2019-05-24 gmungocJAL-3010 commit to allow merge
2019-04-25 gmungocJAL-3010 updated SO data file to latest 3.1
2019-04-25 gmungocJAL-3010 adjusted tooltips
2019-04-25 gmungocJAL-3010 tidy logging and Javadoc, extract method to...
2019-04-24 gmungocJAL-3010 TEMPORARY patch for BioJava bug to save all...
2019-04-24 gmungocJAL-3010 cache synonyms for Sequence Ontology terms
2019-04-22 gmungocJAL-3010 relocated ontology search method to OntologyBase
2019-04-22 gmungocJAL-3010 shorten Spanish text to fit space
2019-04-22 gmungocJAL-3010 choose feature types to apply changes to by...
2019-04-20 gmungocJAL-3010 unit test verify root SO terms are cached
2019-04-20 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-3010ontologyFe...
2019-04-20 gmungocJAL-2791 tailored message if find fails on selection...
2019-04-20 gmungocJAL-3010 discover root parent SO terms at runtime
2019-04-19 gmungocJAL-3010 offer 'apply to all {parent SO term} features...
2019-04-19 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into trialMerge
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-1793 basic help text for VCF option
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-3111 additional release notes
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-3111 small simplification of table tags, valign top
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-3111 release notes first pass complete
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-2620 updated help page to mention alternative genet...
2019-04-18 gmungocJAL-3193 dbSource always "ENSEMBL"
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 fix 2.11 html anchor in docs
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-3111_release_211' into...
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 Jalview 2.11 what’s New and estimated release...
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 tweak PCA documentation
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into documentation/JAL-3111_rele...
2019-04-16 gmungocMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3218scalePanelPopups' into develop
2019-04-15 gmungocJAL-3193 no separatge EnsemblGenomes source in Sequence...
2019-04-10 gmungocJAL-3193 rest.ensemblgenomes.org merged to rest.ensembl.org
2019-04-10 gmungocJAL-3018 REST version updated to 10.0
2019-04-03 gmungocJAL-3021 show Sequence Details with cursor at top
2019-04-02 gmungocJAL-3218 allow both Hide and Reveal in scale panel...
2019-03-29 gmungocJAL-3140 InstallAnywhere updated to intervalstore-v1...
2019-03-29 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2019-03-29 gmungocJAL-3140 intervalstore now v1.0 (public release)
2019-03-29 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 Disable the pubapplet target in build.xml...
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' of source.jalview.org/git/jalvie...
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 biojava dependencies
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 fix libquagua dependency paths - needs to...
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 fix jabaws dependency name in IA config
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 intervalstore library on IA classpath
2019-03-28 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 typo in IA config
2019-03-28 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2019-03-28 gmungocJAL-1889 patch for failing isControDown test on build...
2019-03-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 update InstallAnywhere dependencies for change...
2019-03-28 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3181linkOrdering' into develop
2019-03-27 gmungocJAL-2620 improved error reporting on failure to load...
2019-03-25 gmungocJAL-2717 adjusted code so default correctly returned...
2019-03-25 gmungocJAL-3127 scripts updated for method signature change
2019-03-23 gmungocJAL-1889 explicit recalc of geometry for scale left...
2019-03-23 gmungocJAL-1889 remove debug logging, add updateLayout()
2019-03-22 gmungocJAL-1889 more debug logging
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 better debug logging
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 temporary debug in findColumn()
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 added belt and braces deleteOnExit() to test...
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 correct props param, remove dasserver, output...
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 more diagnostics for CommandLineOperations
2019-03-21 gmungocJAL-1889 diagnostics for failing test on server
2019-03-20 gmungocJAL-3093 fine tuning of SeqPanel tooltip
2019-03-20 gmungocJAL-3212 unit test and fix for Scale Panel bug
2019-03-15 gmungocJAL-2964 missed branch for restore link tree to all...
2019-03-15 gmungocJAL-3203 Overview show hidden default false also in...
2019-03-12 gmungocJAL-1270 missing 'alwaysRun=true' added to setup/teardown
2019-03-12 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3127_seqidChainshading' into...
2019-03-12 gmungocJAL-3127 check for null viewport
2019-03-11 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into merge/JAL-3127
2019-03-11 gmungocJAL-1270 JAL-2416 JAL-2839 set alwaysRun=true in test...
2019-03-11 gmungocJAL-3127 fix faulty merge
2019-03-11 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into merge/JAL-3127
2019-03-11 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-2250colourAllGroups' into...
2019-03-11 gmungocJAL-3201 restore group colours correctly from project
2019-03-11 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3127_seqidChainshading' into...
2019-03-11 gmungocJAL-3206 strict above/below threshold test restored
2019-03-11 gmungocMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3075' into develop
2019-03-08 gmungocJAL-3193 defensive trim of URL read from properties...
2019-03-08 gmungocJAL-2903 typos fixed
2019-03-08 gmungocJAL-3075 update column selection on mouse up after...
2019-03-07 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3180colourAnnotationMenu...
2019-03-07 gmungocJAL-2250 default Apply Colour to All Groups selected
2019-03-07 Jim ProcterJAL-3127 set ‘updateStructures’ flag for viewports...
2019-03-07 gmungocJAL-2717 JAL-2360 belated unit tests for ColourMenuHelper
2019-03-07 gmungocJAL-2717 corrected i18n of colour scheme names
2019-03-07 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-3205symmetricCalc' into develop
2019-03-07 gmungocJAL-3035 removed spring libraries as only used for...
2019-03-06 gmungocMerge branch 'tasks/JAL-3035_remove_dasobert_dependency...
2019-03-06 gmungocJAL-3035 restored erroneous deletion
2019-03-06 gmungocMerge branch 'tasks/JAL-3035_remove_dasobert_dependency...
2019-03-06 gmungocJAL-3035 more das bits removed
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3201groupClustal' into develop
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/features/JAL-2620a...
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2621' into develop
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug/JAL-3141_Messa...
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug/JAL-2839findWi...
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug/JAL-914multipl...
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/features/JAL-2814f...
2019-03-05 Ben SoaresJAL-3141 Fixed inconsistent (changed) message labels...
2019-03-05 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug/JAL-3002fastPa...
2019-03-05 gmungocJAL-3049 JAL-3032 tidy/i18n code, remove redundant...
2019-03-05 gmungocJAL-3049 redo (part of) commit 92bc328