-05 jprocterjavadoc
2010-04-05 jprocterExtend XML model for graduated feature colours, group...
2010-04-05 jprocterextend XML model for graduated feature colours, group...
2010-04-02 jprocterdocument XML extension
2010-04-02 jprocterjavadoc
2010-04-02 jproctermade threshold type enumaration into set of constants
2010-04-02 jprocterload and save graduated feature colours in XML
2010-04-02 jprocterextended Colour element with additional optional attrib...
2010-04-02 jprocterindicate the database id source associated with the...
2010-04-02 jproctercli length limit
2010-04-02 jprocterurllength limit and more efficient url construction
2010-04-02 jprocteravoid occasional null exception
2010-04-02 jprocterbetter truncation mechanism
2010-04-01 jprocterprevent duplicate service submission links
2010-04-01 jprocterreinstate submission of database Ids as well as sequenc...
2010-04-01 jprocterrefactored copy of groupURL mechanism into new Envision...
2010-04-01 jproctersay which url was a problem when exceptions are raised.
2010-04-01 jprocternew interface
2010-04-01 jproctertodo
2010-03-30 jproctergroup autoannotation and consensus display, annotation...
2010-03-30 jprocterdocumenting histogram colour spec
2010-03-30 jproctergroup autoannotation and consensus display settings
2010-03-30 jprocterbugfix for redraw when AlignPanel partially constructed...
2010-03-30 jproctername update for group autoannotation and consensus...
2010-03-26 jproctersync for cvs wierdness
2010-03-26 jproctersync for cvs wierdness
2010-03-26 jprocterFeatureColourI removed
2010-03-26 jproctergui/debug: integrate graduated feature colour editor...
2010-03-26 jproctergroup autocalc annotation update logic (still broken)
2010-03-26 jprocterconsole output to stderr and stdout, and console buffer...
2010-03-26 jprocterprofiles only shown for consensus row
2010-03-26 jprocterfix logic for annotation label popup (still outstanding...
2010-03-26 jprocterenable feature display when feature settings is opened.
2010-03-26 jproctercomments
2010-03-26 jproctertodo for graduated feature colours
2010-03-26 jproctercommented out for release
2010-03-26 jprocterindicate which registry timed out.
2010-03-26 jproctermore efficient group URL generation.
2010-03-22 jprocteronly do scaletofit for annotation labels
2010-03-22 jprocterensure that all bits of annotation panel (slider, annot...
2010-03-22 jprocternote to callers of adjustPanelHeight
2010-03-22 jproctertodo and sensible default setting of min/max for histog...
2010-03-22 jprocterSee note in Mantis bug #55537 : inconsistency between...
2010-03-18 jprocterdisabled simple blast parser for 2.4.1 release
2010-03-17 jproctersimple query anchored blast report parser (shh!)
2010-03-17 jproctersimple query anchored blast report parser (shh!)
2010-03-12 jprocter1.1 compatibility
2010-03-11 jprocterfiner column label format control and new 'scale label...