JAL-2049 revised computePeptideVariants to transfer id, clinical_sig
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / analysis / AlignmentUtils.java
2016-04-14 gmungocJAL-2049 revised computePeptideVariants to transfer...
2016-04-12 gmungocJAL-2049 separate protein variant per dna variant ...
2016-04-01 gmungocJAL-1705 ensure the right mapping is used to align...
2016-04-01 gmungocJAL-1705 reworked AlignmentUtils.makeCdsAlignment and...
2016-03-11 gmungocJAL-1705 refactoring etc for fetching Ensembl --> Uniprot
2016-03-07 gmungocJAL-2023 CDS sequences added to / share alignment dataset
2016-03-03 gmungocJAL-1705 include stop codons in derived CDS; support...
2016-03-02 gmungocJAL-1705 include any unmapped protein start 'X' when...
2016-03-01 gmungocJAL-1705 align CDS to transcripts
2016-02-01 gmungocJAL-1705 JAL-1191 SequenceOntologyLite added as hard...
2016-01-28 gmungocJAL-1705 refine feature copying to including 5' and...
2016-01-28 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into JAL-1705_trialMerge
2016-01-23 gmungocJAL-1705 compute peptide variants from dna; add "conseq...
2016-01-21 gmungocJAL-1705 transfer features to the dataset sequence...
2016-01-21 gmungocJAL-1705 features transferred to CDS sequence; makeExon...
2015-12-22 gmungocJAL-653 AlignedCodonFrame collections changed from...
2015-11-30 gmungocJAL-653 small comment change only
2015-10-15 tcofoegbuJAL-1479 refactored SequenceI interface - changed getDB...
2015-10-07 Jim ProcterJAL-1894 source formatting
2015-09-14 gmungocJAL-1880 handle sequence offsets properly when mapping...
2015-09-10 Jim ProcterJAL-1645 source formatting and organise imports
2015-09-09 gmungocJAL-1619 'align protein as cDNA' now leaves unmapped...
2015-09-07 gmungocJAL-1636 translate stop codon as '*', mouseover * as...
2015-08-17 gmungocJAL-1800 separated SearchResults.getCharacters() from...
2015-06-04 gmungocJAL-1544 spelling in javadoc only
2015-05-12 gmungocJAL-1712 fixes/tests for Castor binding and 'show flank...
2015-04-21 gmungocJAL-1693 mappings added back to the original alignment
2015-04-14 gmungocJAL-1693 generate multiple exon sequences for 1-many...
2015-04-13 gmungocJAL-1693 make exon alignment for get-xref splitframe...
2015-03-30 gmungocJAL-1264 remove broken applet build dependencies
2015-03-26 gmungocMerge develop to Release_2_8_3_Branch
2015-03-06 Jim ProcterJAL-1683 replace year/version strings with tokens in...
2014-12-22 Jim ProcterMerge: 497958b 68dcaa7
2014-12-15 Jim ProcterJAL-1620 version bump and release notes
2014-11-27 Jim ProcterJAL-674 add sequence associated annotation rows to...
2014-10-30 gmungocJAL-1152 prototype of new Annotations menu with sort...
2014-06-06 Jim ProcterJAL-1517 source formatting
2014-06-06 Jim ProcterJAL-1517 fix copyright for 2.8.2
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 don't include empty columns if no upstream...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 improved test and patched off by one that...
2014-04-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1466 new calculation menu option to recover the...