2010-06-04 jproctercorrect popup menu, ensure panel doesn't disappear...
2010-06-04 jprocterfirst patch for JAL-563 - attempt to relayout annotatio...
2010-06-04 jprocterensure panel doesn't disappear when empty (patches...
2010-06-04 jprocterpatches for JAL-554 and JAL-570
2010-06-04 jprocterfocus is explicitly handed back to caller (JAL-566)
2010-06-04 jprocterfocus is explicitly handed back to caller (JAL-566)
2010-06-03 jproctertypo (ahem)
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch ensuring annotation is output correctly re *...
2010-06-03 jprocterpatch and error reports re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterjavadoc re JAL-554
2010-06-03 jprocterfix and warning message in case the JWS2 jar is not...
2010-06-01 jprocterpatches for # JAL-254 and JAL-548
2010-05-21 jproctermore robust discovery and preset support
2010-05-21 jprocterpreset and argument support
2010-05-21 jproctercomment about trapping OOMs
2010-05-21 jproctercommented out debug code
2010-05-21 jprocterquick workaround for JAL-537.
2010-05-17 jprocterstatus can be null to begin with
2010-05-17 jprocterpullJobExecutionStats for JAL-493
2010-05-17 jprocterminor fix for * JAL-537
2010-05-17 jproctermore robust jws2 service discovery
2010-05-17 jprocterrefactored old jalview service code to its own package.
2010-05-17 jprocteralways pass full web service exception details to the log
2010-05-17 jprocteralways pass full web service exception details to the log
2010-05-17 jprocteralways log info about services that are discovered
2010-05-14 jprocterFirst patch for * JAL-493
2010-05-14 jprocterFirst patch for * JAL-493
2010-05-14 jprocterstandard function for bootstrapping discovery threads
2010-05-14 jprocterallow initLogger to be called multiple times
2010-05-14 jprocterpartial patch for * JAL-466
2010-05-14 jprocterfix for JAL-533
2010-05-12 jprocterdebug comment
2010-05-12 jprocterpatch for JAL-528
2010-05-12 jprocterfix for JAL-527
2010-05-01 jprocterjalview 2.5 documentation (still)
2010-05-01 jprocterbranched 2.5 version
2010-05-01 jprocterrelocatable reference to build file and dropped groovy... Root_Release_2_5_Branch
2010-05-01 jprocterhref for version
2010-04-30 jprocter2.5 release details Release_2_5 Release_2_5_branch
2010-04-30 jprocter2.5 release notes
2010-04-30 jprocterget the html header comment right!
2010-04-30 jprocterget the html header comment right!
2010-04-30 jproctertidying for 2.5 release
2010-04-30 jprocterpatch for bug #59999
2010-04-30 jprocterdoc
2010-04-30 jproctersort by length
2010-04-30 jprocterjalview 2.5 release banner
2010-04-30 jprocterjalview 2.5 release banner
2010-04-30 jprocterclasspath for eclipse is shared
2010-04-30 jprocter2.5 doc
2010-04-30 jprocter2.5 hidden capabilities
2010-04-30 jproctervamsas 0.2 client capabilities
2010-04-29 jproctermake sure references are intact when group annotation...
2010-04-29 jprocterhighlighting/selecting is application only for 2.5...
2010-04-29 jprocter2.5 release doc
2010-04-29 jprocterisAligned assertion (bug 0008144)
2010-04-29 jprocterproperty change race condition (bug 0062693) and isAlig...
2010-04-29 jprocterhide/show selected region menu entries and key bindings
2010-04-29 jprocternew selection manipulation method
2010-04-29 jprocterpopup menu toggles between graduated colour and single...
2010-04-29 jprocterosx pixel tweak
2010-04-29 jproctereclipse source code formatting
2010-04-29 jproctershare eclipse settings
2010-04-28 jprocterjog pixels for OSX
2010-04-28 jprocterosx button colouring issue
2010-04-28 jprocterjog pixels for OSX
2010-04-28 jprocterfind incrementally searches ID then subsequence matches...
2010-04-28 jprocterfind incrementally searches ID then subsequence matches.
2010-04-28 jprocterexcludes
2010-04-28 jproctercheck class versions
2010-04-28 jprocter2.5 updates...
2010-04-28 jproctergraduated feature schemes
2010-04-28 jproctertypo
2010-04-28 jprocterenvision2 service
2010-04-28 jprocterbetter ui description
2010-04-28 jproctermake groups function
2010-04-28 jproctergraduated feature schemes (with visual indication of...
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association, logos, autocalc group...
2010-04-28 jprocternull pointer when double click event occurs without...
2010-04-28 jproctermake groups from selection
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association
2010-04-28 jproctergroup/annotation association housekeeping
2010-04-26 jprocternew applet parameters: heightScale and widthScale
2010-04-26 jprocterbuild date output in the About box, and build details...
2010-04-26 jprocterdisabled the justify functions for 2.5 release (see...
2010-04-23 jprocterupgrade to Vamsas client 0.2
2010-04-23 jprocterskips any annotation that appears to be identical to...
2010-04-23 jprocternext attempt for Bug #36198 - appears to work reproducibly
2010-04-23 jproctertooltip is not shown for Annotation elements with zero...
2010-04-23 jprocterjavadoc
2010-04-23 jprocterthread off a Filechooser instance on startup to make...
2010-04-23 jprocterdefault value boolean parameter getter
2010-04-23 jprocterfix for bug #8333
2010-04-23 jprocterfix for bug #62456
2010-04-23 jprocterported logo rendering and label fit to column width...
2010-04-23 jprocterported basic elements of logo and group annotation...
2010-04-23 jprocterrefresh table method
2010-04-23 jprocter1.1 compatibility
2010-04-23 jprocter1.1 compatibility and refresh table method