Allow for scroller position
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui /
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseBrackets around orgin calculation
2006-05-01 amwaterhouseIf Mac, use the fillRoundRect method
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseHelix sizes
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseBack to gray line
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseBack to gray line
2006-04-28 amwaterhousevalidCharWidth moved to viewport
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseAnnoying little line at end of wrapped alignment
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseHelix glyphs fixed
2006-04-04 amwaterhouseDraw threshold over graph
2006-04-04 amwaterhouseScrolls if dragged off the screen
2006-03-24 amwaterhouseNo need to hava SSX as array
2006-03-16 amwaterhouseFix for Finn Drablos bug. Must use equals for comparing...
2006-03-16 amwaterhouse-1 to drawGraphs
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseAllow for hidden columns
2006-02-16 amwaterhouseSliderPanel removed
2006-02-15 amwaterhouseThreshold single element
2006-02-08 amwaterhouseCheck endRes
2006-02-03 amwaterhouseTooltip for multiple graph lines updated
2006-01-30 amwaterhouseDont draw origin beyond end of alignment
2006-01-30 amwaterhouseGraphGroups added
2005-12-22 amwaterhouseAnnotations.Graph can be bargraph, linegraph
2005-09-27 amwaterhouseShow labels in wrapped view
2005-09-22 amwaterhouseWrap alignment with annotations
2005-09-20 amwaterhouseMake sure fontmetrics is not null
2005-09-19 amwaterhouseMake sure fontmetrics exists for headless state
2005-09-16 amwaterhouseCheck image is not null in fast paint
2005-09-12 amwaterhousenull pointers removed
2005-09-12 amwaterhouseNull pointers removed
2005-09-12 amwaterhouseSize checking in drawGraph
2005-09-08 amwaterhouseCorrect mouse pressed bug
2005-08-30 amwaterhouseRepaint annotations after edit
2005-08-26 amwaterhouseCreate new image only on resize, set fontMetrics on...
2005-08-24 amwaterhouseGive extra pixel for graph values Release_2_04
2005-08-15 amwaterhouseIgnoreGapsConsensus
2005-06-30 amwaterhouseFormatting changes
2005-06-15 amwaterhouseadd / remove editable columns
2005-06-14 amwaterhouseToolTip updated
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseFormatted source
2005-06-08 amwaterhouseGPL license added
2005-05-26 amwaterhousecheck for null residues
2005-04-15 amwaterhousefontmetrics must be obtained after font change
2005-04-14 amwaterhouseupdate status bar with mouse over
2005-04-13 amwaterhousedraws last residue
2005-04-08 amwaterhouseendREs -1
2005-04-08 amwaterhouseclear the last area in fast paint
2005-04-08 jprocterAlignment quality with funky coloured histograms.
2005-04-07 amwaterhouseGRPAH_HEIGHT variable
2005-04-07 amwaterhousefastPaint flag added
2005-04-06 jprocternext version of Jpred functionality using new client...
2005-04-06 amwaterhouseFast paint method implemented
2005-04-01 amwaterhouseAlignment Annotation added