[jalview.git] / src / jalview / ws /
2009-02-24 jprocterbugfix the bugfix
2009-02-24 jprocterbug fixes (infinite loop when fetcher given same sequen...
2009-01-08 jprocterrefactor
2008-12-19 jproctersimple transformation of feature types like dbref and...
2008-12-19 jproctertodo
2008-12-19 jprocterwsdbfetch parameter change again (uniprotkb is dbname...
2008-12-08 jprocterDAS feature scores are parsed into floats on sequence...
2008-12-04 jprocterfetch database references for all EBI db + selected...
2008-12-04 jproctersequence fetchers generated for local das sequence...
2008-12-04 jprocterminimise exceptions for bad uniprot ids
2008-12-04 jprocterselect source by implementation class
2008-12-04 jprocterfix null pointer exception for sources which don't...
2008-11-12 jprocterbugfix to safely deal with server exception resulting...
2008-11-04 jprocterbugfix db ref retrieve routine so it removes dead query...
2008-11-04 jprocterimplemented embl validation properly
2008-11-04 jprocterimplemented embl validation properly
2008-09-09 jprocterlinks associated with non-positional features do not...
2008-09-04 jproctermerge from 2_4_Release branch
2008-08-26 jprocterupdate Jpred3 service referenec
2008-08-26 jprocteruses shared singleton from jalview.gui.SequenceFetcher...
2008-08-26 jprocterpdb xrefs added as dbrefs and as PDB file links
2008-08-15 jprocterxrefs retrieved from Uniprot
2008-08-06 jprocterextra checks for datasetsequence for when getDbRefs...
2008-08-04 jprocterstackoverflow fix
2008-08-04 jprocterpfam seed and full alignment retrieval and nicer orderi...
2008-08-01 jprocterupdated jalview version of dasobert 1.53e client and...
2008-07-31 jprocterrefactored method for registering instance of a dbSourc...
2008-07-31 jprocterquick fix for the new uniprot name schema - description...
2008-07-31 jprocteradded specific retrieval arguments to SequneceFetcher...
2008-05-26 jprocterUniprot is not actually a multi-acc capable source...
2008-05-26 jprocterbugfix so MULTI_ACC capable sources value property...
2008-04-29 jprocteradded SeqSearch service interface. Documented and refac...
2008-04-17 jprocterbugfix for refactoring (webservice windows wouldn't...
2008-04-17 jprocterjavadoc and refactor of setWebService method to allow...
2008-04-17 jprocterjavadoc for webservice client tutorial
2008-04-17 jproctertodos
2008-04-11 jprocterfix JPred thread so job aborts if submission fails.
2008-02-22 jprocterexplicit quote of chaincode in errror message
2008-01-22 jprocterensured that seqeunce feature shift takes into account...
2007-12-21 jprocteruniprotxml format comment (ebi changed service parameter)
2007-12-21 jproctersequence db fetcher and db reference validation/annotat...
2007-11-16 jproctertypo
2007-11-16 jprocterjavadoc
2007-11-16 jprocteradded generic method for adding new database proxies...
2007-11-16 jprocterrefactored ebi soap client and AbstractSequenceFetcher...
2007-11-16 jprocterrefactor abstract sequence fetching and DBSource machin...
2007-11-12 jprocteradded mechanism to initiate DAS feature fetching progra...
2007-10-31 jprocterfactored out reference to parent alignFrame (so all...
2007-10-29 jprocterbugfix for alignments without aligned codon frames
2007-10-24 jprocterindividual query error/exception report and bugfix
2007-09-29 jprocteralways update PDBEntry list if DBRefEntries might have...
2007-09-29 jprocteruse pdb refsource string
2007-09-10 jprocterensure dbrefs are added to dataset sequence.
2007-08-30 jprocterrefactored and ensured alCodonMappings are propagated...
2007-08-24 jprocterremove null pointer exception when embl file is not...
2007-08-08 jproctergeneralise name of prediction method
2007-07-13 jprocternew DBRef management and generalised source and entry...
2007-02-07 amwaterhouseFormatting
2007-01-25 amwaterhouseCommand takes alignment, not gapChar
2007-01-18 amwaterhouseFile Parsing returns Alignments, not Sequence[]
2006-12-21 amwaterhouseremove unnecessary import
2006-12-05 amwaterhouseSequence is char []
2006-11-30 amwaterhouseindexOf replaces contains
2006-11-30 jprocterfix bad grammar in new alignment title
2006-11-08 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary imports
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseUses RemoveGapsCommand
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseRemove variables not used
2006-10-06 jprocterAdded filter so that input to a JPred job is *solely...
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseAlignFrame must take width and height
2006-08-22 jprocterhidden region recovery in JPred and new hidden region...
2006-08-21 amwaterhouseheader updated
2006-08-21 jprocterRefactored Jnet and added hidden columns support.
2006-08-21 jprocteravoid null pointer exceptions
2006-08-17 jproctermoved visible sub-alignment extraction and update from...
2006-08-15 jprocterfirst stage of adapting JNet client to hidden regions...
2006-08-15 jprocterfixed alignment ordering name.
2006-08-15 amwaterhouseWRITEABLE_FORMATS and READABLE_FORMATS string []
2006-08-14 jprocterrefactored to create generic polling thread and subjobs
2006-08-14 jproctermultiple subjobs can be cancelled and gui only allows...
2006-08-14 jprocterfixing residue clip bug in MsaWSThread and adding minim...
2006-08-13 jprocterfixed end-residue bug and subjob panel names bug
2006-08-11 jproctermultiple web service jobs from visible blocks of an...
2006-08-04 jprocterrecover original data for tree and pca as alignment...
2006-07-26 jprocterIgnore list created
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseMerge new frame buttons added
2006-05-17 jprocterrefactored code for creating JNet annotations
2006-05-16 jprocteradded popup warning when proxy settings must be configured.
2006-05-12 jprocterrearranged discoverer to dynamically update on demand
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseAnnotations must createSequenceMapping if seqRef not...
2006-04-06 amwaterhouseMust copy feature settings from one frame to another...
2006-04-06 amwaterhouseMust copy feature settings from one frame to another...
2006-03-20 amwaterhouseCorrect reference
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseIdentifyFile should not be static
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseAdd Annotation to specific sequence
2005-12-22 amwaterhouseAnnotations.Graph can be bargraph, linegraph
2005-12-08 jproctermodified jnet parsing exception report string.
2005-12-08 amwaterhouseAfter merge
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseafter merge
2005-09-30 amwaterhouseRemove redundancy in Eclipse
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseCreate Instance of FormatAdapter