JAL-1473 make it easier to generate HTML documentation for similarity matrices
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / analysis /
2014-05-22 Jim ProcterJAL-1503 update version in GPL header
2014-05-01 Jim Proctermake sure valid value for non-gapped calculation with...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 don't include empty columns if no upstream...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 improved test and patched off by one that...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 new calculation menu option to recover the...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1473 refactor score matrices and tree score calcula...
2014-02-25 Jim ProcterJAL-1454 catch exceptions during calculation and report...
2014-02-03 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'Release_2_8_0b1_Branch' into try_r20b1_merge
2014-01-29 Jim ProcterJAL-1432 updated copyright notices
2013-10-16 Jim ProcterJAL-1395 do not calculate non-gap consensus when no...
2013-09-03 Jim ProcterJAL-1373 tweak precision calculation so alignments...
2013-09-03 Jim ProcterJAL-920 compute a consensus for single sequence
2013-09-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1373 generate percentages with appropriate precision
2013-09-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1373 pass size of sequence set to consensus renderi...
2013-06-17 Jim ProcterJAL-1035 option to allow 'STOP' codon to translate...
2013-06-17 Jim ProcterJAL-1312 rewrite of code for first reported exception...
2013-06-17 Jim ProcterJAL-1318 - route warnings to stderr (need to find a...
2013-06-17 Jim ProcterJAL-1318 avoid failure if SequenceI objects don't have...
2013-06-17 Jim ProcterJAL-966 avoid using java.util.Vector
2012-11-08 jproctertidy imports
2012-10-22 jprocterJalview 2.8 Source Header
2012-10-03 jprocterformatting
2012-09-06 jprocterJAL-1013 - employ index parameter rather than hardcode...
2012-09-02 jprocterJAL-1007 refactored code and patched calculation bug
2012-08-03 jprocterJAL-1115 reference to List<SequenceI> passed in 'alignm...
2012-06-15 jprocterformatting
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-1125 option to switch between Jalview and SeqSpace...
2012-06-15 jprocterMerge branch 'JAL-1013_pca_rna_dna' into develop
2012-06-13 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-12 jprocterJAL-1115 refactor base collection for Alignment from...
2012-06-07 jprocterJAL-967, JAL-1114, JAL-1115 more concurrent access...
2012-06-07 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-07 jprocterJAL-967, JAL-1114, JAL-1115 - modified render and calcu...
2012-05-31 jprocterformatting
2012-05-30 jprocterJAL-1114 - refactor methods handling Vectors and Hashta...
2012-04-20 jprocter(JAL-1071) hacked the square matrix that stores the...
2011-12-08 jprocter(JAL-1013) allow sequence type to be specified enabling...
2011-10-28 jprocterJAL-885 more efficient calculation and robust for misma...
2011-10-28 jprocteruse stack rather than vector and throw parse exceptions
2011-10-28 jprocterJAL-580 ensure WUSS annotation is reparsed if necessary...
2011-10-21 jprocterstatic convenience methods for constructing and calcula...
2011-10-21 jprocteruse List rather than Vector
2011-10-11 jprocternormalised logo rendering (JAL-958)
2011-10-10 jprocterupdate author list in license for (JAL-826)
2011-10-04 jprocterMerge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/2_5_1_rna_...
2011-09-27 jprocterapply version 2.7 copyright
2011-09-16 jprocterpatch for JAL-935 - warning messages raised when alignm...
2011-08-30 jprocterfix for JAL-917 - ensure all sequence strings are made...
2011-08-30 jprocterfix for JAL-917 - ensure all sequence strings are made...
2011-08-15 janengelhardtJAL-891; Tooltips for Structure logos implemented;
2011-08-15 janengelhardtJAL-891; Labeling of structure conservation is improved...
2011-08-15 janengelhardtJAL-891; Sorting of Structure logo implemented; bug...
2011-08-10 janengelhardtJAL-885; Structure conservation row is just added if...
2011-08-09 janengelhardtJAL-891; base-pair logos can now be activated for structure
2011-08-08 janengelhardtJAL-891; structure logo is adapted to two char's; Missi...
2011-08-08 janengelhardtJAL-891; sequence logos are available on structure...
2011-08-03 janengelhardtJAL-885; Multi-helix bug is solved; One should think...
2011-07-31 janengelhardtJAL-885; StructureConservation row is displayed at...
2011-07-29 janengelhardtJAL-885; Implementation of StructureFrequency.java...
2011-07-25 janengelhardtStart merging of Laurens Code
2011-07-21 jprocterretrieve all sequences matching a particular name ...
2011-07-09 jproctertodo re JAL-732
2011-05-30 jprocterbug for clients using NJTree directly - pwtype should...
2011-04-07 jprocterresolves JAL-804
2011-02-27 jprocterpatch for JAL-780
2011-02-18 jprocterfix for occasional race conditions
2011-01-17 jproctereliminate utf8 compilation errors
2011-01-07 jprocterrefactored to use SequenceI
2010-11-14 jprocternode rename for deuniquifying trees from web service...
2010-09-23 jprocterNPE race condition alert - see JAL-661
2010-09-23 jprocterapply jalview code style
2010-09-23 jprocterJalview 2.6 source licence
2010-09-02 jprocterfix occasional arrayIndexOutOfBounds when sequences...
2010-08-18 jprocteroutput the eigenvector matrix in full: JAL-616
2010-06-29 jprocterpatch for npe that occurs for importing Jalview project...
2010-05-12 jprocterfix for JAL-527
2010-04-30 jprocterjalview 2.5 release banner
2010-04-28 jprocterfind incrementally searches ID then subsequence matches.
2010-04-14 jprocterfix order/reverse order issue for sortByFeature
2009-11-02 jproctergracefully cope with non-standard nucleotide or amino...
2009-08-21 jprocter1.1 compatibility
2009-08-21 jprocternew sortbyPID for specific start/end region
2009-08-21 jproctercommented debug lines indicating calculation progress
2009-08-21 jprocterstart/stop for per-group consensus calculation
2009-08-21 jprocterstore symbol profile and extract it for display
2009-08-21 jprocterroutines for creating groups over an alignment
2009-07-24 jproctercomplete alignment annotation row procedure
2009-06-24 jproctertake the average of the three consecutive codon sites...
2009-06-19 jprocterdebug
2009-06-08 jprocterapply gpl development license
2009-06-01 jprocterlook in database references for more ID strings to...
2009-06-01 jprocterapply method for a NodeTransform to nodes in a tree
2009-02-06 jprocterfix occasional nullpointer ref when seq ID retrieval...
2008-12-19 jproctersort by length
2008-12-15 jproctertemporary fix and note about null feature group mucking...
2008-12-08 jprocteroutput average score to stdout
2008-12-08 jprocternew sort functions for ordering sequence by annotated...
2008-12-01 jproctermatch case switch should work for both sequence ID...
2008-11-12 jprocterminor translation bug
2008-11-12 jprocteravoid exception if search returns valid object but...